
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

This jovial, pretty, young Planned Parenthood abortionist is striving for intact human heads

She's truly beautiful, quite likable, charismatic, obviously with gifts that propelled her to become a medical doctor. The world was her oyster -- and she chose to be an abortionist.

But she still has "something to strive for", as she laughingly says, and one of those goals is someday to get an intact fetal head when she performs her later-term abortions. So far, darnit all, she has not been able to keep the child's head intact upon extraction.

Check out 5:07 on the video. Or better yet, watch it all. It's will take less than ten minutes of your time.

Her equally young and lovely colleague, at 7:32, exclaims that fetal hearts at 9 weeks or so are "cute"! (I can almost imagine her thinking of little dolly hearts! Miniatures! So fun to play with!) And the abortionist just "has so much respect" for "development" -- it's "amazing".

Yes, that's right: She is in awe, she is reverent, she has "so much respect" for the development of the little human beings whose lives she has just violently ended, whose growing, living bodies she has just targeted and destroyed. Their parts are "cute", their development is "amazing", but the babies themselves? Trash.

This is a glimpse into the world of cognitive dissonance.

Recently, and completely due to these horrific and damning Center for Medical Progress videos, Planned Parenthood has decided to stop receiving reimbursements for its "donation" of baby parts. Let's put aside the glaring question of why PP would stop this practice if it was doing nothing wrong in the first place, and ask: Is this concession enough to justify continued taxpayer funding of PP? To the tune of half a billion dollars a year?

I mean, I get that PP is no longer selling body parts like a baby chop shop, but when young doctors are still striving for intact human heads from their victims, don't we still have a huge problem here?


  1. There is so much madness in the world that I sometimes find myself very grateful to God that one day I’ll get to leave it.

  2. Ben, I hear you! I always have to remind myself: "This is not heaven; we are not in heaven yet." There is a battle here, and until we are called away from it, we fight on... We don't want to concede even one soul to the devil.

  3. Is this concession enough to justify continued taxpayer funding of PP? To the tune of half a billion dollars a year?

    No. And I hope Fiorina can generate enough money to really get in the game and survive the race because I like her stance on this whole issue, as well as her stance on other issues, too.

  4. I am looking forward to the debate tomorrow! I like do like Carly. :)

  5. But she still has "something to strive for", as she laughingly says, and one of those goals is someday to get an intact fetal head when she performs her later-term abortions.

    What a lofty goal. Abhorrent.

    Where are all the feminists to cry “Microaggression!” or even “Macroaggression!” to the ghastly reality that there are 30 abortions scheduled, 10 days a month, at this clinic as mentioned in this video (starting at the 2:47 mark)? So, literally, 1/3 of their business days are crammed full of abortions? Quite a large number of aggressive attacks on life (esp. on minorities) and no feminist argues that, huh?

    Quite an increase on that balance sheet, as well. What do abortions run, say, $500? Ten days out of the month, she’s providing 30 of these? That’s $15,000 each day that these are performed and, so $150,000 per month, for that clinic alone, for this one procedure alone. Cash cow.

    The fact that doctors like this get a hearty chuckle at the mere idea of retrieving a perfect ‘specimen’ shows how sociopathically one must view this type of work. Ghoulish. Disconnected. Cognitive dissonance, indeed. May they all repent and come to Christ to receive His mercy.

  6. Wow. 80,000 abortions a year in the state of Texas alone. And our society is ok with that? Hopefully history will some day look back on us and marvel at our ability to tolerate this level of evil - and judge us for letting it happen.

    And that woman personally does 30 abortions a day, 3 days a week? How does a woman allow herself to participate in such a thing, day after day, at such a level? She kills nearly 100 people a week. My goodness - I will pray for her every day by name. I love your reminder, Leila, that we will not concede even one soul to the devil. May those 100 babies a week intercede for her as well.

    1. More than that. She says, "3 days, well 10 days a month..." in that one verbal correction of hers, she jumped their business 233%. Then she corrects herself from providing 25 abortions to 30 abortions on those 10 days. An increase in volume, to boot (20%).

  7. You're right, Leila, this woman seems charming even as she describes dismembering tiny babies. I really think that she somehow doesn't see the evil in it. It rings true of the verse "Gross is the heart of this people, they will hardly hear with their ears, they have closed their eyes, lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and be converted, and I heal them" (Matthew 13:15) I pray that her eyes, and those of all our country, are opened.

  8. Amen to all of this! Yes, abortion is VERY lucrative.

    And, the "cuteness" of the little doll parts (i.e., dead baby parts) is really so disturbing. Because my kids ooooh and ahhhh over ACTUAL little babies (unborn, fetal models, sonograms, photos). They think they are SO cute. But they would be horrified if the remains of a recently-murdered little one were fawned over as being so "cute". It's.... I have no word for it. I can't think of the proper word. It's a good thing that these ladies are in awe and enamored with little one's parts and human development.... but not in murdered babies!!!

  9. Question: Is everyone else not able to see the video? Or is it just me? It's disappeared.

  10. I can access the video, but for those unable, try lifesitenews.

    'Pretty' is as pretty does; Mengele, call your office. The 'lovely' colleague is devoid of love for the most defenseless and most pure among us. Semantics quibbling aside, I read there are more videos yet to be released...I pray for his safety.

