
Monday, April 6, 2015

So, we are going to try something new here, soon!

Well, maybe it's been done elsewhere before, but I am really excited to see how it plays out here.

The strength of this blog, I believe, is the dialogue that often follows the original post. It's meaty stuff, while at the same time being respectful and conversational. Many of you have told me that you enjoy the dialogue in the comment sections so much that you break out the popcorn and spend the evening reading through. That makes me very happy. And, it makes me very happy when I hear that you have learned a lot from the discussions. That is what I've always hoped for this blog!

So, over the years I have had some private debates with my college roommate's husband, Matt. He is an intelligent and committed atheist. We disagree on many things. But there is good will between us, and if I don't blow it, there will be good will as we begin this new experiment for the Bubble.

I'm going to call it the "Ongoing Dialogue" post.

I will start by publishing opening statements about Truth, one from Matt and one from me. Then, we will start a casual but coherent dialogue in the comment section. It will be just like what you are used to in the Bubble, the only difference being that it won't have to slow down or end when I publish another (regular) post.

So, the "Ongoing Dialogue" post (or posts, if we are successful and want to start new such posts with different topics, or even different people) will be something you'll want to subscribe to via email so that you'll never miss a comment.

I'm still not sure how to deal with Blogger's 200 comment limit before it makes you "load more" (which is a colossal pain), but I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Meanwhile, look for regular posts as always, but also look for the "Ongoing Dialogue" post coming soon. I need to make a logo for it. Isn't this fun?? Maybe this concept will fall flat, but hopefully it will enlighten us all and bear good fruit!


And if you could please storm Heaven for my cousin Michelle who is still suffering from advanced cancer. Choose your best intercessors for this wonderful single mom, who is not just my cousin but a cherished friend. Thank you so much!


  1. This sounds like a great idea!

  2. Oh, Leila, praying for dear Michelle and her daughters and extended family. God Bless them all and sending everything I've got to Heaven for her. Peace, peace, peace and healing to all. I will pass on the prayer request to others.

  3. Sounds like fun!

    St. Peregrine, pray for Michelle and her family.

  4. Sounds like a great plan. :-)

    That breaks me out to hear about your cousin. I didn't realize she was a single mother. That makes it so much harder. Prayers for her and her family.

  5. Thank you all so much for prayers for Michelle. I know she appreciates every one of them.

    JoAnna, we are such Catholic nerds! Only we could say "sounds like fun!" about a culture war debate, ha ha.

  6. Prayers for your cousin. Breaks my heart.

    My popcorn is ready and I am waiting!!!

  7. Of course I will pray for Michelle and her loved ones. She's added to my daily prayers for the sick and I'll mention her in our community Rosary tomorrow.

    Hey, did you have a grandson recently? Haven't seen much photographic evidence. ;-)

  8. Prayers for Michelle. Sweet Papa St. Joseph look after her.

  9. I will start by publishing opening statements about Truth, one from Matt and one from me.

    Oh, dear...

  10. More a sympathetic expression for Matt's sake. ;)

    I see 5 forks in the road from Matt's angle already, none anchorable logically.
    No offense against him, but atheistic arguments are self refuting.
    You've already run the ball back and it's not even kickoff.

    Hopefully the posts are a benefit to lurkers.
    He's a good sport for entering dialogue on here.
    Added your cousin to my DM Chaplet today.

  11. Ha ha, got it! Yes, it's mostly for the lurkers, as there is not a real possibility of a change on either side (well, there is grace, so I won't say "impossible"). He knows that we are doing this for the sake of the lurkers. It's going to be fun!!

  12. How do I find the discussion? I'm new to blogs. Thanks

  13. Hi Pflanzas! Once I publish the post (and I haven't yet), you will be able to subscribe to the comments at the bottom of the comments section (or at the bottom of the post itself). So, look for the post to come sometime in the near future (I've been sick and apparently Matt has as well, so it might be a few days yet!). Thank you for your interest!


PLEASE, when commenting, do not hit "reply" (which is the thread option). Instead, please put your comment at the bottom of the others.

To ensure that you don't miss any comments, click the "subscribe by email" link, above. If you do not subscribe and a post exceeds 200 comments, you must hit "load more" to get to the rest.