
Monday, March 26, 2012

Bloggers unite! Saving one life at a time. *NEW UPDATE!

(All pictures and video removed for privacy.)

You remember Malcolm, right? The orphan we (meaning YOU) brought to the "sizeable grants" page on Reece's Rainbow in a matter of hours when appeals were made last month?

Well, hold onto your hats, because today, the one and only Jen at Conversion Diary (my bff, if you recall) has become an advocate for Malcolm, too! You think that exposure might help the little guy? Rhetorical question.

Carla started this ball rolling (and has a special story to tell about picking today for "Malcolm Monday"), and we are going to get this little man a family before it's too late for him.

Don't faint: It will take around $45,000 to get him all the way home, but I feel certain we can do it!

Especially because you cannot resist this video, now can you?

And to make it more fun…

Since we are changing lives here today, I will be giving away a copy of the book that changed my life (read about that here and here) to someone who helps Malcolm. To be eligible for the giveaway, just donate in any amount to Malcolm's fund (it's tax deductible) or post this appeal on your facebook, blog, twitter, etc. Leave a comment or shoot me an email telling me that you've done one or more of those things, and you'll be eligible for the random drawing!

If you choose to donate, you don't have to tell me the amount, and no one but Reece's Rainbow and PayPal will ever know. No amount is too small, trust me.

Let's watch the numbers in Malcolm's fund swell today -- I'll be spending the day refreshing this page, checking and rechecking the totals like a Jerry Lewis telethon!*

Hang in there, Malcolm. You don't even know you are already a rock star in America! May God keep you safe until you come home.

*Beginning this morning at $7159.22

Brianna has posted for "Malcolm Monday", as have Kara, and JoAnna, Returning to Rome and more! Thank you, all!

UPDATE: Malcolm has hit $10,000+!! You all rock!!! And, still a chance to enter the giveaway! I will keep it open all week.

Second UPDATE: Malcolm is at $13,675.76 and has a firm commitment from a wonderful family (who still need to raise a small fortune)! Praise God, and more information to come….



  1. WOO HOO!

    Let's get this rally started!!!

    Carla - Henry (and Zara's) mom

  2. I did it, I really did. I think I cheated by using Facebook instead of my blog, but oh well. More people see my Book of Face than my blog anyway.


  3. I so want to see him and all the children on Reece's Rainbow adopted. I shared it on my blog.
    When I'm back on Facebook after lent, I'll share it there, too.

  4. I love Malcom. Love him. Love him. Love him.

    Donated and will blog.

  5. Done! Blogged here:

  6. Sorry I was late to the party! My post is up now.

  7. This is really exciting! I blogged about little Malcolm and donated. I can't wait to see how much is raised for him.

  8. We donated and Brianna blogged (and Facebooked) -- is that two entries? Three?? ;)

  9. You guys are awesome, every one of you! Kevin, ha ha, hmmmm, one for each of you!

    In just a few short hours, Malcolm is up to $8368.36! I can't wait till he reads all of this one day. :)

  10. Make that $8458.36. It's fun hitting the refresh button!

  11. I made a donation. Praying for many hearts to be moved to action. Leslie

  12. Thanks for highlighting Malcolm. By bloggers highlighting Reece's Rainbow and certain children, I hope that word spreads and EVERY child goes home to their parents! Please, Lord!

  13. He's at 9711.06! What an amazing effort this has been!

  14. facebooked!!!! I LOVE him. that video kills me!!

  15. Thank you guys!! You are wonderful! Malcolm has hit the $10,000 mark!! Praise God!

  16. I was thinking about Malcolm (ever since you first brought him to our attention) and this morning, in our children's prayer book was an Amish prayer:

    Who Am I?
    I am only me, but I'm still someone,
    I cannot do everything but I can do something.
    Just because I cannot do everything does not give me the right to do nothing.

  17. He raised $4000 in one day!

    I love that kid!

  18. I hadn't watched the video yet. Not sure my heart could take it. But I did and what a sweetheart! We donated and we will post on FB.

  19. I blogged and shared of course. Not sure why I didn't respond here! Go Malcolm!!

  20. Just donated. I love all orphans, but my heart especially goes out to the shy sensitive little kids who have a hard time standing up for themselves. Poor guy!

  21. Oh praise God! Since I read about Malcolm on Jen's blog last night I have been praying and crying. I wanted so desperately for him to find a family - and he has! I donated what I could and will give again on payday. I pray that this sweet little boy will be at home with his loving family SOON.

  22. Sending in check "snail mail"... My mom said I can have the books!!


  23. Sending in check "snail mail"... My mom said I can have the books!!



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