"Women want this, and women want that, and women's issues, and women's rights, and the woman vote, and blah, blah, blah, blah."
I am sick of being told that the right to shred and dismember my own offspring is important -- no essential -- to me as a woman. Don't anyone dare say that my womanhood is defined by child killing. I mean, seriously, don't say it to my face.
How dare Obama keep up the sick line that I can only have a "fair shot" as a woman if I am chemically sterilized, surgically neutered, or the contents of my uterus aborted. What kind of anti-female garbage is that? And if he and Michelle use their young daughters one more time to promote abortion as the way to "success" (I am happy to provide a list of all the times they've done it), I will scream. Those girls are going to think their parents expect them to be promiscuous, get knocked up and abort! Seriously, that is borderline child abuse to use them again and again in that context, so publicly.
And get OFF of it with all this talk about how "women felt offended or uncomfortable" with Obama and Romney "fighting" at the debate. WTH??? I loved it! Let men be men! Let them hash it out, and vigorously. Bring it! I am not a weak little flower who needs smelling salts or gets the vapors, I am not a "victim" like the whiny feminists who need others to buy them their contraception or they cannot possibly go on in life.
I am a strong, confident woman who is SICK of people speaking for me about what a woman is or does or wants. KNOCK IT OFF!!!
Not polished, this post, but seriously, I've just about had it.
ReplyDeleteLiberals often make the absurd claim to speak for entire groups of people. Categorizing abortion exclusively as a women's rights issue is ludicrous because not all women favor abortion. Many don't! If I had to pick one thing I don't like about the left, it would be the idea that we KNOW what women or black people or poor people want, and that we speak for all of them.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's equally absurd that the pundits claim women are "turned off" by this sort of thing. However, I think that one is coming entirely from the right (then again, I don't watch much TV so I could be wrong).
I think Obama won the debate because he went into detail about his own plans and accomplishments, he challenged Romney's (often wrong or sketchy) facts, and the memorable exchanges all went his way. Romney's best answers were all anti-Obama, not pro-Romney, whereas Obama had more of a mix. However, we'll have to wait a few days to see if this affected the race.
My theory is that the red tie makes you a better debater.
Can I get an amen from the back! Preach it, Leila. Truth doesn't always require polish. And at the risk of starting an argument I have no intention of actually participating in, most of my pro-Romney answers are actually anti-Obama too. Romney was not my choice to win the Republican nomination, but now that he has, I WILL vote for him. Though to be honest, I'd sooner vote for Larry the Cable Guy than the incumbent--and those who know me would know just how hard an Obama slam that is. Though I'm unsure how much good any of it does, to be honest.
ReplyDeleteCassi, I understand!
ReplyDeleteChris, yes, I think Obama brought his game tonight, but I still am not ready to say he won. The Luntz focus group in Nevada of undecided voters gave the edge to Romney. I have a habit of "real time" facebook threading the debates with lots of other great Catholics, and we were pretty stoked about Romney's performance. Now, he lost momentum with that Candy Crowley "flag", which is unfortunate, because minutes after the debate, she herself admitted that Romney was right:
Sorry for the crazy link, but it's worth it to see her try to fix that up.
I'm gonna agree that the red tie makes one a better debater, ha ha!
WooHoo, you can speak for me anytime!!!
ReplyDeleteSeriously. You said it.
ReplyDeleteLeila! You rock! I am ALSO sick and tired of all this crap! And that's exactly what it is! As a woman, being defined by my "nether regions" is disgusting, degrading, and reduces us to second class citizens!
ReplyDeleteYou time and time again unveil the false mask of "sacred violence" that is protected by the idols of sexism under the guise of feminism.
ReplyDeleteI love your insight about using his daughters to promote his agenda. That is very true and down right sick.
ReplyDeletePreach it sister!
ReplyDeleteBravo!! I couldn't agree more.
ReplyDeleteMy sentiments exactly!
