What are your hobbies?
I guess I have two hobbies. One is writing (duh) and the other is puzzles. One of my sons and I have been assembling 1,000-piece puzzles together since he was around seven or eight, and now he is 14. I take a picture of him with every new puzzle completed, and it's not only fun to remember the puzzle, but it's fun to watch him grow up in the photos.
Anytime a new Miller baby begins to crawl and climb, my son and I have to put puzzles on hold for a year or two. We are in that stage now (Benevolent Destruction is two years old), and I miss our massive puzzle projects.
Soon enough, we will be back at it!
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One of our 2008 puzzles. He was so little then, sigh!! |
How about you? What are your hobbies?
aw I love this :) How sweet. I like to do puzzles, too! Main thing I like to do is to "craft."..whether sewing, painting something, putting together some sort of home decor item... Currently on a headband-making kick with miss Elise :) Dont have much time for hobbies these days but headbands only take about 15 minutes. haha
ReplyDeleteI love to read -- especially mysteries, preferably classic ones (for example, I love Chesterton's Father Brown, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, P.G. Wodehouse's Jeeves, and R. Austin Freeman's Dr. Thorndike). I also have a weakness for a good historical romance.
ReplyDeleteI love to write - besides blogging, I've delved into the fun world of fanfiction, mostly Star Trek: Voyager, Harry Potter, and Monk. I'm not that good at making up my own characters, but give me someone else's and watch me go. :)
My husband and I really enjoy playing MMORPGs together. We were heavy into World of Warcraft for a while, and now we enjoy Star Wars: the Old Republic. We've also played Lord of the Rings online and City of Heroes.
Joanna....I wrote an entire Star Trek novel for my thesis in Graduate school!! I was so sick of it when I was done and have no idea what I ever did with it!
DeleteOh, I also enjoy board games, card games (my favorite is Apples to Apples) and old-school Dungeons and Dragons.
ReplyDeleteI love puzzles too! My mom and my sisters love to work on them too. Its addicting!
ReplyDeleteReading has become something I love to do in the last few years. Thank you Twilight! - when I was younger I thought reading was pure TORTURE!
I like to sew and be crafty...I just don't feel that I am that good at it.
I learned how to crochet this summer. That is my newest hobby. And reading. I love to read!
ReplyDeleteReading and as of late I have been fortunate enough to travel quite a bit.
ReplyDeleteSince I've been a teenager I have kept photo albums but lately have started scrapbooking. Reading is another favorite!
ReplyDeleteHoly Cow! I cannot look at that puzzle without my brain hurting! I have to confess, I hate puzzles! Once I find 3 or 4 pieces that fit, I look at how many more pieces I have to go and give up. :-) But, I admire anyone who has the patience to put puzzles together. Have you ever used that puzzle glue so that you could hang the finished puzzles on the wall?
ReplyDeleteAs for hobbies, you know what mine is. Clay rosaries! In the past, I also loved to kayak, and doing work outs. That was before kids, lol.
I like running and reading.
ReplyDeleteGenealogy! It's like my own personal mystery story. It lets me indulge my love of history. I get to plow though musty old courthouses and wander through abandonded old cemetries (yes I know you can't imagine anything more boring! But I love it)I also get such strength looking at my ancestors and seeing that they made it through immense struggle and survived - therefore I know I can too.
ReplyDeleteMy late grandma did genealogy and some of my favorite childhood memories are going to very old cemeteries with her and caring for the neglected graves! Strangers and relatives alike!
DeleteI love to read and write, to dance (I was a dance major in college-now just a hobby), to knit, to sew, to quilt. I also love puzzles. Crossword puzzles too. Also gardening.
ReplyDeleteMy hobby is fiction writing. One novel published and dozens of short stories and now working on a novel that came to me in a dream and I keep saying to God, "Really? This is beyond me," and yet it bugged me until I finally started writing it. My son's an avid reader too. We like to play card games together when we get a chance!
What series? If you ever find it, I'd love to read it. :)
DeleteNext Generation!
DeleteGardening, photography, useless bunny-trail research using google... once upon a time we could have added writing and running to the list.
ReplyDeleteMrs. B, I tried to delete the comment that you removed, and I ended up deleting the other comment, too! Can you repost it? I'm so sorry!
ReplyDeleteCrafting. I like making random arts and crafts project (either for work, or something decorative using old or outdated things that would otherwise be tossed out). I also make rosaries.
ReplyDeleteI was also dancing (lindy hop, charleston, balboa and briefly, competed in west coast swing) but set it aside when I became involved with RCIA this past year.
I would like to say that organizing is also a hobby.
Does Facebook count as a hobby? Really, the hobby would be reading about current events, often through links that I see on FB. I like to read, most often non-fiction relating to current events, history, or things that are affecting my life personally.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to travel like Alan, run like Manda and, before I get "old", I really want to get in shape and try kayaking! It would be fun to take that up with my kids now that they're getting older.
I also love puzzles!
ReplyDeleteBaking is my #1 hobby - I LOVE TO BAKE!!! I bake for friends, co-workers, whoever wants to eat it.
