
Monday, June 18, 2012

Just Curious: Have a blog? Just lurking?

I'm just curious: Do you have a blog?

If so, what kind of blog is it? Do you blog regularly? What is the purpose of your blog (writing for fun; an online journal of life events; mommy blog; evangelization; etc.)?

If you don't have a blog, would you like one? Are you afraid to start one? If so, what is holding you back?

If you are a Bubble lurker who does not comment normally, I'd love to "meet" you! Please de-lurk and introduce yourself! Just for now, I have enabled anonymous comments, so please say "hello"!



  1. I have 2 blogs, one for journaling about the kids whic I have on private now that I have my own blog for my insane ramblings.

    I'm not sure the purpose of mine other than I have way too much to say all the time and it helps me to get it out.

  2. Leticia Velasquez, I have several blogs; Catholic Media Review (group blog which reviews books and films) Causa Nostrae Laetitiae a culture of life blog, A Special Mother is Born which chronicles the marketing of my book, KIDS Keep Infants with Down Syndrome which tells about the high abortion rate of children with Down syndrome, and I contribute to Hannah's Tears Ministry, and Associaton of Catholic Women Bloggers, and Cause of Our Joy, daily life raising my 10 year old daughter with Down syndrome.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I have one blog that I'm regularly on, and other's that I've almost forgotten! The one I'm on is which is pretty much whatever is on my mind at the moment.

    And I'm over here all the time! But I almost always lurk! This is definitely one of my favorite and most frequently read blogs!

  5. I have a blog! :)

    It's supposed to be a place where I can rant without having to bother my husband with ranting in his ear. But I kind of go in spurts, writing two or three posts and then I get writer's bloc for several weeks and then I'll return with a few more posts. Topics could include anything that strikes my fancy and gives me pause to write.

  6. Hi, I'm Kat, I love your blog and emailed you once. I have a blog, but it stunk and I left it to die in obscurity. Love to lurk here.

  7. But of course, Leila's much better at this than I am. :)

    Oh and I read Cam's blog, too. Well done, lady!:)

  8. Hi Leila,

    I tend to be a lurker on this blog because you say everything so well and I often find I have nothing to add (which is surprising because I tend to have a lot to say);)

    But I love LCB and believe it is a much needed presence in the blogsphere.

    Keep up the good work, lady!

  9. You know my blog! Definitely a mommy blog. I like to record the little things that happen so I don't forget them. :-)

  10. Hi Leila,
    I had a blog for childrens clothing that I make, but decided selling the outfits kinda took the fun out of sewing so that blog is gathering dust. I am a lurker on both LCB and Orphan Report. My family converted to Catholicism a year ago and I love your little teachings. Your blog has helped me to understand things about my religion that were unclear and brought me deeper into the faith that I love!! Keep up the wonderful blogs!!!


    Pro-life posts, Catholic apologetics, mommy blog.

  12. Leila, I'm a lurker and always read your blog when shared via Stacy T. No blog of my own, don't even know which direction I would go, probably on social/moral issue, but do occasional reflectional writing for various yahoo groups. Keep up the good work.

  13. Hi! My name is Ashley and I have a blog called Catholic Belle! You can also find me on twitter: catholicbelle. I like to write about my family, Catholic topics and Catholic art/architecture. I don't write daily.

  14. I suppose I too am a lurker, as I so rarely post (on anyone's blog, sadly). I have two somewhat-active blogs: one for a local conference on Fatima, and one which is personal. The personal one doesn't seem to have a clear theme (outside of "I WILL do the quick takes on Friday!") but it has been my place to share and "write my way out of the labyrinth of suffering" (to paraphrase a really book I just finished).

    I also recently discovered Tumblr, which hasn't been good for my writing. I promise, I will be writing more.

  15. Hi, Leila!

    I enjoy your blog, and I've had technical difficulties commenting. I've also just been a "read and run" kind of reader. I think quite a bit about starting a blog, and then, I wonder if I really have time for it. I haven't prayed enough about it yet. I keep thinking of blogging about apologetics, current events, etc., and then, I think about how mean-spirited it gets, do I have the stomach for it, and back to should I be spending my time this way. How funny you ask this today. I've been silent on FB about Catholic issues since I got home from vacation in May because I felt like I was getting too wound up in it all. On the other hand, this is when evil wants me to be silent, I think, as all this religious freedom talk continues. I go back and forth on this so much. I know we are called to the New Evangelization with new media.....I don't know. Someone help me out. -Inspired18

  16. I don't comment here often, but I read always. I do have a blog, and it's mostly stream of consciousness whatever happens to be on my mind at the moment, which means that it can run from extremely inane to fairly deep. I never know!

  17. Oh, and I'm looking forward to coming back later and finding some new blogs to check out!

  18. I just added your blog to my feeder a couple of weeks ago so I'm a lurker abeit a new one.

    I have a blog ( which I had intended to chronicle my life as a deacon's wife and mom but I'm not posting as much as I would like since I'm working on another project. Hopefully I can get in the swing.

    BTW, I like your blog, it's always respectful.

  19. Hi Leila,

    I don't have a blog, but I read as many of the Catholic/Infertility blogs as I can. I absolutely love yours!! It is so helpful to read that there are other non-fringe Catholics out there that are having just as hard of a time with the state of our world today. I often forward your blog posts on to others as an explanation or clarification of our faith. Your responses are exactly what I am thinking with more research to back it up. Keep up the great work, and I am praying for the orphans!! I have been praying for sweet Kurt :). -Renee

  20. Hi, it's your lurker friend Cari

    I want to start a blog and the things holding me back are:
    1) how do I merge my animal work and my Catholicism, so I don't have to have two blogs and
    2) how do I come up with a good name to cover those and more?

