
Friday, September 18, 2015

Ninth and tenth undercover Planned Parenthood videos, and thoughts on sex as idol

As you watch the ninth and tenths videos (no graphic images, just the banality of evil amid laughter), I wonder if you feel as I do: These women have lost touch with their own humanity. 

Let's begin with the tenth video, where PP execs talk openly about "generating a fair amount of income" from baby parts trafficking and another speaks of not wanting to be "bullied by the ridiculous laws" on the books, that PP "should not curtail our business for ridiculousness". This is the same Planned Parenthood that gets -- and feels righteously entitled to! -- half a billion taxpayer dollars a year. And, note the executive caught in a lie (start around 9:40) regarding PP's routine altering of abortion procedures to obtain better, more intact body parts (which is illegal).

If you are a Planned Parenthood or abortion supporter, watch what you are supporting, and shame on you if you do not watch it all:

And back to video #9, which should shock the conscience, assuming the conscience is still alive:

From fetal organs procurement manager, Perrin Larton, at 4:50 on the video:

"...the whole point is not to have a live birth" (Oh, really? How good of you to have a goal of a dead baby before delivery!), but sometimes, especially if the mother has had many previous children, the baby "just falls out" (alive! whoops! But hey, they actually get an "intact specimen" that way. Score!)

And when she talks about the babies' body parts, I wonder at the irony. For example, at 6:12, we hear that "...a lot of times the [baby's] abdomen presents first and they [the abortionists] just go in and start pulling" and rip apart the baby's liver. That really "pisses off" this laughing lady, who is looking to procure good smooth baby livers, darnit!

I find myself thinking, "But, she has her abdomen, her liver, her head and her limbs. She has them all intact. She got to stay alive and keep her body parts. She's strong and has a voice, so she has her life and her limbs. The unborn are weak and voiceless, so they get to have their body parts pulled and ripped and sold for scrap.

The irony, the irony of all these embodied women, going through the decades with all their parts, all intact from head to toe, growing up and growing old, living valuable lives, being worthy and important and untouchable. Protected by law.

Laughing and chatting about the other ones -- the ones they kill and package and sell.

But that abdomen, that liver, that body belonged to someone. And you had no right to touch it. You had no right to harm the integrity of that human being. Human, just like you.

The ABR procurement manager, by appearances, seems like such a nice lady. Someone's mom or grandma. I can picture her at a PTA meeting, a band concert, a church function. She could be a kindergarten teacher. And yet, she is in the business of trafficking human baby parts. Surreal.

And yet, sin blinds us as well as binds us.

I was thinking about our idols in this nation and the western world in general. 

What was it, exactly, that trumped the fundamental right to life itself

Sexual license.

What was it, exactly, that first weakened marriage and then ultimately led to its un-defining? 

Sexual license.

What is it that is threatening religious liberty more and more each day? 

Sexual license. 

How sad that the idolization of sexual pleasure has trumped the most fundamental of human rights (life and religious liberty), and dismantled society's fundamental building block (marriage). Sexual pleasure has become the most important good on the face of the planet for those who have or know nothing more, nothing higher. Sex is the idol. We kill for it (abortion, sex trafficking) and we die for it (AIDS, disease).

We take sexual pleasure out of its proper and sublime context and we put it above every other good, including human life itself, which is the very fruit of human sexuality and the communion of persons. 

And then we find ourselves having lost our own humanity. If you still don't believe me, then you have not watched the videos, or you have become terrifyingly blinded by sin. 

It is never too late to turn around.

If you still support Planned Parenthood, turn around. 


  1. That's what I've been saying all along! Abortion is largely due to women who feel the need to have sex without any "harsh consequences" such as pregnancy and if they do become pregnant, then abortion supposedly solves that "problem". Ugh! The idolization of sexual license sickens me. Lord have mercy!

