Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Just Curious: Habits. (To lighten things up!!)

Do you need a break?  I need a break. Ha ha! I will get back to the deep stuff soon, but let's all breathe and talk about our bad habits! Doesn't that sound light and fun?

What habit do you have that you just can't seem to break?

I chew my fingernails. I have done so since before I can remember. I have stopped a few times (to beautiful results), but I keep going back to it. It's crazy! I'm toying with the idea of acrylic nails, but I don't like the yearly expense (I added it up!). So there you have it. It's an ugly habit, and I hope you will not exit the Bubble screaming in horror now that you know. I still dream of kicking this habit some day.... sigh....

Okay, your turn.


  1. I chew my nails too... (babies have given me a lot more to chew on lately!) also, I don't rinse out my dishes and it drives hubs bonkers :D

  2. I clinch my jaw! All the time! I can't make myself stop! I don't know HOW to stop!!!

  3. Nail biter here too! I just cannot help myself.

    Being late for everything.

  4. I grind my teeth in my sleep. it's horrible!!!

  5. Oh and I say "whatever" way too much!!

  6. I can only pick ONE of my bad habits to list??? That's never going to happen... I suppose I'd most like to correct my habit of messiness. I just always figure, "Oh I'll put that away later" but never actually do.

    Sometimes I don't brush my teeth before bedtime. I sniffle rather than blow my nose until I'm even driving myself crazy. I check my email 400,000 times a day. I have chocolate milk and a multivitamin for breakfast. I could go on for days.

    This is a wonderful article I came across while reading up on homeschooling stuff, and very inspiring for me to start tackling my habits one at a time.

  7. After much contemplation I've realized that one of my bad habits is a lack of awareness of my bad habits! Seriously. Cuz I know I have a ton. I think it's just lack of sleep.

    Ok, here's a few: biting the inside of my mouth, picking at my lower lip, clenching my jaw, having a messy purse, having a messy car, not dusting as often as I should...

    I think I should stop lest I go on and on and you all DO run away screaming!

  8. I grind my teeth in my sleep too! I recently got a night guard to wear while I sleep and it's already covered in teeth marks!

  9. I have a bad mouth and I'm sit on the computer most days. ;) Where is my absolution? ;)

  10. I have no annoying habits. Just ask my wife. ;)

  11. I'm a jaw clencher and a nail peeler. I don't bite them-I just peel them away. Gross.

  12. SC- I pick at my lower lip too. I HAVE to stop!

  13. p.s. SC- were we separated at birth or something?

  14. I have horrible habits throughout whole day!!
    I push the snooze over and over... I'm constantly rushing around... I consider it an accomplishment when I'm at work (or anywhere) on time... I text and check my phone all the time... I don't always put my dirty clothes in the hamper...I don't rinse off the dishes... I read blogs instead of cleaning... I am constantly trying to pluck my DH's eyebrows... And I play on my phone instead of getting a fulll nights sleep. See... My whole day is a bad habit! But... I don't chew my nails!! Hehe!!

  15. I bite the inside of my mouth all the time. I bite my lower lip as well, but that is only if I'm nervous or if I'm concentrating on something really hard. I don't usually realize I'm doing it. :)

  16. I play with my hair and scalp. You know what? My twin and I started doing research on tics because her son appears to have one (nothing really serious but we are watching it) and we discovered that most of our bad habits can be classified as tics! I had always envisioned tics to be more "awkward" but no, apparently many of them are "socially acceptable." With a true tic, the harder you try to stop the more likely you are to do it because it is a compulsion and the more you focus on it, the more you feel the urge to do it. That would explain why I cannot... read CANNOT... stop playing with my hair.

    You would laugh but I have tried it all, including wearing a shower cap around the house.

  17. I have a potty mouth. This sailor's daughter just can't stop with the bad words. I don't say them in front of the kids, so I can control myself, but I say them all the time.

    I used to chew my nails, but bought that nasty tasting nail polish they use for thumb suckers. It's pretty vile and broke the habit.