ReplyDeleteI have felt that way for decades (yikes!) Leila, and it is one of the reasons I left the Democratic Party. They had big campaigns to support women in politics, but only thoroughly liberal, thoroughly pro-choice women could be considered. It was as if you had to pass a litmus test to be considered female! And it wasn't just abortion that you had to toe the line on - Margaret Thatcher was not pro-life, sadly, but she was anti-Marxist and that was not allowed. It always seemed to me like Mrs. Thatcher was invisible to these people who supposedly wanted to see all women succeed. It is all such a lie, and the world they advocate for is so anti-woman. Women suffer from abortion, women and children suffer in greater numbers from poverty, women are at greater risk of losing their fertility from STD's... and all of that is ignored by the "we care more about women" crowd.
ReplyDeleteWhat I find funny... except not really... is that my women friends who are liberally always tout "We should be able to make our own decisions! We have a right to do what we want with our bodies!" but yet they advocate for a man and a party that is trying to shove abortion and contraceptives down everyone's throat, trying to tell women that we NEED these things to be successful and have an awesome life (i.e. live like a man)... it just makes me want to blow up at them, so much. Either be for choice or don't, and let me choose to not pay for your BC pills and/or abortion, thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteAMEN. I have a Catholic woman friend who LOVES Obama and says, "He stands up for women." IS SHE KIDDING? I hope she reads your post, Leila. I have put it up on my Facebook page with the hopes she will see it!
ReplyDeleteI am not the woman OBAMA THINKS I SHOULD BE. I AM NOT SHE!!
I agree!
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe Obama trotted out that lie about PP doing mammograms. UGH.
I couldn't agree more! It also sickens me how this whole presidential campaign has been reduced to contraceptives, abortion, and so-called women's rights. I can't think of another presidential debate where mammograms and contraceptives was such a hot topic. My goodness!
ReplyDeleteI love you :)
ReplyDeleteAmen! This has bothered me for years as well as comments such as "they want to drag us back to the '50's where we can all have families like on 'Leave it to Beaver'." Oh yes, growing up in a family with a mother and father who love you and care about you is just AWFUL! Having a father who works hard to support his family and a mother who cooks dinner is just UNFATHOMABLE! My own cousin posted this after the debate last night: "I skipped the debate but did Mitts actually say he's totally into the idea of flexible hours for women so that they can go home and COOK DINNER???? Good God."
ReplyDeleteThe bible says that the enemy is out to kill, steal and destroy and it's clear that he has recruited many to carry out his plan.
Emphatic yes from this anthropologist mama of eight who noticed years ago that the Catholic church is the only voice that is truly and consistently clear-eyed and honest about innate sex differences, and the implications thereof.
ReplyDeleteYears ago, when husband and I were college freshmen at Georgetown, I got into it with the libs on the supposed sexist use of cigarette ads. Anyone remember this issue from the early 90s? My parents were reluctant Reagan Democrats, so I came to DC with a pretty strong liberal identification. Almost immediately, though, the new brand of patronizing totalitarianism repulsed and alienated me. The claim was that big tobacco was victimizing women by directing certain ads, and even brands (like Virginia Slims), towards unsuspecting girls and women. This was what passed for women's issues! I was embarrassed and disgusted that this view of women as brainless fools in need of legislation to protect them against gendered advertising prevailed, while no one appeared to think that abortion was an assault against women's health and dignity!!!!!
I am going to have to depart from you, however, on the red tie theory. My parents always used to joke that Sam Donaldson never failed to wear a red tie to signal his allegiance to the left. George W could dominate in his signature blue tie, but the ill-fated Rick Perry favored red! ;)
Wow, I haven't heard the name Sam Donaldson in while! You are right, ha ha.
