
Saturday, February 13, 2016

RIP Justice Antonin Scalia

Requiescat in pace Antonin Scalia.

You were a brilliant mind, an exceptional jurist, and a true patriot.
Most importantly, you were a faithful Catholic, a beloved husband, 
a father of nine (including a priest), and a grandfather to 30+. 

May we take your words to heart:



  1. Leila, I am heart broken. Such a good man who had such a clear mind. Just a shame. Especially now for obvious reasons. Wow.

  2. I am with you. Such a tragedy and a profound loss for the nation. Lord, have mercy.

  3. I too am heart broken. If you read any of his works, he was steeped in natural law. This was the fundamental formula for civil law that he challenged his colleagues to adopt. He was a solid foundation for our judicial system. While we see it as a loss, I'm afraid our nation won't see it that way. The culture of death will see this as a major win.

  4. My heart sank as I heard the news yesterday. Rest in peace faithful servant of God.

  5. His son is a priest in my diocese.

  6. Jon, agreed. And their cackling has already begun. But we know that the Culture of Death dies in the end, as death can only beget... death.

    Beth, I wonder if he will be the celebrant for the mass? I keep thinking.... Obama will be at the mass, and so will one of Scalia's best friends, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg! I can't ever get over the fact that those two families are so close. Maybe his prayers from heaven/purgatory will soften her heart??

    And from my friend Dorinda Bordlee, a pro-life attorney with the Bioethics Defense Fund:

    As we join together in praying for the soul of Justice Scalia, let's recall the words of Congressman Henry Hyde: "When the time comes, as it surely will, when we face that awesome moment, the final judgment, I've often thought, as Fulton Sheen wrote, that it is a terrible moment of loneliness. You have no advocates, you are there alone standing before God -- and a terror will rip your soul like nothing you can imagine. But I really think that those in the pro-life movement will not be alone. I think there'll be a chorus of voices that have never been heard in this world but are heard beautifully and clearly in the next world -- and they will plead for everyone who has been in this movement. They will say to God, 'Spare him, because he loved us,' and God will look at you and say not, 'Did you succeed?' but 'Did you try?'”
    Requiescant in pace, Justice Scalia.

  7. The guy was a Titan. RIP Scalia.

  8. I've been a lawyer for almost three decades. I was in law school when Scalia was appointed. At the time I saw him as being opposed to the good of the poor and weak, although even then I would have said that his stance on abortion was an exception. Over the years I came to appreciate the clarity of his thinking and the consistency of his jurisprudence, especially when I contrasted it with the sophism of other Justices. Its been many years since I realized that he spoke for people like myself in a place where we are often regarded with scorn, and did it in such a way so as to win admiration, friendship and surely some measure of open mindedness from many opposed to our faith. I try to do the same as a lawyer in my own small way. As long as he was on the Supreme Court there was at least one Justice I admired.

    I'm not dismayed by his death. He surely is in heaven and the struggle for control of the Supreme Court is less important than we think. Like Justice Scalia, we should do what is actually within our power--to try to win over the minds and hearts of our listeners but failing that to speak clearly and honestly.

  9. Yeah Scalia had so much integrity in that he genuinely didn't care how he was perceived or what popular opinion was. His values were what they were, and he didn't apologize for them. I wish I had that type of backbone.


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