
Saturday, August 27, 2016

My book, Raising Chaste Catholic Men, is published!!

**UPDATE: Paperback is back up and ready to go! Thanks for patience!

AHHHHH!!!! After almost 50 years on this planet, I have written my very first book, Raising Chaste Catholic Men: Practical Advice, Mom to Mom! You all have been so supportive (and patient, as I've been terribly absent from this blog), and I can't thank you enough. They say that writing a book is like having a baby, and it's sorta true! Excitement at the beginning, long stretches of waiting in the middle, and then pins and needles at the end! Ironically, my "book baby" took about nine months to gestate, from conception to birth! Weird! But so fun!

The book is basically a heart-to-heart yet very practical talk from one mom to another, about what we can do to help our sons remain chaste. It's a worry that so many Catholic moms have (thank goodness for women who care about their sons' virtue and salvation!), and after hearing enough of them ask me to write something helpful, this is the result.

If we are going to change the world for Christ, we have to work together and help one another. I hope this little book will help mothers (and fathers) who are raising sons, so that we can combat the crisis of manhood in our culture, and give the world men who flourish as God intended!

Okay, here is the description, with reviews to follow:

Anxiety among Catholic mothers is sky high. How do we teach our sons to be chaste when a sex-obsessed culture is ready to drag our boys into the pit at every turn? All we want to do is protect the innocence of our little ones and the honor of our teens, yet the snares of ubiquitous porn, hook-up sex, LGBT ideology, and the devaluing of true manhood appear unavoidable. What’s a mother to do? 

Relax, grab your beverage of choice, and flip open Raising Chaste Catholic Men. In this little heart-to-heart between us girls (although the guys can listen in, too), Leila Miller will take your hand and calm your fears by giving you practical advice in simple terms, based on her 25 years of experience in raising eight children, six of them sons. Some of the serious topics addressed with good humor and no fear include:

Three basic rules for parenting
What to do when boys are little
Answering the culture’s accusations
Straight talk about masturbation
Navigating pop culture
What to do when things go wrong
Advice from chaste young men themselves

...and much more, all of it designed to bring your worried heart some peace by giving you a plan of action and the power tools to pull it off. So, trust God and dive in! You’ve got good men to raise, and the world needs them!


"If I could give every Catholic parent three books, the first two would be easy: the Bible and the Catechism. Next? Probably this one. Leila Miller's guide addresses the one challenge that terrifies almost all parents: How can we raise chaste, Godly children in a culture incessantly feeding them lies about sex and marriage? More specifically, how can we help our boys grow into young men who are free from sexual sin and radiate heroic virtue? If those are your questions, this book has the answers. Leila tackles head-on the most pressing vices such as lust, masturbation, and pornography, showing how to help your son navigate around them. Her advice is hopeful and practical, full of plain-language tips and proven solutions. The many first-hand accounts from admirable young men, including Leila's own sons, show the fruit that will result from these strategies. All Catholic parents should read this book carefully, once by themselves and then once again with their spouse. We live in a crooked sexual culture. This book will make straight the way."

- Brandon Vogt, author of RETURN and Content Director at Word on Fire Catholic Ministries

"If you, like me, want to get into the duck-and-cover position any time the subject of talking to your kids about sexuality comes up, then this book is for you. With the candor of a good friend and the wisdom of an experienced mother, Leila Miller demystifies a subject that is overwhelming for many people."

- Jennifer Fulwiler, bestselling author of Something Other than God and host of The Jennifer Fulwiler Show on SiriusXM

"In Raising Chaste Catholic Men, Leila Miller reminds us moms that the Church is there for us. The thing is, Leila is there for us too, an image of Mother Mary, to show us how the Church helps raise up our future men. In her characteristic style—full of love for clarity, logic, and truth—she gives straight talk to moms about the straight talk we need to give our sons. Her book is a conduit of grace."

- Dr. Stacy Trasancos, author of Particles of Faith

"Our society is in a crisis of authentic masculinity. Parents, even Catholic ones, don't realize the battle they are in for their children's souls, especially for their sons. Leila Miller's book offers sound, practical wisdom to Catholic parents seeking to help their sons grow to become chaste, faithful men. Miller draws from her own experience in rearing faithful sons in a pornified culture and delivers helpful tips for how other Catholic parents can do the same."

- Devin Rose, Catholic father and author of Navigating the Tiber, blogging at

“Every generation has a few writers who can simply and clearly impart wisdom and direction, and Leila Miller is one of these. This book is necessary for any parent, priest, youth minister, or guardian who wishes to tackle the subjects at which most would normally balk. Leila handles the hard questions gracefully and directly, and her succinct, no-nonsense wit keeps you gripped and wanting to know everything she can teach you. I have no doubt that men for many generations will be blessed and thankful for her efforts, not the least of which are her very own successful and honorable sons. Of course she has the right to name the book, but I would call it Manual for Not Raising Derelict Hedonists.”