DeleteNancyL, I know, some women will complain that Romney seemed to assume that they make dinner, but please - that is exactly what many women want to get home for! It's reality, and it matters that Romney's company was smart enough to be concerned about that, because that can be a draw for women. I remember reading about an employer who had a highly valued female employee who told him she was leaving the company to accept a job that paid more. He couldn't afford to match that salary, but he offered to let her have flexible hours so she could more easily be home at the end of the day, and she accepted. It's a good way to keep valuable employees and that is smart business!
ReplyDeleteIt's not as though he said women want flexible hours so they can get their hair and nails done.
You know, I certainly don't agree with you on everything, but this post is awesome!! I feel the same way - it's incredibly offensive when people say I'll never be equal to a man unless I have the ability to kill my own children. I love how you said "WTH" too. Next time you should say "WTF." Heehee. ;) I hadn't heard that women were "offended" that they were "fighting." That's pretty ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteNancy L, Romney's comments about flexible work were pretty much the only thing he said last night that I liked. If we want to be a pro-life, pro-family society, we should be all about flexible work.
sdecorla, believe me, I came this close to writing "WTF"!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a supervisor of 10 women (many years ago), it seemed like every day at least one of them was having a bad day. Dealing with customers, their sass and short fuse was an issue I sometimes had to address. Finally one confided to me what was going on, at certain times of the month.
ReplyDeleteDunno why that thought just came back into my mind.
Like everything you write, Leila. Even when you're having a bad day.
I could not agree more with this post! Love it!
ReplyDeletePreach it girl!!!!!! I'm getting fed up also!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't think Leila's having a day day -- this post was awesome!
ReplyDeleteI'm meeting Helen Alvare tomorrow and this post just fired me up even more!!! Can't wait!! Talk about a real, tough lady!!
ReplyDeleteI actually stood up and yelled "I am more than just my uterus!".
ReplyDeleteNo kidding. I'm about to post on my facebook page, "How does it convert to a family issue, to provide contraception to women? Doesn't that prevent the idea of family?" I post way too much though, so I'll just vent right here. Thanks for your post. I like your title, Little Catholic Bubble...cute. Please visit mine: http://sacredoysters.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteI had the exact same reaction listening to the debate last night! There was my 17 year old daughter listening to that malarchy! --I just flipped out! What upsets me most is my girlfriends from my Catholic all-girl high school supporting this man who is so AGAINST women...they just don't get it. I thought they knew our dignity as women was so much greater than Pres. Obama's interpretation.
ReplyDeleteI find it all so demeaning, the idea that I can only succeed if my biology is in check. Or even more insulting--I'm only interested in issues involving my reproductive parts. The economy-what's that? I don't know because I'm a woman, so apparently I only care about being able to have abortions and free contraception. WTH?!?
ReplyDeleteHigh Hopes, my friends from Catholic HS mostly support Obama, too. Sadly, they also seem to be obsessed with spouting off publicly about "lady parts." These are people who still identify as Catholic. WTH is right.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE it and am right there with you sister!!!! Thank you for putting into words exactly what I am feeling!!! And to top it all off paying for everyone to have their "pills" and abortions is a right but having this mandatory Obama Care cover NFP is not even a consideration!!! Women NEED free NFP!!!! If they can do it SO CAN I!!!
ReplyDelete"And get OFF of it with all this talk about how "women felt offended or uncomfortable" with Obama and Romney "fighting" at the debate."
ReplyDeleteWhere did you get this from, I mean who said this?? I'd love to use it as a quote but need a source. Thank you!!
LOVED your rant by the way! GO YOU!!
River, it was all in the aftermath of the debate, and I switched between FoxNews, CNN and MSNBC (mostly Fox and MSNBC). I know Greta mentioned it once, and it was mentioned more than once by the guys on the other channels (MSNBC more likely). It was annoying to say the least! I will try to find a link!
ReplyDeleteDrat, River, I can't find any clips from last night (I googled as best I could), but there was a lot of it. Meanwhile, I did find this from a Democrat woman from after the first presidential debate that left all the women I know elated:
It's that kind of ninny attitude that was prevalent last night, too. Nauseates me.
