
Monday, December 5, 2016


Miriam Genevieve!

Born yesterday, a whopping 9 lbs., 3 ozs. 
of pure beauty!

Congratulations to my daughter Priscilla, her husband Dirk, and big brother David!

Thank you, Lord, for this perfect blessing!

The birth of my fourth grandchild has kept me from being a good blogger. Forgive me!

Meanwhile, in the Advent Season, we should reflect on why the Second Person of the Holy Trinity came down from Heaven and was incarnate in the womb of the Virgin Mary. Jesus Christ, God Himself, was once a newborn babe just like little Miriam. Read on for the "whys" of it:


  1. So sweet! What a perfect Christmas present. Is this the best or what Leila? I can't quite imagine just yet.
    I won't do the math on my prediction but simply say you are tracking well. I'm sure Nubby is to busy doing her "St. Nick P90x strike class training" to be bothered with complicated math.
    Congrats to Dirk and Priscilla and David. Way to go team.

  2. Those baby lips. There is nothing better than newborn baby lips. Congratulations, Leila!

  3. Oh, Happy Day! Just in time to put her little booties out for St. Nicholas' feast day, and hang another stocking by the fireplace!

    1. p.s. I emailed the Coming Home network about Margo's great idea, so if some readers wouldn't mind adding another intention to their current St. Andrew novena: we see Leila sitting across the desk from Marcus Grodi sometime soon in 2017!

  4. Congratulations! What a beauty she is! She looks perfect for cuddles and snuggles :)

  5. Congratulations on your new little bubble of beauty, Leila!

  6. Congrats, Leila and family. She's a big healthy baby!
    Chris- lol. A working rate or a projected rate will get you the answer-- but you gotta give a number to begin with ;)

  7. Ok, I honestly forgot what the hell I said last time. I think it was 18 grandkids by 2023 or 23 grandkids by 2028. Anyway, I hope you slice your knuckle open on a truly deserving heretic this glorious Christmas season.

    1. Ha, well pick a number and a time frame and factor out the babies already born. Unless you want to just run a rate of babies needing to be born up til the selected year, then leave em in. You tell me which figures, boss. Details are kind of essential here. Anyway you cut it, Leila's babies are multiplying like the fish and the loaves ;)

      This ain't no higher math and skinned knuckles don't bug me. hahahahaha.;) Merry Christmas!

  8. Congratulations! God bless her :)

  9. Congratulations, Leila!

  10. Goodness she's beautiful. Congratulations Leila!

  11. Congratulations! She's absolutely beautiful!!

  12. Congratulations Leila and God bless your growing family! Miriam is so beautiful and blessed!


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