    I wouldn't be anonymous, if I knew how to make it so that my name shows up. I thought i had done that already. I think I got the name thing, but my pic only shows up when i see me on your list of subscribers.... gosh, and you expect me to be able to start a blog by myself???

  21. Hi Leila ,
    My wife and I are constant lurkers and have thought about starting a blog. The bubble and other similar sites really mirror our life and beliefs. With six kids and one on the way, time has been the biggest question in terms of starting a blog. Any advise on how to manage? I thought by writing this, knowing my wife will read it, it may get the ball rolling. " oh hi honey!"
    Leila , you do an awesome job. Keep it up

  22. Do you have a blog? Not at this time.

    What is the purpose of your blog (writing for fun; an online journal of life events; mommy blog; evangelization; etc.)?

    It would probably be very eclectic: a blend of Catholicism, home DIY interior projects/interior design, various science related posts, sports posts, other odds and ends.

  23. I'll confess, I'm a lurker. I don't mean to be, it's just that currently commenting takes just that little extra time that I don't always have. So, I enjoy lurking here via Google Reader instead :)

    I'm over at I'm a hodge podge of things, but mostly family stuff right now. My blog was started as an outlet for me while going through subfertility/secondary infertility and a place to speak my heart, even if no one else was reading. Now, I blog about motherhood with two big kids and our post-infertility two little girls, as well as homeschooling, Catholic moments and life lessons I'm learning.

    Thanks for calling us lurkers out of the closet! :) I always enjoy reading here.

  24. Hi Leila,

    I'm a Bubble Lurker! Sometimes, it is difficult for me to grasp my place among discord and so often have a difficult time knowing how to react to posts/comments/etc. Does that make sense? In any sense, I'm so grateful for your voice! I appreciate your conviction and steadfastness.

    I do have a blog! At The Narrative Heiress, I weave stories about life as a Catholic mom and wife as well as my search for balance. I like to energize and inspire.

    Thanks for letting me de-lurk myself. :)

  25. Hi Leila! I have a blog, which started as an "adoption blog." Now it is mostly chronicling of family experiences and thoughts, being a single, homeschooling, working adoptive mom of 2 of the best girls in the world. I have lots of posts in my head but most of the time I get too busy to put them down! I love reading your blog. It has been such an encouragement as I have come back to the Catholic faith (after 20 years as an evangelical Protestant) and brought my daughters along. So thankful for you!

  26. Hi Leila! I can be found at ! I originally started blogging as a way to have my voice out there but until a couple of weeks ago, didn't even tell my family that I had one! I love reading other blogs as much as I like blogging and have more recently began blogging more frequently as a way to keep my family and friends up to date on my post-collegiate life! SUPER Catholic, SUPER Pro-Life (I now work for Students for Life of Illinois!) and love your posts! Thank you for being a light in the darkness!

    God bless, Morgan

  27. I blog at

    I blog about adoption/adoptive parenting, infertility and Protestant faith. Oh the horror ;)

    I blog rather sporadically, currently, though!! But I love visitors :)

  28. I'm a longtime lurker! I love your blog! I just finally started my own blog last week. It has a whopping 2 posts, and will be a typical mommy/crafty/sewing/starting out homeschooling blog. I'm too embarassed to even give out the address, ha! Thank you for your dedication to this blog. Your way with words is beautiful and you have a wonderful way of showing how beautiful our faith is.

  29. I have a very neglected blog. I wanted it mostly as a place for family updates after we adopted our daughter back in 2009. Before that she had been our foster daughter so no public photos. Now we have a second adoption. Part of me hasn't posted because I was hoping for a finalization date and the paperwork is taking much longer than we anticipated.

  30. I have a mostly mommy sometimes other things blog. My little space in :) Love your blog!

  31. Hi Leila, yes, I'm a lurker. The Bubble is one of my big time-wasters. I like the "teachings" as well as the articles about your big family (i.e. "why I should never have had eight children"). I'm in the process of converting and like to gobble up all the information I can find online about life as a Catholic. I'm also trying to convince my wife that we ought to have a big family (we have two sons so far) and I shared a couple of your blog posts with her. If I ever start a blog, it might be about parenting. I notice there are a LOT of blogs by mothers of big Catholic families but almost none by fathers or at least not specifically about fatherhood. This could be a niche. But like I say, I have to convince my (not Catholic) wife first!

  32. I'm a (long-time) Catholic infertility blogger. It's much cheaper than therapy!

  33. De-lurking here!
    I really enjoy reading your blog and truly didn't mean to lurk... I think I'm usually so much in agreement with what you say, that I don't have anything useful to add to the comments section! ;)

  34. Ditto what Mary Kate just wrote! I love your blog and have re-posted a few on my face book. Keep up the wonderful work you do!

  35. I have one that I barely ever write on. Probably because it started out as kind of a journal to write out my confusion while discerning my relationship with my boyfriend...which I'm still doing. I have a really hard time getting a feel on what God wants. I'd like to write about other things, but I don't know if I'd say anything original. Course, I only have a couple it probably doesn't matter! I love reading your blog and have commented a couple times, but mostly lurk.

  36. I have a blog

    I'm working on a re-design right now but when I get back to my regular posting I hope to write more about my faith. Right now, homemaking, real food, csa pictures, etc

    Love your blog,


  37. Hello,

    I do have a blog. I say I 'have' one not that I write for it. Its unattended remnants are at

    It was a Catholic worldview blog, news comments, book reviews and such. Some comments made me uneasy about publishing my unguarded ramblings on life.

    More recently, I've been known to chip in at Catholic Phoenix. But I can't really call that 'mine'.