- Rosalie Contrite, of and This Catholic Life podcast

In Raising Chaste Catholic Men, Leila Miller provides frank, funny, and faith-filled advice on protecting boys from our diseased culture. If you've given up or given in, thinking that "every family has at least one" child that abandons the faith, this book will renew your hope. Mrs. Miller not only speaks from her experience as a mom; she rounds up young men to speak directly to the reader. You can raise chaste Catholic men! Just grab this book and spend some time on your knees.

- Connie Rossini, author of Trusting God With St. Therese, and

"I loved this book, and every mother and grandmother of boys should read this. There is such hope and joy in knowing it's possible to raise strong moral men in spite of the culture swirling around them.”

- Rebecca Frech, author of Teaching in Your Tiara: A Homeschooling Book for the Rest of Us

Please enjoy!

And if you would like a signed copy, email me at and I can tell you how that works.

For paperback, go here:
Raising Chaste Catholic Men: Practical Advice, Mom to Mom

For ebook, go here:
Raising Chaste Catholic Men: Practical Advice, Mom to Mom

(They are not linked for some reason; gotta figure that out.)


First "regular reader" feedback is in! Here is what I heard this morning:

'This was a friendly, supportive, quick read. I liked that your certainity challenged me. "Character formation" is the part that really jumped out at me. I tend to be the easy-going, lets have fun parent. I like that you didn't punish me for having that attitude, but reminded me to do both (parenting & friendship) but do it in the right order (parenting first, then friendship). I felt really encouraged that I am doing similar things in sexual education. I read this thinking "Oh yeah, we're on track." I liked your humility. I didn't feel like you were "teaching me" I felt like you were "coaching me." I loved, loved, loved the quotes from young men in the back. My son is only 11, so I really don't have that feedback loop of young male adults yet. At the end of the read I felt like you said "You've got this" and I mentally answered "Heck, yes!" Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Please write more books.'

'I have it!!! Started reading it this morning after I woke up! Couldn't hold myself back! Leila, it is sooo good. No, I take that back - it is great! Can I say that this just may be the most needed book ever? Lol. Just wanted to give you some early feedback. I'll be writing a review for it on Amazon when I am finished. Congratulations! I was smiling when I read the first few chapters because it was just so YOU!'


  1. Leila Miller, you have done a great service with this work. It's really, really good. All parents have holes and weaknesses in this specific fight. You have provided many solutions with both big picture (the eternal), and on the ground practical concerns. I feel very affirmed in many of things we are doing right and shaken loose by things we are neglecting. I love the "in the world but not of the world" approach that you and Dean have been able accomplish. It's not an easy thing to achieve without having a solid, well rounded and firm grounding in the faith along with common sense. I loved the stuff about living what you know is true. That the ultimate victory is already won and showing your that nothing this world can dish out can separate us from God unless we let it.
    You are a breath of fresh air to read as always. Looking forward to the next 10 books.
    Also, I've been waiting for a well written concise vehicle to approach a few of my Protestant brothers. I think this is it. We face the same beast in regards to raising our kids and I'm convinced that the Catholic understanding about human sexuality is where the rubber hits the road. It goes to the core of understanding Gods design and being able to see how we got in this mess. Truth is the arrow that takes out the dragon.
    Thanks for the help in doing the most important thing in our lives. Getting these babes to Jeaus.

  2. Yay! I've been looking for something like this!!!! Thank you! Can't wait to purchase and read!

  3. Congratulations, Leila! That's a wonderful accomplishment and sounds like a wonderful topic for a book. I always love your posts on family life and parenting so it sounds like I am in for a real treat!

    Congrats! Congrats! Congrats!

    1. Thank you, StarFireKK!! My next little book project is on Catholic dating and marriage, ha ha! I have a lot to say!! LOL

  4. Congratulations, Leila! I loved this book the moment I saw my Godson on its cover!:)
    I cannot wait to order and read!!!

  5. Leila, this book is as much "mom to dad" as " mom to mom". Maybe more importantly so considering the stats on kids remaining faithful based on the fathers commitment or lack there of. You make this really clear in the book.
    It's great stuff Leila. Way to go

  6. Guys, don't buy the paperback of my book until I get the typeset issue worked out. I have tried to take it offline, but not sure if that works. Kindle edition is best for now. More info to some. Sorry about that!

  7. Awesome addition to my list for spiritual reading! And it contains some of the best content from you blog. Love it Leila, reading this along side St. Augustine's Confessions!

  8. Aw man, I should have emailed you first so I could get a signed copy! But I put my Amazon order in (and did it through Amazon Smile, too, so my parish will get a donation!)

    I love all of my boys but this is something I get really nervous about, especially with my oldest in public school starting this year. Thank you!

    1. Thank you!! (And just in case you really want it signed, you can mail me the book and just throw in $3 for the return shipping. Email me if you want more info!)


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