
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Bubble turns TWO! And how it all began...

Two years ago today, back when I had a small font and a large wit, I started the Little Catholic Bubble. It was on Holy Saturday, 2010. The Feast of the Great Easter Vigil.

I was lucky, because unlike most new bloggers, I already had a built-in readership by the time I hit "publish" on that first post.

Wanna know how that was possible? Read the somewhat surprising story, here (Part I) and here (Part II).

It may also surprise you to learn who these two people are, whom I describe in Part I:
Then came the summer of '09. I was newly pregnant with my eighth child, and we were thrilled. I was also acutely aware of the pain of two dear friends, devout and worthy, who were suffering from infertility and secondary infertility. I wanted to be sensitive, and I also wanted to help in some way.
Anyone want to take a guess (besides the ladies themselves)? Both will be familiar to regular readers!

Anyway, I am so grateful for two remarkable years (and now two blogs), and I am humbled that so many of you have stuck around from the beginning, even as the Bubble expanded out of the cozy Catholic IF community and into the broader world!

God is good!




  1. Happy birthday Bubble!! Our blogs are almost the same age. :) So cute to watch them grow up, haha!!

  2. I'm going to guess that the ladies in question are Sew and Second Chances.

    Happy Anniversary, Little Catholic Bubble! So glad I found you!

  3. I was going to guess Danya and perhaps Eli? You are an amazing woman and friend Leila, to be so considerate of your friends. So happy you took the plunge into blog-land and happy blog-iversary! We love you!

  4. Good guess, JoAnna, but nope! I didn't know any bloggers at that point. I found the bloggers as I was searching out help for my local friends, Danya and Eli! Which leads to….Mrs. Mike, how did you know??????? I am amazed!

    Danya has since brought home her beautiful son from Ethiopia and then had a surprise pregnancy with her daughter. She blogs at He Adopted Me First. And, Eli is in the process of adopting Malcolm with her husband Charles! Isn't life amazing?

    Hebrews, I was honored to be the first one to welcome you when you started your blog and joined the IF blogosphere! Too funny, a fertile like me! You all were too kind to this "square peg" who didn't quite fit the demographic...

  5. I found out I was pregnant that year on April 1st (first pregnancy after 3 1/2 years of trying) only to miscarry on Easter, April 4th. As devastated as we were, it somehow led me to these faithful Catholic IF women...and you Leila...and I will forever be grateful. I started a short run at blogging and was welcomed with open arms. My faith and passion for the Church has increased 100 times and I have learned so much.

    As always, thank you!
    Cathy (formerly Patiently Waiting)

  6. Happy B-day Bubble! We love you!

  7. YAY, happy birthday, bubble!! <3 SO thankful for this blog and for all the friends I gained from it!

  8. Congrats Leila & Happy Birthday to Little Catholic Bubble!!! And it's time for some giveaways for all your faithful blog readers ;)

  9. A Bubble of Blessings for us all. We love you and we are so grateful to you.


  10. Happy Birthday bubble...your blog is awesome!

  11. Happy Bubble Birthday!!!
    I was going to guess Danya, but cheated and looked at the comments first. I had no idea about the other one. I am following her journey to bringing Malcom home!

  12. Devout and worthy? Hahaha. How about a pathetic mess crying in the closet? Yeah, that's better. 'Love you Leila!

  13. I was going to guess Danya and Eli. And then I was going to take issue with your statement, "newly pregnant." Didn't Matthew just turn two? I remember you telling me your were newly pregnant with him when I just had Rowena and she's about to turn three!!! I've got my eye on you and your attention to detail!! ;)

  14. alishia, ha ha yes, but do the math! In the summer of '09, I was indeed newly pregnant with Matthew. My eldest had just graduated from high school in May. He was due in early March 2010, born mid-Feb., 2010. Do you need me to give you my conception date? LOL, I could, but not publicly!!!

    Rowena must have been about three or four months old when I told you I was pg? When was her birthday? I didn't know I was pregnant till late June/early July of 2009, so I couldn't have told you before that. ;)

  15. I was in Portland when you told me: June/July of 2009. I admit it, maybe I'm missing something.

  16. Oh, Alishia, I get it now, what you are misunderstanding! The paragraph noted above is NOT about when I started my blog (which is two years old). It was the time I started to discover the IF blogs, many months before I started the Bubble. You've got to read the links (about how I started blogging) in their entirety to get that full picture.

  17. happy blog birthday! my two year is in a month! so excited :)

  18. Happy Anniversary, Little Bubble. I'm so grateful you exist!


  19. I have a good memory I guess. ;)

  20. Yesterday was a great day for birthdays - it was my birthday, too! LOL Thanks and happy belated blogobirthday!

  21. Happy Birthday Bubble!! I am so thankful for this blog. I learned (and continue to learn) so much from reading it. Keep up the good work!


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