  38. Hi!

    I actually have like four blogs: the first two completely abandoned. One of the other two I wanted to do about cooking, but I really don't want to start publishing until I have twenty things written. The other I tend to have about five posts a month, but more about ridiculous things and it always seems to be while I am annoyed about something. I have been wanting to write about more serious things, but find myself scared to do so odly, something that is not a problem here :). When I muster up the corage, I hope to write about current events, becouse I like to write.

    I have not been commenting in a while, but I always read posts and up to like 50 comments, so I guess I am a temporary lurker!

    Lastly, to Leila, a little while ago you asked me to read fully an article (the one about bestiality). I keep meaning to, and I will respond when I get the chance. I only have not read it becouse my "relaxing" sitting job ended up being, well, not.

  39. Hi Leila! I comment in spurts but have become much more of a lurker. That's because I read the post only to discover 400 people have already commented and have already said what I wanted to say haha.

    I blog over at allthemasons dot Wordpress dot com. And it is mostly a mama blog!

  40. Hi Leila!

    I'm a lurker, I love your blog and read it faithfully but don't usually comment (the kids allow me enough time to read the post but by the time the comments come around there's a two year old on my lap). :) I have a blog, mostly just my random thoughts, what we're up to, or me venting. My husband if deployed to Afghanistan right now and I'm home with 4 kids, so writing it out is a good outlet as opposed to yelling it at my kids. :) It's here at Embracing the Chaos if you want to check it out, keep up the good work!!

  41. I also forgot to mention I just read your reversion story the other week and I read the book years ago. We're of similar ages and I unfortunately didn't even have parents strong in the faith. Something kept me from leaving and in 2000 (Jubilee Year) I finally knew why I should be Catholic and any thought of leaving was gone and my dear husband joined the church in 2004. Oh and my husband is nervous whenever he sees me read the orphan report site. We have adopted twice in 3 years 2nd isn't even final yet and he'll be 50 this year. Right now I must be content with chipping in on fundraisers as much as we can with our own adoption expenses.

  42. Hello Leila,
    I am definitely a lurker! I've probably read every post on this blog and a couple others but never comment!
    I do have a blog (, which is pretty much me talking about Catholic life as I see it: some apologetics (mostly about sex, since that's what my MA focused on), some reflections (on newly-wed life, pregnancy, miscarriage, life as a Catholic attorney), and some culture talk (anything that happens that I feel is generally PSA-worthy, like current events or etiquette tips).
    I thought about putting cooking stuff on there and tried that out a bit, but really my cooking can generously be categorized as "experimental" at best, so I don't foist it upon others.

    I blog...semi-regularly? It would probably be more regular, but since I started, I've had a couple big life events (miscarriage, pregnant again so first trimester sickness, studying for the Florida Bar exam). Hopefully I'll get better at it, but mostly I write for myself and the few readers I have ( all of whom I love).


  43. I have a blog :) I write about Catholicism in my personal life and things I observe. Sometimes I talk about "So this is what I did today!!" but that's not really my style.

    I wish I could post a couple of times a week, but I just don't have the brain energy to do that. My job includes sitting at a computer reading and analyzing and interpreting for 10 hours a day, so coming home to think about blogging and sitting at a computer even more is just too much! I'm also going through a major dry spell right now and so that cuts into my blogging - I can't get myself to pray much less write.

  44. I keep meaning to set up a blog - probably about defending Catholicism, pro-life, political / other rants, maybe fashion, whatever pops into my head!
    Reading blogs like yours was the inspiration.

  45. I started a blog called LOOK! A BLACK CATHOLIC!

    That is all ;)

  46. Yeppers!

    two of them:

    First one is just my own ramblings: Kind of family, kind of homeschooling, kind of mommy blog, kind of "I love being Catholic and using NFP" :-) It's my melting pot blog.

    Second one is adoption specific, to chronicle our adoption journey.

  47. Hi Leila,

    I have commented a few times, but am mostly a lurker. I am new to the whole Catholic blogosphere thing. I have a (mostly) mommyblog at It's mostly read by family members, since all of mine live far away and they like pictures. I have been posting more Catholic things lately, as I find them out and figure my own non-Catholic family could stand to move beyond the stereotypes and misconceptions.

  48. Wow! So many blogs! It's going to take me weeks to read all of them!! LOL. I have two blogs. One is "A Woman's Catholic Journey" where I talk about going from being a lesbian atheist to a devout Catholic woman. I write under DD Hart for this one and change the names of people involved. The other is my parenting blog (as a single, over 40 Mom of a youngster) at

    I make occasional comments on this blog but find I'm not as fine-tuned or knowledgeable as the others who comments. But I learn SO MUCH from this blog and it's by far my favorite.


  49. Hi Leila:

    I do not have a blog, but love reading apologetic blogs like yours. As others have mentioned, you express yourself very well and your understanding of our faith is commendable. You seem like a very kind person as well.

    Keep up Little Catholic Bubble, you are a bright light in our dark world.

  50. Hi Leila, big ol' lurker here! Don't know why I never comment, but yours is one of my favorite blogs.

    I have a blog where I feature "art by me... and some other stuff too." I'm not a great writer, but every now and then things get just crazy enough in our ever-changing world that I have to chime in. But when I'm not chiming in, I'm making artsy stuff (some of it Catholic artsy stuff!).

  51. I have a blog:

    I post about prayer, spirituality, book, and the occasional snappy comeback. I also discuss life in a mixed marriage, being childless, and gardening. :)

  52. My husband and I have a blog together, and although we were hesitant to start one, it's been so rewarding. I was a long-time lurker before we started it. I still lurk from time to time, although I've come out of my internet shell a little bit since we started our little corner of the internet. Love your blog, Leila, thank you for your work.