I also like to make my own cards and do other crafty things :) But I have to have a lot of free time for that because I have to get all the junk out and set up!
Knitting! My fave!
ReplyDeleteGardening, painting (oil), embroidery, and reading. I'll read anything down to and including the back of a cereal box.
ReplyDeleteReading here, too.
ReplyDeleteI love to sew, but like your puzzles, that gets put away when there's a toddler/preschooler in the house. Baaaadddddd experiences involving sitting on needles/pins led to that decision!
I've recently gotten into running, too. Love that!
I read ... I knit .... I read ..... I sew .... I read ..... I write (a bit) .... I read ... he he he he
ReplyDeleteI love to read - fiction, non-fiction, even work-related stuff (helps that I have a job I enjoy). And I love to garden and cook the things I grow.
ReplyDeleteReading, hiking and camping, drawing and dancing (but I just like to boogie...hardly any formal training...and I am not really that good, but I just LOVE it.)
ReplyDeleteOh...and Alan...I used to travel, but now money, family and a strange, new fear of being too far from home have put the damper on that...but I love watching Rick Steves! I've been to Bhutan....where is the most unlikely place you have been?
Beautiful puzzle! I love puzzles, too, in addition to reading (mostly historical and biographies), cooking, crafting and Genealogy. I love digging in the past. By the way, I really like your blog.
ReplyDeleteI am ashamed to admit that my 3 yo is better at puzzles then I am. LOL When she was younger she used to ask me to help her with puzzles and now she calls me and says 'Mommy, let me teach you how to do this (25 piece) puzzle' Haha, my brain must be missing a piece. LOL.
ReplyDeleteI like music. I play piano and drums at church and started learning flute about 2 years ago. I even play in a band. It's a lot of fun. I am hoping to audition for our Symphony in a few years and maybe open up my own studio at some point.
I also like reading but practicing 4 hours a day makes everything else not related to caring for family impossible.
When I was pregnant with Rachael I started sewing. I made her baptism dress and bonnet and shirts and vests for boys to match the one my husband was going to wear for the occasion. I noticed that by the time I buy fabric and the rest of the stuff, it's cheaper to buy clothes at the store so I don't do it anymore.
I also love theology. Does that count as a hobby or as a duty of every Christian? LOL
I am sure you are regretting you asked right about now, no? :)
I build dollhouses or miniatures. I love it because I can never get bored and I get to play with so many different materials and skills. (Woodworking, sewing, painting, sculpting.) I build the houses, do the landscaping and I build the furniture and fixtures to go inside. I'm trying to make some people but I'm not very good at that so my houses may be empty for a while longer.
ReplyDeleteIt is a lot of fun. I've done some normal houses and some whimsical houses. Right now I'm drawing up plans for a Tudor style house. So I'm doing a lot of research about what the house should include in terms of structure and the typical household items.
It keeps me out of trouble (mostly). And like everyone else, I adore reading.
Yoga, reading, cooking and shopping (not necessarily in that order). Blogging used to take up more of my time, but I'm going through a writing drought right now.
ReplyDeleteI live just a mile from an Arboretum where I go walking three to four times a week, so walking is definitely one of my hobbies. I also love to cook. Its fun filling the fridge with a bunch of leftovers that my husband and kids can help themselves to.
ReplyDeleteI love puzzles too! I used to do LOTS of puzzles when I was stuck on the couch in pain for months at a time pre- and post-surgery. I love to read - I'll read anything, but especially love non-fiction, good science fiction, British lit, historical fiction, and biographies. I used to love roller blading, but haven't done it in a long while. I like to garden or do any kind of outdoor work that isn't too backbreaking. I used to crochet, but wasn't very good. I used to sew - also wasn't very good. Of course I love blogging :).
ReplyDeleteI have been to Malawi Africa and Zambia. I think they qualify for now as most unlikely. Funny thing is I am afraid to fly but will get on a plane for 24 hours.
I understand not wanting to be far from home though as I am pretty much a homebody at heart, but I don't know how long this ability to travel will last for and you have to grab the opportunity when it happens.
I used to fear new places and things, I have definitely grown in my 40's to not be so afraid of everything. Even went shark diving in Cape Town, South Africa last month.
hmmm, reading (fiction mostly) and writing (non-fiction exclusively... don't ever ask me to write a short story or poem). used to ride horses (English hunter seat) but too many injuries from jumping inspired me to quit before i do some real damage. my engagement photos show my last injury - pins holding my broken finger together. sigh. i miss it.
ReplyDeletei enjoy cooking - dh is credited with giving me the confidence to try new things in the kitchen.
interior decorating.
nutrition nerd... drive my dh crazy with all my opinions on food
as a child: drawing and painting. kills me that i was too shy to develop it because it was really my #1 love in childhood.
travel is another hobby that someday i'll also get to pick back up... also a fan of rick steve's :)
ashley - i used to swing dance too! mostly east coast and charleston. got too many injuries doing that as well... apparently another hobby of mine is visiting the ER! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm going to put in my vote for reading and add crocheting, sewing, painting, playing Dungeons & Dragons with a solid group of friends, and whatever crafts my kids are doing - and we do lots!
