
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

As the Conclave begins...

… how about some information on how it all works!

For an incredible amount of detailed information, all presented clearly and in an aesthetically pleasing manner, go here:

And if you prefer a short video, Catholic News Service has produced a beautiful five-minute summary of what happens in the Conclave:

For even more, my friend Tom Perna has compiled a great set of resources on his blog, here.

And of course, for ongoing television coverage of the Conclave, tune in to EWTN (check your local listings!).

While we wait, here's comic relief for those of us who are happy that the next pope will be (gasp!) Catholic, but who are suffering through the dissenters' oft-expressed (if fruitless) hope that he will be something else. Some clever and hilarious Lutherans seem to understand certain ironies and absurdities better than many Catholics:

Now, my fellow Catholics, I know we are all incredibly excited, full of nerves perhaps, and on the edge of our seats! We know above all that our job now is to pray. This is a hushed and reverent time, and it's a sacred, fearsome business that the Cardinals are about.

If I could reach the Cardinal Electors with any words of solace and strength, it would be these, which are directed to all of us in the Body of Christ:



  1. Leila - Thanks for the shout out!

    Yes, we must pray. As the lay faithful, that's our role during this important time.

  2. "Like most Catholic women who don't go to church and don't believe anything the Church says..." Love the Lutheran video! They might want to consider showing it to the student from the local $12,000 a year Catholic high school, who was quoted on the front page of Sunday's paper as believing that “The church should try to keep up with (a world in constant change) if it wants to retain its popularity,” and that young people "tolerate the church right now, but they would definitely become more enthusiastic if a more liberal pope were elected.” My guess is that this expensively-"educated" Catholic young man is also a fan of Glee.

  3. Sharon, I can only just roll my eyes. So glad to see a top-notch Catholic education at work! No doubt their theology professor is Sister Patricia (see LarryD above, ha ha! Perfect, Larry!).

    Lord, have mercy!!

  4. LOL on Sr. Patricia! I can just see the young Catholic student nodding his head in agreement with her!

  5. Does anyone know how to get news coverage on this? We don't have cable and don't get EWTN.

    Funny video Leila! :-)

  6. Becky, NBC and FOXNews were covering the procession and oaths. I was amazed that NBC hired Fr. Barron and George Weigel and another orthodox Catholic (a woman - I don't know her name) to do awesome commentary!! The press pulls through during a Conclave! I guess even they know on some level that this is too important to get it wrong….

  7. ....please shut your mouth before the angel of death kills us all!!! Aaahhhhhhhhahahah
    I can't get over Fr Barron Being on NBC, I'm searching for a conspiracy theory on how this could be possible. It must be a Holy Spirit mind trick on the Producers not picking Sr Patricia....."this is not the droid we're looking for.....move along"

  8. Thanks for the resources. Leila. I have a ton of resources on my blog, particularly for homeschoolers. If you haven't started teaching about the conclave yet, or you need something more, it's not too late.

  9. There is also a great video from about the process of choosing a Pope. I showed it to my kids and they loved it.


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