  53. Cari, please tell me you work with cats so you could call your blog CATholicism...or you could do a wordplay with Catholic + kingdom/phylum/class/etc. I'm sure there's something really great and punny out there you could use. :)

    1. you, my dear, are a brilliant woman! thank you :) do you have more?

    2. What sort of animal stuff do you do? I'm sure I can come up with more!

    3. i am a vet tech, trainer, groomer, foster mom and rescuer of most every species. i am not prejudice at all! love reptiles, birds of prey, chinchillas, horses, fish, hamsters.... are you getting all of this, LOL?! i was thinking along your line of CATholic DOGma.... can fit the serpent in somewhere maybe, four horsemen of the apocalypse???

      i can hear the wheels turning now.......

    4. Oh wow, I'm not sure I can beat CATholic DOGma! Maybe you could use the other ideas for different tabs/sidebar things/category names? You could do something with loaves and fishes, a raptor/rapture pun, maybe one of those animal crossing signs (the yellow diamond ones) and Catholic Crossing...

      I'll come back if I think of any more! :)

    5. I suppose something involving St. Francis (lover of animals) would be too obvious, huh?

    6. I'm going to have to play around with this a little....
      St. Francis might be obviously Catholic to the Catholics, and obviously animal-related to the animal people...draw them both in, hmmm or something about St Roch, The Rock
      if i can word the title correctly with DOGma in it.... i'll need some input from the master! Leila???

  54. You know me! My blog is It's mostly a mommy blog now, but occasionally has my reflections on Catholicism and our journey with secondary infertility.

    Honestly, I've been struggling to keep it going lately. I feel called to be on the computer less and less, and to be more present to my kids and my home. Something I should probably blog about!

  55. My name is Susan. I am just a lurker since I don't have a blog. I am a girl who is passionate about my Catholic faith and my 2 children I was blessed with through the gift of adoption. I love your wisdom and passion about our faith.

  56. Yes! (As I'm always excited to talk about my blog.) It's called "Cool Cats" at The purpose is to introduce to readers Catholics who devoutly live their faith while also being awesome in sports, music, film, etc. I try to post weekly, but life has been getting in the way recently.

    But...currently my "readership" consists of people looking up pictures of Eduardo Verastegui.

  57. Hi Leila, I've been an avid reader of your blog for probably almost a year, and gone through most of your archives as well, but never commented. (I never even read a blog in my whole life until last summer so I guess I don't know the ettiquette. Is lurking considered rude?)
    I am a catholic convert of 12 years, married, and a SAHM to 3 little girls. I don't have a blog, and I've tossed around the idea of starting one, as I enjoy reading them, but am held back by 1) my husband monopolizes our one computer all. the. time. for work stuff 2) I probably don't need to supervise my children any less than I already do 3) laziness. If I did start one, it would probably be online journal style with a humorous Catholic twist.
    Anyway, I love reading your stuff, especially when you do the back and forth arguments with commenters. Maybe I'll comment again someday, although I always agree with you and my comment would probably just be a pretty concise "you're right as usual."


    My blog is a heaping serving of Catholic/Adoption/Big Family/Mommy with a sprinkle of organizing tips.

  59. I'm a newer reader of yours and a new blogger too. :) I am so excited to be on your blogroll too! :)

    I blog at and it's a blog about my new life as a "revert" to the Catholic faith. I used to be an anti-Catholic Protestant and I focus on my journey from that mindset to my new "Romanist" perspective. I'm also a married mother of two! :)

  60. Hi Leila,
    I, too, am a lurker, although I did email you once. I love reading your blog and hearing your opinion on things. It is so encouraging to know that you are out in the "real world" with your husband and kids, living the life Christ has called you to. I admire you for that and pray I will be able to do that as well someday, in His perfect timing of course:)
    God bless you!

  61. Hi Leila!

    I'm Kathleen or KKT (no, not _that_ KKT) I'm an on and off again lurker....depending on how busy the rest of life gets, I guess.

    I don't have a blog. I've gone back and forth on it many times but I guess three things hold me back:

    1. Time- of course.
    2. It seems like a beautiful way to get into hot water with family/friends/work.
    3. I'm not sure I really have anything that the rest of the world would be interested in reading about.

  62. Hi Leila,

    I had a blog once but I didn't really have anything interesting to say. I also had the same problem on Facebook and Twitter.

    I remember you going head to head with Lisa Graas. That was a humdinger and I don't think I could have lasted as long as you did dealing with a very intransigent fellow blogger. Wow.
    Anyway, I'm just lurking. Cheers!

    Mike Demers

  63. Hi! I am new to your blog, have NEVER blogged and to tell the truth, have never followed a blogger and never even CONSIDERED commenting !!! I was turned on to your site by a friend who was searching for truth and started asking some really tough questions about my faith and questioned weather the blogs she was reading were in accordance with Church teaching. Yours definitely was and I was hooked!!!

    Through sites like this one, a LOT of reading and prayer, my friend is looking to enter RCIA soon!!!! So, thank you for spreading truth without fear, being true to your faith and for being so genuine! And thanks for being a part of my Little Catholic Bubble!!!!


  64. Hi Leila,

    I love your blog and I'm a longtime lurker, I actually emailed you the other day...I only seem to find the time to blog during the summer, when I have a whole two months off! I usually just blog about teaching in a Catholic High school and how I can more effectively spread the Gospel to my students.


  65. I comment now and again but usually just read the other comments. I've been blogging since December at I'm a stay at home mum living in Sydney. I teach Catholic Scripture in a state school once a week and I'm doing a part time degree in Theology so those are the things I blog about. I read a lot of spiritual and other non-fiction books so I often use my blog to collect my thoughts when I've finished a book. Thanks for giving us all free range to promote our blogs on yours!