  18. I clench my jaw all the time, always have a messy car, talk on the phone while driving (hangs head in shame), rarely clean out my car, stay up way too late, check my phone way too much, check emails on my phone and then forget to respond... I am late all the time, and I often leave clothes in the dryer for two days or more... I am definitely a work in progress.

  19. Man, I do everything Megan just said too!! Ack!

  20. Ditto to Megan... and I chew my fingernails too. :(

  21. I can't finish anything! I pick at my nails, and I have a potty mouth that I've been trying for years to get rid of!

  22. bite my nails, spend waaay too much time on the internet, lose my temper very quickly, quick to blame others for my faults, generally lazy, use food to comfort...I could go on and on.

  23. My habit is spending too much time thinking about how I can help others in need. HA!
    I shout at my children (not as much when I'm not pregnant during a six months long Arizona summer, though).
    Also, I start thinking about having another baby while I'm still in the hospital recovering from childbirth. I know that's not bad...just impatient or something.

  24. Yes, Chasing, we were definitely separated at birth! We even look alike, I think.

    Oh, and add to my list now that I'm more alert, I also have a potty mouth. It's embarassing! But I do. I hold it back almost all the time, but sometimes with my husband I just let it fly. Lucky him, huh?! How attractive.

  25. I love all these so far! Keep 'em coming! It's like True Confessions around here!

    Oh, and Chasing and Second Chances... I used to actually get you two mixed up! I think it's the "CH" in your blog titles. Weird, huh? But now I totally know who you are! :)

  26. Can I list my kids' habits instead? Ha-ha, no, I wouldn't :) Leaving coke glasses behind all over the house and yelling at the kids.

  27. I waste way too much time on the computer (reading blogs). Time that *should* be spent playing with, reading to or otherwise interacting with my children.

  28. I cuss like a sailor.
    Blame it on the fact that I actually WAS a sailor a hundred years ago in the US Coast Guard.

    No, seriously.
    You think you have a potty mouth?
    You have NOTHING on me.

    I really need to work on this, but I get enjoyment out of curse words.

    I KNOW!


  29. I play with my hair...twirly, twirl, twirl! :)

  30. Cathy! Really!!!!!!! Oh then we can't talk on the phone because we might just cuss...I'm so GLAD I'm not the ONLY ONE!!!! :)

    I actually told my husband are we going to laugh this hard at each other when we have to tone it down....It's not even right what is said around here!!! ;)

  31. I never brush my teeth before bed, or wash my face. I just collapse! Fun huh? I love new music and listen to it in the car even though my kids probably shouldn't be. AND I shop at Target WAY TOO MUCH! Da** them! I mean darn them! Marketing jerks...have my number...

  32. I fall asleep on the couch at night (with my contacts in), pick at my nails, and spend too much time on the internet (making me almost late for everything). I used to clench my teeth, but my dentist suggested resting my tongue on the roof of my mouth, which cured me! It has worked for others I know too...

  33. hmm polkadot I'm going to try the tongue thing! I clench my teeth and sometimes wake up with bad jaw aches/head aches from it - a mouth guard is being made by the dentist (Who is also my cousin :-D) right now!
    I leave the bed unmade way.too.often. :-/ I love having it made, too, but I get up in the morning, leave the bedroom, and go about my day without ever thinking about it again (other than right now when I was TRYING to think about it haha:-D) until I go to bed at night!
    One of my biggest bad habits is leaving mail to sit on the table until it piles up. haha. I can't STAND all this PAPER that comes into my house! I think I need to hire someone to go through my emails and mail sometimes! (I, like Megan, check emails on my phone sometimes and forget to write back :-/...and I have a TON of emails in my inbox because I never clean it out)...

    Also sometimes I say really stupid things when I'm trying to be "helpful"...if I over-think what I'm going to say, I tend to say something that totally doesn't come out right. Does that really make any sense?!

  34. Sew, I'm beginning you and I are somehow related. :) We are way too much alike!

    I have a potty mouth too. I'm better than I used to be but there is definitely room for some major improvement!

    I also peal my nails, have a super messy car and purse. I clench my jaw and often go to bed with make up on because I'm too lazy to wash my face. No wonder I have bad skin.

