
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Looking for Catholic Christmas gift ideas, from Catholic sellers? Here ya go!

All right! On Facebook a while back, I asked for and received links from Catholic vendors and artists, in anticipation of Christmas! The items/stores/shops by Catholic vendors are listed below, to make it easier to buy Catholic gifts for our loved ones while helping to support Catholic sellers at the same time. Enjoy "browsing," and feel free to add your own Catholic link in the comment section.

Personally, I think my book, Raising Chaste Catholic Men: Practical Advice, Mom to Mom, is a great gift idea, heh heh! Any young Catholic mom (or dad!) will benefit from the fun but substantive conversation inside.

Also, to make the gift more special, I am happy to sign and personalize a copy for you or your loved ones. In that case, you would buy it straight from me (don't purchase it online); simply email me at, and I will let you know how to make that happen!


A great family (or parish!) gift idea is Bishop Barron's DVD/Blu-Ray set, The Pivotal Players

I have watched every one of the profiles (St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Francis of Assisi, Blessed John Henry Newman, GK Chesterton, and Michelangelo), and I can tell you that the riches you will mine from these mini-documentaries are worth every penny. Consider buying a set for your own family, splitting it between families who can share it, or gifting a set to your parish or Catholic school. Truly uplifting, spiritually edifying. 

For the children, I love the Shining Light Dolls so much! My grandchildren adore them, and I have it on good authority that Santa Claus (and Grandma and Grandpa) will be bringing them a few more this year. I just now realized they have books that go along with the dolls, too! 

Aren't these adorable? You know who they are! And there are many more to choose from, and new ones always on the way!

I love Becky's book, The Little Flower, and anything else on the Peanut Butter & Grace site. 

And I haven't seen this one in person, but I'm getting it for my own kids today, because it looks so good, and so instructive:  The Great Adventure Storybook. Looks like a fabulous way to teach the kids salvation history! 

For yourself, to become a better apologist in the New Year, day by day, I recommend Jimmy Akin's 
A Daily Defense: 365 Days ( plus one) to Becoming a Better Apologist.

Another great book -- a parenting book with a refreshing twist -- is Dr. Ray Guarendi's
Advice Worth Ignoring: How Tuning Out the Experts Can Make You a Better Parent. Doesn't the title alone make you relax and feel better about your parenting?? I am here to tell you after eight kids and 25 years of being a mom, he is really on to something! Save younger parents the trouble, and get them this book now.

For excellent Advent ideas, check out Holy Heroes site (which is always chock full of good stuff, in every season).

Newly added: I just got this lovely book in my hands, Graceful Living: Meditations to Help You Grow Closer to God Day by Day, and I think it's a great gift idea for your mom or your grandma (or your best friend). Aesthetically beautiful, small, hardback -- daily meditations prompted by Scripture and saint quotes. Check it out:

Now, on to the list of vendors and shops and items that my Facebook friends suggested. I will simply link them, in no particular order, and you can browse through. Isn't it fun? Catholic Christmas shopping from the comfort of your chair:

Travel With T (Catholic travel agent)

TelosArt (including liturgical calendars)

Peter's Square (dozens of Catholic vendors)

Zazick Designs (Lego rosaries)

Johnson Architecture (custom watercolor paintings)

Saintly Silver (saint softies)

Super Saints (quizzing cards)

Prayer Impressions (rubber stamps)

Faith and Fabric (quilt patterns)

Saint Benedict Medal (clothing/accessories)

Mazzoni's Handmade Shop (including mosaics)

Petite Fleur Studio (peg dolls)

Rodan + Fields (skin care)
Rodan + Fields (a second Catholic friend)

Caritas Press Catholic Books (for adults and children)

Brita Baby Boutique (creative diaper bouquets)

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and may God bless us with a fruitful Advent!


  1. Dear Leila,
    I have just ordered two Shining Light dolls for my great grand children. Thanks for the information.. It's so important to keep Christ in Christmas.

  2. I LOVE the Shining Light dolls, but living in the UK they are not very accessible. I ordered 'Our
    Lady of Lourdes' for one of my daughters for her First Holy Communion and she loved it! I hope to buy more in the future. They are the perfect Catholic gift whether for Christmas, a birthday or a Sacrament (Baptism or First Holy Communion).

  3. What a great list and thanks for including my shop SaongJai! I just had a little boy and can't wait to read your book Raising Chaste Catholic Men :)

  4. Thank you so very much for including us in this list. Would you please, if you have a moment, please give the link t our teachers pay teachers shop? Thank you:

  5. Thank you for making such great list! I wonder if you would ever consider making a list of recommended Catholic charities? We have a few mainly local favorites, but as we're considering year-end donations and planning for the upcoming year, I would love to expand our horizons a bit. Thanks again for the work you do on the blog!

  6. Thank you very much for including Benedicta Veils on this great list of Catholic artisans, Mrs Miller! Oh, yes, and I have four boys (aged 5 and under) so Raising Chaste Catholic Men will definately be a must read for me! :)

  7. Kristin, that's a great idea! It might have to fall to someone else, only because these long "link" pages are tiring to put together. I'm not sure I'm ready to research and do another one just yet! But I will keep it in mind for possibly the Lenten season!

    Benedicta Veils, thank you for your beautiful products and, ha ha, I do think you will enjoy the book! :D

  8. Leila,

    I would like to suggest adding to this wonderful list my Catholic friend, Brita, who has an Etsy shop, Brita Baby Boutique, where she sells beautiful and creative diaper bouquets! Here is her site: Thank you!


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