  66. I have 2 blogs, one about switching over to safer household products/real food, and a private one about our struggle with infertility and our quadruplets. I have removed the infertility posts though as we move towards Creighton/NaPro (first meeting is in July!). One of the worst parts of standard medical treatment for IF -- I still have NO idea why I'm infertile. Not even the slightest clue. We did NFP but Creighton looks like maybe it can help us learn why and maybe get pregnant again.

  67. Hi Leila, I'm a long-time, devoted, (obsessed) reader. I guess that means I'm a lurker. I've learned so much from your blog and I've printed so many of your posts to share with and to guide my children. And I get absolutely hooked on the comments. I think that one of the best things about your comment thread is that it's not a series of everybody who reads adding their two cents (which would probably be tiresome) but it is a real discussion with people I've come to love. Yes, Miss Gwen, Joanna, Stacy, Mary and the whole gang!

    I was able to comment once or twice in the past before the comments were shut but if it's ok, I'm happy just lurking (most of the time anyway.) Thanks for this blog, Leila. You have truly been instrumental in helping me grasp the faith.

    Katie G.

  68. Hi Leila,

    I'm a lurker. Even in life I am more of a listener and not a talker. I've never thought of having a blog. Just doesn't seem to be my cup of tea. I stumbled upon your blog a few months ago and have enjoyed every post! I love your sense of humor and writing style.

  69. Yes I have a blog with called Being Catholic ... Really. I write about my experiences as a convert. You can find it at and my Facebook page is I'm also on twitter: @CatholicReally.

    I really enjoy YOUR blog for how it inspires me and my faith!


  70. I'm Lena, and I have a blog. It's I'm a fairly private person, so only one real life person knows the real me and what my blog is. A few people in my real life know I have a blog, but they don't know what's its called. Though I am single, I don't always write about being single. Usually I write about being Catholic. I think having my blog has helped me delve deeper into Catholicism.

  71. I have a blog =) Mainly just for fun, but I do throw some "teachings" in there - food, children, Catholicism, etc. Love your blog, and I always learn something new - thank you!

  72. I've been reading your blog for about 6 months now--interestingly, I found it by following a link from an evangelical mother's blog I read. I emailed you once about your matchmaking, as I have 3 grown daughters, none of whom have yet found a nice, truly practicing Catholic young man. But it's in God's hands. I don't blog, but would like to at some point, with its focus to be to encourage women with "unplanned" pregnancies to seriously consider and pray about placing their babies for adoption. I did as a college freshman years ago, and while it was of course, heart wrenching, it turned out well for all involved.

  73. Good morning! I'm a lurker who has commented once concerning the March Rally for Religious Freedom - I commented that I was going to try to go to the Trenton NJ rally, but was afraid to go with my toddler. Well, I went and am so glad I did! When they held the second rally this month, I pulled my 8 & 10-yo's out of school to attend again! But I digress. I have a blog but it is for family since we moved far away from family and our little ones are growing so quickly. I don't blog as often as I should because I'm so fascinated by blogs like yours and like Acts of the Apostasy and Like Mother Like Daughter that before I know it, nap time is over and the computer has to be shut off! Thank you for doing this - I am learning so much and enjoy your straight-forwardness; calling it like it is. Carry on!

  74. Hi there, I'm a lurker AND I have a blog. I write about life and family, trying to make life with large family look normal and funny. Check it out: People have so many questions, I thought I would start answering them through a blog. So a little bit of everything: rants, critiques, family life, pictures. I have 8 children ranging from 16 to infant twins. I am Catholic but I don't write about faith matters as it is a divisive issue among my family and friends and I prefer keeping my blog friendly and funny for everyone. But I definitely appreciate blogs like the Bubble to do what I'm too chicken to do!

  75. I am another lurker. I 've been faithfully reading your blog for about a year now, and it is my go-to spot for any pro life or NFP issues. Keep it up!
    I do not have a blog, mostly because I am afraid that it would be a mish-mash of quasi-philosophical rantings about relativism.

  76. I lurk because you say everything there is to say so eloquently about all the issues you write about. I feel like a scatterbrain compared to you.

    I just have a mommy blog where I write about boring family life with a bunch of kids. I have actually been writing since 2007 but keep changing it and restarting every year or so. I like to read more than I do write anymore since it takes more thought to write and I have constant mommy brain.

  77. I love your blog, Leila! I read it all the time but seldom comment. You have enhanced my understanding of the Catholic faith tremendously.

    I blog about infertility and my journey to hopefully adopting some day.

  78. Whoa, guys, nice to meet you (the lurkers) and nice to hear from the rest of you! You all are amazing! I am so excited that you are all out there and enjoying the blog and the comments (all those discussions are being watched…I'm so glad)! You all are doing amazing things for the Lord and His Church, whether you are blogging or not. And I am thrilled to know it! Please know you are always welcome to comment and join the discussion. And you are always welcome just to lurk as well, if you prefer. I just love knowing you are out there. :)

    I wanted to respond to all of you, but for now I will just say "thank you" as I have to work on another blog post (glad you all like my blunt style, because another blunt post is coming). I look forward to reading more comments on this post! It's exciting to see!

    (And, I'm glad that our non-Catholic friends are enjoyed and seen as an integral part of the Bubble, too. On that note: Michelle, we Catholics don't believe in the "Rapture" so that would not be part of Cari's blog, ha ha.)

    1. Crap! I knew I hadn't seen it mentioned here. Well, if there are any Harold Camping and bird fans lurking, it's all yours!


  79. You know me :) My blog is mostly an archive of tips, what I have learned going through out of town care with Dr. Hilgers and the benefits and hope of treating infertility with Naprotechnology. I chronicle my own experience with IF and conceiving my two beautiful sons. I try not to put too much of family life to be sensitive to those suffering, but there are occasional pictures.

