
Monday, December 23, 2013

Which one do you like best?

My favorite Christmas song is "O Holy Night", hands down. I cannot get through it without having my soul affected -- or without goosebumps.

So, I thought it would be fun to ask you all which version of "O Holy Night" gives you the most goosebumps.

I've picked four singers, two male and two female, and I ask that you listen to the entirety of each video in order to give these extraordinarily talented mega-stars a fair shot at winning this enormously important Bubble contest, which will clearly impact their careers/legacies!

Here they are, in no particular order (and not always the best quality, sorry)...

1) Josh Groban

2) Celine Dion


3) Nat King Cole

4) Mariah Carey

Leave your vote in the comment box, and I will tally things up later this week.

And from my family to yours, we wish you a most blessed Christ's Mass (i.e., Christmas)!


  1. Josh Groban. This is my favorite song also. Gives me chills every time I hear it.

  2. Josh groban-love him! But how can you go wrong with Nat King Cole-what a voice!

    I'm wondering how long it will take for the post to go controversial! Lol

  3. Nat King Cole, with Mariah Carey as a close runner-up.

  4. Mariah Carey wins for theatrics for sure! I think Josh Groban did the overall best and gave the extra emotional factor. You can never go wrong with Nat King Cole though! I guess I would have to go with Josh Groban for my vote :)

  5. O Holy Night is by far my most favorite Christmas Carol ever, too! I listen to it in July and love it just as much!!! I also love Caroling of the Bells, Little Drummer Boy, Silent Night, and God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. Sorry, I got a bit excited there!!! I will now listen to the videos and follow instructions to this post! ;)

    1. I love it when children's choirs sing O Holy Night!!!!

    2. Celine Dion is my favorite from the above choices! Here is a lovely Children's choir rendition...

  6. I don't even have to listen to them all... Josh Groban hands down is my favorite O Holy Night version!

    I also like MercyMe's version, if you like something a little more upbeat. Cool harmonies.

  7. Josh Groban, and I am with you on the goosebumps! I can't listen to it without tears :)

  8. Groban, but this one is also nice:

  9. I just love the song in general-whoever sings it! :-) But since this is a vote, Celine won me over. Loved the choir children in the back round, that did it for me. But they were all fantastic.

  10. After listening to the Josh Groban version, I knew that his would be a tough act to follow, and it was. Celine was a very close second. Nat King Cole--love him doing "The Christmas Song," but he was just adequate on "O Holy Night." for Mariah...she is obviously one of those singers who believes that the melody, as it was written, was just not good enough, and she had to embellish it to the extreme. God bless her for taking a crack at the song and its message...but her rendition just wasn't my "thing" :)

  11. Can I be the Humbug On Call? I don't like any of those! Where's the Pavarotti version?

    1. I could only find Pavarotti in the French version, and I didn't think it would be an easy comparison!

  12. This one's half-and-half.

  13. I vote for Nat King Cole.
    My daughter says Mariah Carey.

  14. I too, was going to mention Pavarotti but it really is an unfair comparison. The guy was a human blowtorch. I wish I had that voice just to yell at the kids. " Come back here aaaaand Fluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuussshhh!!!! Eyes roll and close, trembling finger pointing at the toilet.
    Agree with Paul above, Josh gets my vote even though I love NKC.

  15. Grandma got run over by a reindeer.

    1. Way to completely miss the point of the post! No write-in votes, silly Bill ;)

  16. I'm not usually a Celine fan but I think I like her version the best out of these. This is the absolute favorite version in our house: The ending gets me every time!

  17. I'll take Josh Groban with Nat King Cole as a runner-up.

  18. JOSH GROBAN!!!! So he Catholic?? ;) Have the merriest and blessed CHRISTmas, Leila, and all my Bubble buddies!

  19. Groban does a great job with this, but I'm partial to Nat King Cole. There's something soothing about his voice, whether it's a Christmas carol or classical song he sings, that takes me to a safe, comforting place. (I love his daughter Natalie Cole's talent equally.)

    I would LOVE to hear Josh Groban perform "Gabriel's Message." It's an old Basque carol that I first heard performed by Sting and have been known to play several times in a row, as it's that otherworldly the way he's performed it (as have others). As my favorite Christmas carol, it's pretty close between, "Gabriel's Message," and, "Oh Come, All Ye Faithful," with an edge to, "Gabriel's Message."

    Here's a more traditional performance of, "Gabriel's Message."

    The angel Gabriel from heaven came,
    his wings as drifted snow, his eyes as flame;
    "All hail," said he, "thou lowly maiden Mary,
    most highly favored lady," Gloria!

    "For know a blessed Mother thou shalt be,
    all generations laud and honor thee,
    thy Son shall be Emmanuel, by seers foretold,
    most highly favored lady," Gloria!

    Then gentle Mary meekly bowed her head,
    "To me be as it pleaseth God," she said,
    "my soul shall laud and magnify his holy Name."
    Most highly favored lady, Gloria!

    Of her, Emmanuel, the Christ, was born
    in Bethlehem, all on a Christmas morn,
    and Christian folk throughout the world will ever say--
    "Most highly favored lady," Gloria!

    Merry Christmas to all!

  20. Nat

    Merry Christmas, all!
    Enjoy the feast, the Mass, the gifts, the people, a couple chocolate peppermint martinis, some sledding, pond hockey, and snowball fights! Most of all, revel in the mirth! Christ is born!

  21. Margo. I actually detest that song and love Nat King Cole's version of O Holy Night. I was just being difficult as you know. Merry Christmas.

  22. Bill- LOL! I like that song too and appreciate your humor : ) I like O Holy Night but am partial to the instrumental versions

  23. The instrumental version would lose all its effect and goose-bumping for me. I can't imagine it, unless of course the words are known and sung in one's head.

  24. Totally agree with you that O Holy Night is the all time best Christmas song in history. I say its a dead heat between Groban and Dion. That song truly makes me wanna fall to my knees and worship Him.
    I came across a few good ones that I posted on my blog, too!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  25. The tenors trump all!!!

    (english version second)

  26. Late to the party here, but this is my very favorite (instrumental) version of O Holy Night. It's Cantique de Noel by Mannheim Steamroller:

  27. Josh, then Celine, then Carrie Underwood, then Anne Murray. lol
    I'm old though!
    It's my favorite Christmas Tune. Hugs…
    Cari sent me hère. I like your blog!

  28. I agree - this song is powerfully beautiful, both musically and lyrically.

    Josh Groban does it for me. His voice brings the song to life, rather than the other way around, if you know what I mean. However, if Mariah didn't show up and her background Gospel choir handled the song along, I think that would be my fave. :)

  29. Yosh - I was in doutb the first half of number 4 - Mariah Carey but the second half was too much for me. Yosh Groban - just beautiful.

  30. Josh Groban - and this is my favorite Christmas song too! (My second favorite singer is my BIL who is an amazing tenor. :)) And if you're not familiar with In the Bleak Midwinter, check that one out - it's my second favorite song. Merry Christmas!

  31. Thank you all so much!! My personal vote goes to Josh Groban, oh my!!

    Merry Christmas!

  32. Late to the party ... but Josh Groban gets my vote. I do remember, though, being a child, sent up to bed in the late evening of our family Christmas parties over the years. ..and one of the singers of our family or friends would share this lovely hymn, fairly taking off the roof. It still gives me goosebumps!


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