
Monday, December 30, 2013

Year-end Bubble round-up!

I've seen some fun wrap-ups on other blogs, so here's my recap of the top three Bubble posts from 2013 (which reached the #3, #5, and #8 spots of all time, respectively):

Those are pretty much my personal favorites as well.

Another article that got a big response in 2013 is one that never appeared on this site. It ran at Catholic Exchange, and caused just a bit of controversy (and over 500 comments):

Three Things People Don't Know About Same-Sex "Marriage"

I kept up with comments on that one for a while, but then I had to let it go to tend to life and stuff.

Thanks for a great year in the Little Catholic Bubble, my dear friends, and I wish you all a very blessed 2014!

See you in just a bit!

(And, Catholics, don't forget that New Year's Day is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God -- a Holy Day of Obligation!)


  1. Happy New Year to you and your family, my friend! Those were great posts that you highlighted.

    I do not know the reason, but January 1st is not a Holy Day of Obligation in my area. The priest at Mass on Saturday told us that it usually is, and the parish was definitely having a Mass that day, but it is not an obligation in our region. (If I were healthy, I'd be going to Mass, but no, still sick here.)

  2. Happy new year! I have been thinking of and praying for the health of your daughter- any improvements yet?

  3. Happy New Year. Thank you for all the work you do!

  4. Happy New Year, Leila. It's nice to just drop you a line without being argumentive.

  5. Happy New Year, Leila! I hope that 2014 is a year full of happy things to blog about!

    Girl from NY, I am surprised that you were told that today was not a holy day. I know that the rules have gotten confusing lately but I thought that the only changes from the six holy days that we had growing up were that Ascension Thursday is celebrated in most regions on the Sunday following the Ascension (leading to that meme on FB with Jesus saying that he would be ascending on Thursday except in some areas where he wasn't leaving til Sunday) and the change that some, though not all, holy days that fall on a Saturday or Monday would not be days of obligation. But I haven't heard of a holy day being changed when it falls on a Wednesday. It's hard to attend Mass for the holy days of obligation when you can't keep track of whether it's an obligation anymore or not!

  6. @Sharon, it's a day of obligation in most places, except where the bishop dispensed it (I know a couple of these exist in the US).

    1. @Sharon and @Sawako

      In the province of Los Angeles, January 1st is not a Holy Day of Obligation. I think it's the province with the fewest HDOs, at four. According to Wikipedia's entry under the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, this move was not done with proper authority, but has stuck nevertheless. Come on, it's California. You expect any better? ;-)

  7. happy new year. I couldn't resist summing up these top posts in my own words, ; )

    Should the Children sit Down and Shut Up?
    Alternatively titled: How the intimate details of your conception will impact your psychology and well-being for the rest of your life!

    Women Save Your Marriage in 5 Minutes
    Alternatively titled: Should Wives Sit down and shut up? : Yes

    When Truth Doesn't Cut it
    Alternatively titled: When all else fails while evangelizing, be kind and humble and you'll win people over

    Three Things People Don't Know about "Same Sex Marriage"
    alternatively titled: Three paranoid and slanderous retorts to "those people" who have no problem with same sex marriage

  8. Gwen, thanks for the chuckle! Just when I think you've become more thoughtful and have raised the level of discourse, you bring me back to reality. ;)

  9. Gwen, thinking over it, your comments make me sad, especially these:

    "Should the Children sit Down and Shut Up?
    Alternatively titled: How the intimate details of your conception will impact your psychology and well-being for the rest of your life!

    Women Save Your Marriage in 5 Minutes
    Alternatively titled: Should Wives Sit down and shut up? : Yes"

    Basically, you claim to be a compassionate, inclusive liberal, but in reality, you mock the voices of others. You mock the incredible pain of children who, through no choice of their own, have been deliberately made fatherless or motherless for a lifetime. You mock the voices of the women who have found incredible help, hope and healing in their marriages, simply by being kind to their husbands (a no-no in feminist land?).

    It's really, truly a sadness I feel when I see you mock the feelings and experiences and voices of those who do not cling to your left-wing secular dogma.

    I hope you understand what I'm saying.

  10. I'm still baffled by this one:

    Three Things People Don't Know about "Same Sex Marriage"
    alternatively titled: Three paranoid and slanderous retorts to "those people" who have no problem with same sex marriage

    Slanderous??? Paranoid??

    Miss've been around the Bubble long enough to know Leila and the rest of us are neither of those things. We are just doing our best to defend the Truth revealed by Christ, which (in this situation) defines marriage as only between one man and one woman. If anything we're saddened to see people living apart from Christ, trying to find fulfillment from things that will never fully satisfy you.

    It's not that we're trying to be mean or cruel to those people attracted to the same sex, it's that we know that there is something/someone who can give them greater happiness than marriage ever could. We don't want any person to settle for anything less than Christ's love.


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