  80. Hi!
    My name is Maria, and I only recently discovered your blog. I don't have one myself. I'm just enjoying yours, along with some other Catholic sites. I am about your age, with three grown children. I am engaged to be married (in the Church - though it's not the first for either of us). I homeschooled my kids for ten years, then they went to Catholic schools. Keep up the good work; I love your blog!

  81. I have a blog!! :) I think you may have already known that, though ;)

    My blog was supposed to be a chronicle of the treatments I did on my way to becoming pregnant (which, in my mind, was going to be shortly after starting my blog, right after my 1st surgery). It has since become a pivotal part of my road to salvation. No, I'm not exaggerating :)
    Thanks for meeting me on the road!

  82. I really like your blog. I don't think I have ever commented on any post, but I do share some of your post on FB.

    I do have blog where I share recipes, tips, homeschooling and also to let extended family know how our family is doing.

  83. no blog for me! ive started a couple and always end up deleting them after a few weeks. yah know that joke, "if you dont like what i say, imagine what im thinking" -and my mom may read it.

    and im incredibly sensitive.
    everything gets me to riled up.

    i may start a cleaning one for cleaning business. but eh, blogs carry too much "celebrity status" and "popularity contest"

    i follow a handful of blogs to kill time at work when its slow. but just a simple woman from minnesota who has a temper and a blog life w my convictions would be trouble.

  84. I wish I could start a blog. I am paralyzed over lack of time and too many topic choices. My dad wants me to start a historical, political, economic, scientific opinion blog, with some Catholicism thrown in there -- Obviously not covering every area in every post, but interests and background overlap in those areas. But I am so particular about getting it just right, that I don't think I have the time to double check all my sources, mull over my analyses, and then hit publish for the entire world.

    Since we live far from family, my friends and family want a personal update blog. But I don't know if I could exclusively write about us. I find photos with a few captions enough...We aren't that interesting! :) Occasionally, I have big news, but I don't know...I've felt stuck on the blog thing for a few years now.

    I love your blog, Leila, and I admire your ability to write often and well with so many other life responsibilities. Maybe I will tackle a blog when my kids transition to the classical school next year and I get a break from homeschooling.

  85. I lurk and totally enjoy your blog. I have emailed you a few times but since you are the most prolific blogger that I read it is not likely you remember our email conversations. I have a blog. is in its toddler stage really and I have blog envy alot.
    I advocate for Reece's Rainbow, am adopting from RR and love to poke fun of myself (and my husband.) It is a catch all I guess. I am really hoping we can all band together for Beau sometime soon so that he can come home. It worked for Malcolm. . .in NEEDS to work for Beau!

  86. I'm a lurker and a 41 yo Catholic mother of seven with another on the way. My husband and I were both raised Catholic, though we hadn't been educated (despite our formal Catholic education) about the true beauty of the Church. We reverted to the faith when our oldest (now 13) was born.
    I'm incredibly nauseous right now and should probably be getting some of my children in the car in order to pick up some of my other children at a summer camp. However the thought of moving makes me somehow more nauseous...
    I do not blog, except in my head! :) In my head I craft and store brilliant summaries of current events. My summaries are pithy, informed, and (did I mention) brilliant! I do not blog because I'm certain my perceived superiority would not translate as brilliant outside my head.

  87. I'm a 60 year old lurker. I love your insights and wish I could put into words the thoughts we share. Raised Catholic, husband of 38 years is in Deaconate formation. 4 kids...all married, some to Catholics, some not practicing the Catholic faith but that of their spouses. All believe in God so I have hope that the more they learn, they will want to come home to the true faith. 11 grandkids.
    I have sent many of your blogs to my husband to save for homily ideas!. I will let you know if he uses them in the future.(4 years)
    Thank you so for your beautiful and insightful writing. Some day, when time permits, I would love to blog. But for now, I will live vicariously through you!

  88. Hello Leila,
    I am a Catholic Mama to three wonderfully imperfect kiddos. I found your blog from another and only read a few regularly, yours being one I often visit. I learn quite a bit from you and feel challenged in my faith and beliefs by your blog. There are times I haven't agreed with you, but I always appreciate your wisdom and faithfulness. I don't own a blog and really don't have any desire to own one. This is the first time I have ever commented on a blog as well! God Bless, Maureen

  89. portuguêsinglêsespanholAlpha
    Hello, I'm Brazilian, I'm 33 years old and married for eleven years.
    Http:// have a blog where I speak of the quest for motherhood and other things.
    My blog privado.E despite not speak English, use the translator to accompany the posts.

    Be happy, God protect you. I hope to visit you here on the blog many times.
    Brotherly hugs,


  90. Hi Leila! We corresponded quite a bit towards the beginning of my journey discovering Catholicism. I blog, but it's very low on the priority list. I have a propensity to fret over internet things too much, so I make sure to limit any social media, blogging, etc.

    In other words, I blog, but don't expect regular updates. :P I've kept a blog at since 2008 (please don't read that far back into the archives! it's embarrassing!) and was blogging for a good year or so before that at another address (which I will not be handing out, as it is even more embarrassing than my current archives).

    My blog is primarily focused on personal development as I try to figure out what it means to be a wife, a mother, and still be myself. I blocked out my self-improvement into four areas: spirituality, creativity, intellect, and domesticity. Right now the majority fall into "spirituality" as I try to figure out what exactly I believe - if I am going to become Catholic or not.

    :) Love your blog. I don't comment much, as it's a bit too confrontational for me at this point. Like I said, I can get too heavily sucked into the digital world, so I try to stay out of comboxes!