Meaning, the first presidential debate left all the women I know elated, not this silly woman's complaint!! Sorry, bad syntax these days.
DeleteRiver, I heard it again tonight, on a clip of Katie Couric and Bill O'Reilly on Katie's new show. A nd the woman who was discussing the clip with O'Reilly on the Factor said the sme thing, ugh! She said the confrontation made her "anxious"!
DeleteYes Ma'am!!
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot of talk about "bodily autonomy" out there. Abortion and contraception, I suppose, impart this kind of autonomy to women. What that really means, in essence, is that with the help of these two devices or procedures, a woman can have the same walk-off freedom from sexual relationships that men seem to have. But what woman in the world who has ever been pregnant for any length of time believe that "bodily autonomy" is something that anyone has?
ReplyDeleteThank you and amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy jaw almost hit the floor when Obama brought up contraception re: women in the workforce. a) can't we even discuss women as professionals w/out bringing up our lady parts?? b) The democrats are so obsessed w/abortion and contraception they are blind to the reality that umm, many women want to have children and yet are concerned about how to afford them in this economy and some even fear how pregnancy could be a problem in the eyes of a boss. Contraception and abortion access do nothing for these women...
You inspire me
ReplyDeleteAmen, Leila! I am so tired of being treated like a victim of female biology, society, men, motherhood, etc. I recently posted a rant on FB in response to this article on another friend's wall. I usually don't rant on people's walls, but the modern feminism stuff is killing me. We have to discard motherhood as a primary role to gain respect and equality? Doesn't that strike women as anti-woman?
I guess I should use the word "power"...to gain power. Not so much respect and equality. When you read that article, it becomes clear that the author values power above all else. Because a person's worth is directly proportional to their power, right? Motherhood is now being outed as "dehumanizing", and power is clearly a humanizing force. :)
ReplyDeleteElizabeth it is ALL about power, you've got that right. There is no humility at all…. That is a scary place for a soul to be.
ReplyDeleteA thousand times yes!
ReplyDeleteDellentie, you are an official troll. Stay off my blog.
ReplyDeleteFYI to those wondering, I've deleted Dellentie's last rambling, insulting comment.
DeleteAmen! Amen!! And Yes, yes yes!!!
ReplyDeleteIts so twisted, really. They (Dems) think they are helping to liberate women but they are truly only ensuring their continued exploitation. So sad.
ReplyDeleteI cannot tell you how pissed off I was at Obama's repeated mention of the possibility that Planned Parenthood would be defunded.And the idea that they perform mammograms is a load of crap. I actually think he might have helped Romney pick up a few votes on that. Its physically painful to me to listen to him.
Wow. :) Dellentie must really be a jerk. It's pretty hard to get kicked off Leila's blog. Seems to me she's pretty willing to talk to most anybody.
ReplyDeleteSew? Is that you reincarnated? Love it! :)
ReplyDeleteLove your vent! Love love love it. Yes yes yes. More more more.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I don't need to be spoken for by a movement that thinks sterility, impersonal promiscuity, dependency, abortion and euthanasia are "health" or that women can't pay our own way or that we can't handle a debate that is a debate. How dare such people call themselves the "women's movement"? They never asked how most women feel. I'm a woman, have been for decades, before which I was a child. I believe that life is healthier than death, self-sufficiency is healthier than depending on Uncle Sam, fertility is a key sign of health, not a disease, and children almost always do better with two parents. If the "women's movement" can't understand that, they're not this woman's movement.
ReplyDeletePreach it, sister! You are so right. These are many of the reasons why I will be voting Republican for the first time in 30 years. This whole pandering to a militant feminist agenda makes me sick.
ReplyDeleteBut as someone who used to believe the lies and was shown the Truth, I am praying for the conversion of mind and heart of Obama and Co. My guess is they have no idea how far from the Truth they have strayed and ultimately, the only victory will be when the scales fall from their eyes. Praying for it.