  2. Margo, you have that right. Sex trumps all. And I would add that it's not just the women who fuel the abortion industry, it's the men who want to have sex with no responsibility. That's the irony. It's a "feminist" movement (though not the early feminists, who thought abortion was a crime against women and children and were right!), and yet the greatest beneficiaries are the men who are cads. Who want to use women for pleasure and then get rid of any "problem" that comes up.

    1. I'm glad you had the wisdom to say that. It takes two to make a baby, and I feel like up until recently, men were allowed to engage in casual sex a lot more than women and didn't bear the responsibility the way women do for a child being conceived. A lot of promiscuous, irresponsible women abuse abortion do many, many promiscuous men. And as a society, we focus on these women and attack them more than we do men. But the reality is, it's heterosexual women AND men who selfishly wanted sex without consequences and look where it got us.

  3. You seem a little hotter under the collar than usual. I am seeing more and more of my liberal friends come out to support PP on facebook than when this all started. I think people really expected this to get swept under the rug like it always has, but the House vote really woke some people up. I think that men won't respect women until they respect themselves. And women haven't decided to do that in a lot of instances. It's like this big lie of guilt and responsibility free sex was sold to everyone and everyone except the Catholic Church bought it hook, line and sinker. Now, all these years later after the Christian Churches gave in to contraception, and RvW in the seventies and, we're still not getting the fun and free sex and our society is imploding, I think people are mad. They totally believed something and it isn't working. I keep reminding people how ashamed all these clinic workers and women must be and how hard it must be to admit something like involvement in abortion. I can't imagine! I'm so grateful for And then there were none and Crisis pregnancy centers. It's like people ARE blind. The most horrifying thing I saw this week was Catholics for Choice. Dear God, please convert these people!!!

    1. Yes, I agree!!

      And if you think this was hot under the collar, how about my "TOTAL VENT" in 2012? I still stand by it! :)

  4. Thank God for the House keeping PP's illegal (and revolting) activity in the spotlight. We live in a time when people get bored with an issue quickly. Without members of the House and many State legistlatures getting involved, this would have been swept under the rug and would have stayed there.

  5. Okay, blogger is driving me nuts. I'll type a comment and then try to post it thinking I am signed in. Then it prompts me to sign into my account, and after I do, it had erased what I've typed. Well, I had a comment. Sigh. Something about how people keep telling me these videos are lies, which makes me sad because yes, the idol is so strong that even unedited video evidence is completely thrown oh in favor of protecting the almighty PP.

    1. I always copy/paste my comments prior to hitting "publish," because I've gotten burned by Blogger far too many times.

    2. That's a good idea! I normally do too, but on my phone it's more of a process. I so thought I was already signed in. Arg.

  6. And regarding men, I once read that the most influential factor in whether a woman chooses an abortion is the father... Whether he pressures her or isn't present or pays for it or wants the child, etc. Gosh, I wonder if this is because sex was meant to bond people and create babies, and when a baby actually happens, women suddenly don't feel empowered and autonomous but terrified and dependant (when not in a stable, loving, life-giving, committed relationship).

  7. Sarah, exactly right!

    And, I have been burned by Blogger that way, too. Especially when on my stupid phone. Ugh.

  8. I haven't watched the videos because I am extremely sensitive to graphic violence and evil, and I'm already anti abortion. It makes me struggle though, to know what to say to friends and family, people I'm so close to, who are pro choice and defend PP. These are not sex crazed fanatics; some are faithfully married. You nailed it when you mentioned that the woman could have been in the PTA. That's what gets me the most: that most people I know would watch the video and shrug, or say "oh it's been edited." How do you cope with knowing that otherwise moral people see nothing wrong with abortion?

  9. Perrin Larton strikes me as someone I would really hit it off with, just from what I gather of her personality on the video. SO disturbing to actually see the humans who are caught up in this and completely desensitized to the reality of the brutality they are participating in. Sad.

  10. I went down to our local clinic for forty days for life. While I was praying the rosary a woman drove by shouting "you're f-ing disgusting!!!" multiple times, at me...and my four year old son.

    I could only wonder how many abortions she has had. She was so filled with anger.


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