  91. Leila, I just found you about a month ago, from a link to your post on "Silent no more". Just a quick glance around your place here, and I immediately added you to my 'favorites' list. I do not have a time really, and not convinced I'd have anything to say worth the trouble of having one. I mostly say everything so well, nothing more needs to be said! I also don't like to comment unless I've read all the other comments, and I often don't have time for that. So glad you are doing this, and I know I will be telling others of your wisdom.

  92. Hi Leila, I'm Scott, and I've been reading your blog for at least a couple years now (not commenting, though, just reading). I think the only reason I don't comment here is the fact that I feel like both you and most of the commentators on here always say exactly what I'm thinking, in much better words than I could! While I don't comment on here directly, I have, on many occasions, linked to Bubble posts whilst having conversations with both Catholics and non-Catholics of my own acquaintance, because your posts (and the guest posts!) are always so clear, concise, truthful, and convincing! I subscribed to your blog a while ago and I've been thoroughly enjoying reading each new post, so keep up the great work!

  93. Hi Leila,

    My name is Becky -- I think we are fellow God's Plan presenters for our diocese. I have a blog called where I write about authentic feminism, mommyhood, life as a convert, and a hodgepodge of other things when I'm able to stream them from my mind to my fingertips on good days. I'm also a quarterly contributor now to CatholicMom. Because I also am a freelance health writer as my part-time job, I don't get to blog as much as I would. I'm a homeschooling mom too, so life is pretty busy.

    I've linked to your blog and have it on my blog roll. I enjoy many of your posts; although I don't always get a chance to read. I first discovered you when your blog about having 8 children appeared on Lifesite News, and I loved it! I think I've commented maybe once, but that's only because by the time I read your posts, there are like 100 comments, and I feel like everything I would have said is probably covered by you or others, and that's just way too many comments for one woman to have to read in a day. I enjoy your blog though. Thanks for writing it.

  94. Hi. I, too am but a lowly lurker and have no blog. But you are a blog that I check daily and I love the comment boxes. I also frequently quote you (usually by telling my sister (we work together), "Hey, read this!". Both your posts and the lively comments - love those discussions - have helped grow our faith.

  95. Here I am de-lurking :) I used to have a blog many many years ago where I would post stuff I found on Catholic sites, but found that 2 b 2 much work so I stopped. Also there didn;t seem to be anyone visiting my blog (if you're curious, here it is: Ah well...

  96. Hello! I am fairly new to LCB but I love the things I come on here and find! You have such a fabulous, no-nonsense way of speaking the truth and I often feel enlightened and challenged when I come here. Thanks for what you do!

    I am a Catholic wife and hope to be a mama someday! I started my blog for my sanity and to gain support from others as my husband and I navigate the ups and downs of infertility. The IF posts are mixed with random bits about family, marriage, crafting, and just little joys I've found in my life. I never thought I would have a blog but I am so thankful for the wonderful bloggers who comment and pray for me and I enjoy reading their stories as well! Thanks for the opportunity to de-lurk :)

  97. Hi Leila! I'm Amanda and I've commented a few times before around here but I read nearly everything you write here! I have my own blog at and I post at least twice a week (Mondays and Wednesdays). I write about Catholic living and finding God in the everyday things. I write about the heart of a young Catholic woman and the struggles that entails! Thanks for your blog, it is fantastic! =)

  98. Hi Leila! I'm Tara, usually a lurker but I've commented once or twice. I do not blog, although I've pondered starting a blog about being a working (outside the home) Catholic mom. Have not done it because of time limitations (3 little ones under 6, plus that whole job thing.) Plus the fact that I still have 4 professional registration exams that I "should" be studying for, if there is extra time for something such as blogging. :) So, for now I just read the eloquent Catholic ladies like yourself!

  99. I just got directed to your blog and I think I'm going to like it here :) I've been blogging for a little while at I only began writing because I'm starting life as a freelance evangelist, speaking and giving retreats, and I thought a website would help me make a name for myself. As it turns out, the blog itself is really satisfying. I write on truth (Catholic apologetics), goodness (morality and the Christian life), and beauty (prayer and discernment) with a little bit of humor (I hope!) thrown in. Thanks for your work--I'm looking forward to reading more!

  100. I guess you'd call me a lurker if he definition of lurker means never leaving comments. ;)
    I have been following your blog for so long now, I just assume you know me!
    I'm Tina and blog over at
    It's a Catholic blog (usually). I used to write all about my discernment process while I was discerning religious life, now I just blog random Catholic tidbits or tidbits about my life.

  101. I do have a blog but it is really lame and I rarely post anything.

    I named it like I see it: a timesucker

    Don't know why I even bother with it at all. I love to write if I have something to say. But 90% of the time I have writer's block, so I usually spend my computer time reading, not writing. Most of my posts are just pictures. I even took the Grammar Nazi picture from this blog (of course I linked it back here for credit!). It was just too funny to pass up!

  102. I commented once on your other blog, but I've been lurking over here for a while now. I don't have my own blog, but I contribute to

    I'm a young Canadian Catholic getting married this summer. Your blog is one of my favourites - thanks for writing!

  103. Lurker - public school teacher - have a teacher blog. I'd love to have a Catholic blog too, but I know myself - I will get snarky and sarcastic and then be a bad example of a Catholic! Then, I wonder if my strong stance on Catholic issues will lead people to wonder if I can still be an effective teacher in a public school setting. I know I can do it, but there are so many anti-Catholics out there. Lord increase my faith!

  104. Hello, Leila,

    Yes, I have two blogs. I started both of them after my retirement in 2008. One is a place where I write about my memories. It is aptly named "I Keep My Memories Here." I post to it very irregularly.

    The blog to which I contribute most regularly is "From the Pulpit of My Life." I focus on topics of faith, but not exclusively. I have tried, through the months and years, to keep it positive, proclaiming in my own little way the Gospel of our Lord, Jesus Christ, through the lens of my personal experience of living the faith.