    Would love to see a debate between Hillary and Carly. I saw a couple of references to Carly favoring exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother, but need to research more to confirm. Wish they would dwindle the number of candidates in the top tier and move some to the lower tiered first debate, to allow more substantive discussions.

    1. p.s. Leila, you set a fine example; may Our Lady of Guadalupe use our prayers and sacrifices for the conversion of all involved in any and every aspect of the abortion industry.

  11. That is so weird! I can't get it or see it here, or on any sites. Sigh. But I'm glad others can! Whew!!

    And Maggie, there is another video just out. Oh my gosh, it's at a convention and it's horrid. Laughter about what to do with piled up bodies, how to dispose of them, as there is quite a backup. Supposedly, someone (not CMP) leaked it since there is a gag order against its release? I think you can see it here:

    Again, it's not coming up for me, but I saw it on Francis' Facebook page. Lord, have mercy.

  12. This doctor respects human development so much that she aggressively stops it from developing—as a doctor. What is wrong with this picture? So much. Too much.

    Her level of respect for development should be directly proportional to her desire to preserve that development – as a doctor.

    Why is there this eerie disconnect between the amount of one not having any apparent bearing on the increase in the amount of the other? So very disconnected from any semblance of reason.

    Like: "I respect my marriage so much I cheat." "I respect overweight people so much I insult them." Having respect would indicate the exact opposite behavior to a reasoning mind.

  13. Nubby, that is exactly right! It's the opposite of what "respect" means! It's actual insanity. I can't believe it sometimes.

    But here is something that will just, well, I have (again) no words. This is what abortionists talk and laugh about behind closed doors. I mean, I can't even comprehend this level of evil and/or cognitive dissonance:

  14. Actually, you know what her awkwardly embarrassing remarks remind me of?
    High school biology where students dissect fetal pigs and make silly school girl remarks about how “cute the little piggy is with his little piggy feet and little piggy snout”. That’s merely an animal but is still quite stomach-churning on a certain level. This is human life in these videos. All the more ghastly. And all for the bottom dollar. That’s even worse.

    I’ll give that latest video you just posted a look.

  15. So I watched it.

    An "eyeball in my lap" is really a joke among this set, eh?
    And, yes, "Let's just give them all the violence..." Yeah, that's actually a perfect approach, lady. Do that up. Maybe then they'll storm out of your office knowing better than to let you have at her child and her body.

  16. Nubby, no kidding!! What the frig???? Sorry, but this is like satire, it's like hell, it's like nothing I can describe! These are WOMEN! I mean, men have nothing on us for violence and selfishness and bloodlust, etc. These women are a disgrace to all women.

    If this were on the nightly news, even your average American pro-choicer would be outraged! I really believe it.

  17. Business is booming. Cash is rolling in while "doctors" joke about literal eyeballs rolling out. Everyone's got her own Lamborghini. I mean, material wealth is the goal, right? It's sick. It's beyond sick, actually. It's a soul lost even while the whole world is gained.

    Mark 8:36: "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

  18. I discovered this collection of testimonies written by abortionists on the subject "Why I provide abortions". It includes a statement from the Dr. Dermish. Not surprisingly it is written so poetically, to sound so soothing and beautiful. It's cloaked in the words of justice and equality and life, but sadly of course, it includes all the regular fallacies. Still, I felt it was worth sharing as it could help us better understand the hearts and thinking of these women (yes, they are all women quoted here) and so better prepare us to speak to their hearts and pray for the conversion of their minds.
    God bless you Leila for your courageous, continual fight for the lives of all persons.

  19. I am looking forward to the debate tomorrow! I like do like Carly. :)

    Fiorina’s closing remarks, so hilariously awesome:

    “I may not be your dream candidate just yet, but I can assure you I’m Hillary Clinton’s worst nightmare. And in your heart of hearts, you cannot wait to see a debate between Hilary Clinton and Carly Fiorina. I will tell you this, I will beat Hilary Clinton…” - Carly Fiorina

    I freakin’ LOL’ed so hard. Yes, she is her worst nightmare. Yes, she will own her in a debate. No question. She’s straight-talking and to the point. She was strong last night, too. Let’s see this debate, please.

    1. * two "l's" in Hillary. Autocorrect wasn't helpful. Sorry, "Hills".

  20. Nubby, I had to miss the last part of the debate, but I will look that up, ha ha ha!

    And Jennifer, thank you. I can't bear to read it at the moment, but I am glad you put it out for others to see. It's so overwhelmingly sad and just... unbelievable really.

  21. Rubio was strong, too. He was solid in both answering questions and pushing back verbally, whether from Bush's criticisms, or from the debate monitors. He also called out Hillary.

    Some of the others were ok, but I wasn't too keen on some of the answers. Mostly, I got a good chuckle when they took it to the debate monitors for their inane questions. ha.

    I hope Fiorina gets her duel with Clinton. I'd love to see her pin some searing points of truth about Benghazi, take on her pro-abort stance, and demolish her fiscal blunders.

  22. I would love to see two women running for President.

  23. Johanne, me too!!! I would pay money to watch that debate, and I would be so happy to see a woman president (on the right side of the issues, of course!).

    Did you see this? What did you think? Are you as horrified as the rest of us? What would the average pro-choicer think? These are the people the left holds up as heroes.

  24. Around Halloween, we play around with the idea of "terror" and the demonic, but as this video plainly shows, the worst monster has always been man.
    This was the idea behind my comic:


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