
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

There is joy in our hearts, as the long, penitential days of Lent are over (this Lent was particularly brutal for me; what about you?), and we can once again sing "Alleluia!"

Remember always that the Christian religion is based not on a wise man's philosophy nor on an ancient set of rules, but on one major historical fact:

Jesus of Nazareth truly lived, truly died, 
and truly rose from the dead.

If the Resurrection never happened, then Christianity is not true, and our faith is in vain.

But the truth is, Jesus Christ is Risen! Alleluia, Alleluia!

A blessed Easter season to all, and congratulations and welcome home to all the new Catholics who received their sacraments at the Great Easter Vigil -- the most awe-inspiring, transcendent, sublime night of the year!

"Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important." -- C. S. Lewis

(I'll be back soon to finish out the Fulton Sheen series with his reflections on Easter!)



  1. Happy Easter, Leila! Have a blessed, joyful Easter season!

  2. This has been a difficult Lenten season for my family too, but it is finally ended and Easter is come! =)

  3. For this Gramma it was the best yet, a returning to my roots with a greater and more personal connectedness and grace filled realities. A blessed Easter to you all.


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