    God bless you and all your wonderful commentators!

  105. I'm a lurker :) I have a blog and its purpose is to point out the small things I notice in my day and how they affect my life. I don't blog nearly as often as I would like, so I'm looking for ways to keep myself motivated!

    Kari @

  106. I'm late to this party, but I'll add in anyway. I mostly lurk here, though I've commented once or twice. A good friend and I blog together at I go by January and I mostly blog about my infertility. My friend November writes about motherhood. Feel free to drop by!

  107. I'm late, too, but I'll join in. :)
    I am a longtime reader/lurker who has commented only a few times, although there have been many times I have wanted to chime in, but just didn't get to it. Or, typed a long comment only to accidentally delete it before publishing. Or some other weird nonsense intervened.

    That's kind of how my blogging and Facebook activity goes, too. I don't have a good set-up technologically, and I get frustrated easily with trying to figure it out. I'd blame my domestic responsibilities and loud, noisy household (because that does weigh heavily into it for me, for some reason), but I know others have these challenges, too, and still manage to be very active online....

    I have a blog that was meant to be about orphans and my progress in embracing my domestic vocation, but it has been inactive for a long time. More accurately, it really never got rolling, so to speak. I feel really guilty about that because I want to do more for the orphans, and I'm never at a loss for something to say..but it seems to get written only in my head, then flushed with the rest of the jillion thoughts, to-do lists, conversations, etc. that flows through a typical day. I don't know why I have these particular limitations, but it really nags at me.
    An associated problem is the lack of, shall we say...integration, in my online presence. I blog under a pseudonym because my very secular, very liberal friends and in-laws would be scandalized if they knew what a right-wing, Jesus-freak, lunatic I really am. Indeed, they already suspect, but my "coming out" would anger and embarrass them to a point where serious conflict would ensue - and most of the consequences of that would fall on my husband, not on myself. Not sure what to do, but I don't like where I'm at. It's not that I've ever denied what I believe in, just that it's a very sore - no, inflammatory- topic.
    Anyway...that's quite a bit of rambling, but if anyone sees an opportunity here to practice some spiritual works of mercy (admonishing the sinner, instructing the ignorant...), I could actually use some advice. Am I the only one who has serious (as in yelling, cussing, insulting, attempting to poison my children against me and the Church, etc.) family conflict over religious/political beliefs? Or is everyone else just braver and more clever than I am? Am I breaching etiquette here by asking?

  108. Hi Robin E! You know, this statement really exposes the falsehood of the "live and let live", tolerant liberal:

    You are not the only faithful Christian who actually almost fears the conflict, violent outbursts, nastiness and disharmony that comes from merely interacting with liberal family members. It's one of the saddest things I witness with my own friends here in town. It causes heartbreak, stress, even estrangement at times. Simply because a Catholic is living a faithful Catholic life. The rest of the folks cannot take it. I don't know what to say, but it's AWFUL. I guess I think of Jesus' words:

    “Do not think that I came to bring peace on Earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it.” (Matthew 10:34-39)

    (Doesn't much seem like the "non-threatening, guru Jesus" that the left likes to present, eh?)

    Anyway, I'd love to hear from others who have this problem, but it seems to me like you are on the right track. At least according to Jesus. :)

    1. Whoops!!! I left out your quote! The one I said exposes the falsehood of the liberal "live and let live" posturing!

      Here it is:

      I blog under a pseudonym because my very secular, very liberal friends and in-laws would be scandalized if they knew what a right-wing, Jesus-freak, lunatic I really am. Indeed, they already suspect, but my "coming out" would anger and embarrass them to a point where serious conflict would ensue - and most of the consequences of that would fall on my husband, not on myself. Not sure what to do, but I don't like where I'm at. It's not that I've ever denied what I believe in, just that it's a very sore - no, inflammatory- topic.

  109. Leila,
    Thanks so much for your reply. :) You are totally right about the hypocrisy of the "tolerance" worshippers. They are mainly just tolerant of sexual excess and deviance, divorce, abortion, and anything that will further the endless pursuit of self-fulfillment. Otherwise, they are scathingly judgmental, and come completely unglued at the merest whiff of Christianity. So, we have some very uneasy relationships that we (on both sides) have been trying to repair for years now, and I feel like a jerk for doing anything that would jeopardize that unnecessarily. But, at the same time, I feel I'm keeping myself from responding to the promptings of conscience adequately in some areas as a result. It can be hard to tell, sometimes, whether it is prudence or cowardice guiding us. I appreciate your words of encouragement, and will pray about this some more. Enjoy your well-deserved break!

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. Hi C! I am sorry that you had such a rough time. I remember how you struggled (and apparently still do). I will keep you in my prayers and hope for brighter days.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. I haven't changed from what, C? What did I say that was out of line? Please let me know. If you want to cut and paste it, and send it to my email, please do. I remember your struggles, tried to encourage you and put things in a Catholic context, offered to pray, much like everyone else who tried very hard to help you. I didn't know you did not want comments, and I did not know that my comments offended you. This comes as a shock that you are holding some sort of grudge about whatever I (and others) said in an attempt to help. I am happy to take responsibility for whatever horrible things you believe I said or did to you, but you need to point out (cut and paste, please) what it was, so that I can have a clue about what was so horrible.

    Blessings to you and I hope you find peace.

  114. Yep. I confess. I'm a lurker.
    I've been blogging since March 2009. I blog to share my love of the Catholic faith, my love of photography, and my position on the de-moralization of our society & our country. I update daily throughout the week, which leaves me scratching my head at times. Would you kindly take a peek at my site & let me know if you might be interested in doing a guest post at some point?
    Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you back again in August!


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