
Monday, April 9, 2012

One request…

Happy Easter Monday! (That's right, Easter is not over, not by a long shot. Easter is an entire season! We Catholics do things big!)

I am feeling that itch to start up my political blogging again now that Lent is over, ha ha! But before I dive back in (and find that extra six hours a day that I need), would you all do me a favor and go over to my new blog, Orphan Report, and become a follower? Or subscribe by email? Or put it on your blog roll? Or all of the above? ;)

If you've enjoyed the Bubble over the past two years, this would be the most wonderful gift to me. Exposure, far and wide, is what these babies need, and you all are the hands and feet of Christ. And even if you don't believe in Christ, you can still do a world of good for these little ones, just by making them known.

Okay, stay tuned for a really interesting "Just Curious" in a bit. A reader emailed me a good and poignant question, and I am just curious about what you all think.


PS: Remember forlorn Miss Carina? Some wonderful soul is doing a big giveaway for her, no donations necessary! Please check out her site and the items here, and enter to help this little girl:


  1. Thanks for your help! I have your entries documented. one favor? Could you change the link to my blog instead of Carina's RR page, so people who come from your blog will be directed to the giveaway? Thanks
    Here is the correct link.

  2. Thanks, Stephanie! Will do! (I did link to you on the one that says "here" for the giveaway, but I will switch the other two links to you as well…)

    Thanks for doing this! :)

  3. Thank you so much, Leila! Pray Carina's mama sees her!!! :)

  4. Happy Easter! Looking forward to your just curious and all that has been on your mind... Enjoy the next 48 days :)


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