  35. I'm honored to be mixed up with Chasing ;)

    Ok, Leila, time for a new post. This is depressing! The more I read the more I think, "oh, I do that too!". It's not good for my self esteem :)

  36. Hmm, my car is a big MESS. I was used to my dad cleaning mine and Grant was used to his sister's cleaning his so no ones cleans ours!

    I love coke, it's a bad habit that I try to curtail.

    I used to bite my nails but quit.

    I'm a procrastinator.

  37. Leaving sunglasses on my head – even when it’s raining, snowing, cloudy, midnight, etc. They are always on my head.

    I grind my teeth when I am stressed. I woke up one night with R trying to put a towel in mouth because the grinding was so bad. I choose to believe he was actually trying to help me and not trying to kill me, but it was a scary sight to wake up to.

    I leave cups and glasses around the house. I probably go through 3 or 4 a day.

    Leaving contacts in.

  38. "I choose to believe he was actually trying to help me and not trying to kill me"

    Ann, this made me laugh!!!

  39. Hilarious, Ann! :)
    Oh Danya, I am with you on the Target thing! I literally cannot go into that store without coming out with something that was not on my list... we were reworking our budget the other night, and I could. not. believe. how much money I spent at good old Tar-jay. sigh... back away from the dollar bins...

  40. Danya--I too am a Target addict.

    Mary--you also forgot to list that you have no sarcastic voice. :)

    I sometimes bite my tongue a lot when I'm stressed out. And I overuse annoying catch phrases. My poor husband.

    I can and do belch like a truck driver. But never, ever in public, usually only around my husband.

    I am nothing if not perpetually seven minutes late for everything in my life, which annoys my punctual husband. In fact, even as I type this I'm making myself late for work.

    I, too, am ashamed to admit I have a terrible potty mouth. Terrible. It's so bad that Sew, Cathy and I could have a cuss-off and I might even win. But I usually don't cuss in public or around my family. Just at work (because my coworkers do it ALL the time) and at home. My potty mouth is worse than my husband's. Poor husband.

    Gosh, reading over this, it's a wonder my husband puts up with me at all!!

  41. haha Brenda we're just forcing ourselves to think about our less-than-desirable qualities, you have plenty of good ones :) your husband is a lucky guy, regardless of the burps and cussing. hahaha. All of us ladies seemed so refined and classy until this post is read, huh? ;)

    You're right, I didn't mention the fact that I have no sarcastic voice so people can't tell when I'm joking (NOT A GOOD THING PEOPLE! Yikes!)...I consider that a flaw, not a habit...and if we're listing all our flaws I'm in big trouble. HAHA!

    Do you wanna go to Target with me sometime in the next few days? ;)

  42. I crack my knuckles! It's a habit I picked up from my cousin when we were 7 or 8 and I really can't stop! Every joint cracks now, it seems - toes, knees, wrists. Oh, and I have some stress habits - grinding my teeth at night, clenching my jaw, biting the inside of my mouth. Stress is so bad for that stuff!

  43. I say "seriously?" too much. I am too critical of others. I talk too much. I don't listen enough. I am not very conscious of time so I have unrealistic expectations that I will get places on time. I stay up way too late when dh isn't home to tell me to get off the computer and come to bed. I spend too much time on blogs, email, phone texting, etc :) I fall asleep without praying a lot. I get lazy about brushing my teeth at night...I am sure there is more.

  44. You know what is so funny? A lot of you say you are chronically late. I have the opposite issue. I am chronically early!!! Anyone else have this issue?? (I don't really mind it, but it is funny how compelled I am to be early everywhere, in the desire to be on time.)

  45. Leila, I'm chronically early too! I can't stand being late so I tend to over compensate. I really hate being really early too if it's to someone's house. If it's an appointment it doesn't bother me and it has actually worked out to my favor. Sometimes I get in and out of somewhere before my appointment time was.

  46. Karen, that's exactly how it is with me, too!! If we ever met for lunch, it'd be funny to see who showed up first, ha ha!


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