ReplyDeleteI love to read and always have. I enjoy planning travel and traveling itself though with 4 kids and another on the way, I don't get to do it nearly as much. It's partly why I became a Disney travel planner this year. I can live vicariously through other people's vacations. I also love to plan parties. My kids usually have pretty elaborate ones--not because I think they have to or it's their right but just because I enjoy doing it--from the invitation to making the cake, I love to pick a theme and see where I can go with it.
ReplyDeleteCrafting, reading, playing piano...
ReplyDeleteHobbies? Hmmmm. Let.me.think. Well, I used to like theatre, performing in shows around town but haven't done it in AGES! It was back when I was thin and cute:)
Below are passages I have found. I hope you can inform of others that I can add. Thanks. Victor
As the Father sent me, so I send you.
He comforts us in our afflictions that we may comfort those who are in affliction.
As the Father loved me, so I love you. This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.
If you love me, feed my sheep. Whatever you did to the least of my brethren you did to me.
Jesus called Andrew. Andrew called Peter
Jesus called Philip. Philip called Nathanael
Manifest your gratitude for your gifts by giving to others.
Parable of the wicked servant. As I have forgiven you your great sins, forgive minor sins against you.
If I your master washed your feet, you should wash one another’s feet.
I am the vine, you the branches. If you are not united with me you cannot bear fruit. Life flows from branch to vine not to produce leaves but to produce fruit.
I have lighted you, do not hide the light under a basket. You are the light of the world. Let is shine like a light in a mountain. Our candle was lighted by God so we could light other candles.
You are the leaven in the dough.
You are the salt of the earth. We have taste so we can provide taste to others.
I have fed you, so feed one another.
The man who buried the talent entrusted to him did not pay it forward and was punished for it.
I have strengthened you Peter that you may strengthen the faith of your brothers
Go and tell the others of the good news
What you have freely received, you should give freely Mt
Paul: I hand on to you what has been handed on to me, that on the night etc
The servant is not greater than his master, be like your master
The master gave
The Lord took care of you when you were strangers in Egypt, so take care of strangers in Israel.
1 peter 4:10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another,as good stewards of God's varied grace:
Our father, forgive our trespasses as we forgive
Mary full of grace visits Elizabeth and fills John with grace
After resurrection, in passion, in public life, infancy
Responsorial Psalm Ps 78:3-4, 23-24, 25, 54
R. (24b) The Lord gave them bread from heaven.
What we have heard and know,
and what our fathers have declared to us,
We will declare to the generation to come
the glorious deeds of the LORD and his strength
and the wonders that he wrought.
Be kind to one another, compassionate,
forgiving one another as God has forgiven you in Christ.
Be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love. -Eph 4:32-5:2
Photography, reading and sleeping
ReplyDeleteI'm a book-aholic. I love teaching my kids. My newest hobby is blogging. I just started blogging on faith-based education and Carmelite spirituality. Come and visit and let me know what you think.
Tennis, Reading
ReplyDeleteI love puzzles, too, and so do most of my kids. I absolutely love the tradition you have with your son! That is so neat!
ReplyDeleteMy other hobbies are gardening - especially roses and lilies, but lots of other stuff too - edibles and ornamentals. Home renovation (not entirely voluntary...). Politics, I guess. My whole extended family talks/debates politics like it's our job, lol. And, umm....perfume. Don't ask...
I love jigsaw puzzles, but I also have no place to keep puzzles away from little hands. (And I don't want to use a mat 'cause I like keeping my pieces sorted.) I love to read, averaging about 90 books each year...a mix of fiction (sci-fi, classics, period novels) and non-fiction (history, education, theology). I dabble in writing a little bit. Lately, I've started making simple Rosaries.
ReplyDeleteHobbies? What are those? ;) Just kidding. Reading, scrapbooking, shopping, and napping. Definitely napping.
ReplyDeleteI'm doing National Novel Writing Month. I also draw when I have the chance.
ReplyDeleteI love to out to restaurants. And, I have discovered this website called MEET UP where you can post ideas for MEET UPS, of course, mine are Restaurant Meet Ups and people join you. All of my MEET UPs are sold out! I get groups of 10-15 people each time--instant buddies--and we all have the same thing in common--we love to eat!
ReplyDeleteAfter discovering MEET UP I have dropped Facebook and even blogging.
Because I do not like the unnatural element of Facebook and blogging that makes one more of a "watcher" of someone else's life rather than a participant.
Yucko. Also, I find on Facebook there is a lot of comparing, bragging, and dragging.
MEET UP is all about real people, no prejudging. Just come and participate. Love it.
So, my official hobby right now is bargain shopping online and being a member of a couple of cool MEET UP groups.
I too love puzzles - I in fact am asking for one or two for Christmas because we finally have space in which I can work a puzzle again. Now to just keep the cat off the table...
ReplyDeleteI also like to run (who am I?).
And there's one more thing, you will not be surprised: College Football! It consumes more of my time in the fall than I'm pretty sure you could imagine :).