
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Vintage "Little Teachings from the Bubble"

Well, wow, we are still going strong in our discussions on this post from June 22, and I am wiped out! It's been an interesting discussion, and one that has taken us far afield from the original topic.

I feel the need to take a breather, spend some more time fulfilling the duties of my vocation. (Yes, children, you still have a mother! And, dear husband, you still have a wife!) So, for a couple of days, I think I will steer this blog back to the "teaching" mode by providing some links to past "Little Teachings" that may have been missed by newer readers.

Here they are, in chronological no particular order:

Knowing God's will and Catholic freedom

Mary's Perpetual Virginity

The difference between Church Doctrine (unchanging truth) and Church Discipline (changeable rules)

Mortal Sin and Venial Sin

Dissenting Catholics and the question of conscience

Suffering, Catholic style! (The meaning of redemptive suffering)

The Pope is not as powerful as you think

The distinction between a person and his actions

Indulgences: No need to freak out

Subsidiarity: Why haven't I heard this before?

Can non-Catholics be saved?

One more IVF post (thank you, Fr. Tad, the brainiac!)

And, I want to throw in…

Scrupulosity, a little bit of hell

Doctrinal Quiz Show answers, also in no particular order:

Marriage and the Eucharist

Amazing Grace

Communion of Saints

Do we become angels when we die?

Why was Mary immaculately conceived (sinless)?

How many doctrines of the Church are taught infallibly?


The three stages of holiness

The two types of judgements

Moral Reasoning 101: The Ends Don't Justify the Means

Moral Reasoning 101: The Principle of Double Effect

Sacraments vs. Sacramentals

Church Councils

Salvation History Made Simple
(Or, What I Never Learned in 1970s and 1980s CCD)

If you feel so inclined, please feel free to throw out some ideas for future "Little Teachings" posts. I take requests! (Well, as long as I know the subject well enough to talk about it, ha!)

And on that note, please pray for me as I attempt to take inventory of all the clothing in this house tomorrow. I would almost rather stick pins in my eyes. Almost. ;)


  1. Ha! every time I have to do the clothing inventory, I just cringe in defeat. I only have four (out of the womb) right now!!! But I do have three girls. IN a row. Who ALL think every cute dress will fit them and belongs to them. The baby girl has the lion's share of clothes, of course, LOL

    Have fun!

  2. what do you mean by take inventory? :)


  3. Good luck with the inventory. Thanks for the "teachings" to catch up on. :)

  4. I was once hired by a family of 10 to do the clothing inventory. It took me three full days..... Good luck!

  5. Sew, well, it involves going into all the drawers, boxes, storage, closets, etc., and finding out what they have (do they have jeans that fit?, do they have too many jackets, at least two well-fitting bathing suits for the beach, etc.), and what they need, and what they have outgrown and what needs to go to the next kid (does it fit the next kid or does it have to go in a box/storage…which requires labeling, sorting). Then while reorganizing and going through it all for up to eight kids (mostly, though, I will be doing the boys' stuff only), trying to keep everyone out of it, not messing it up, playing with it, etc. Or giving up in the middle when everything is in disarray and I am discouraged! And of course, this also requires finding missing pieces of clothing that are under beds, in the garage, in the cars, in the closets, in the wrong rooms, etc. And, it requires having some sense of what is already in the laundry, either clean, wet, dried, folded (or not yet) and also the stuff that is still in the hampers.

    It's like a nightmare from the swamp of hades.

  6. Michelle, I feel ya! Thanks, Clara!

    Kaitlin, that is horrible! ha ha! Did you at least have someone else to watch the kids while you did it, or did you have to watch them, too??

  7. On no! My only job was the clothes!!

    And it wasn't horrible-I made a ton of money! :)

  8. So great that I can steer people towards your page for understandable teaching!

    I do not envy you the clothing sort. I have been transporting bags of tiny baby clothes from my sister in law to a friend who just had her first, and even that is exhausting :)

  9. You'll be in my prayers! I don't know what I'll do when the kids are too old to run around in their underwear all day.

    I love the round up! Thank you. You are AWESOME!!!

  10. Clothes, erg. They take over, don't they?
    Thanks for all the concise reading material!

    Future post suggestions:
    Medical evidence of miracles/ healings
    Church teaching and or encouragement on loving those in our lives who are "hard to love", how we can live outside ourselves. How we must.
    Everday evangelization; how we live the gospel in a quiet yet little way perhaps.
    Anything science and faith related.
    Parenting tips that bend and form the child's will without breaking it.

  11. Leila, let me know if you'd like help with the inventory. However, you're boys will likely end up with two pairs of pants and five shirts a piece, as I like to minimalize possessions. LOL


  12. Wish I could help you!!!! Save the eyes!! :) Prayign for cooperative children tomorrow... :)

  13. Yes, the clothing thing. I have seven kids, my sister has five. We have clothing going back and forth every time she visits. I have to sort through all clothes every change of season too which means piles of "keep", "toss", "donate" because they are too small for any of the 12 kids, "box for the next kid of mine", "box for my sister's child" and "store for next season". My six year old daughter is always quite convinced that she has not grown out of anything. My 12 yo daughter is always quite convinced that she HAS outgrown (physically or emotionally) almost everything...luckily the boys really could not care less ;)

  14. As a suggestion for a future "teaching topic" when you have more time (I'm doing clothing inventory myself, so I feel your pain), would you consider doing one on intercession and saints? I know a lot of Protestants think the practice is practically polytheistic, and I confess that I am totally clueless on the subject.

  15. Ru - In the meantime, here is a good link for you at Catholic Answers

    Also, the way that I look at it - it's just like asking a close friend to pray for you but a saint happens to be one who is already in heaven (a little closer to God's ear!) I always wear four medals: St. Patrick/St. Brigid, Mary, St. Gianna, and St. Dymphna/St. Joseph w/Jesus. Haven't found a good St. Catherine of Siena to go along with them - then I'll have all "my" Saints with me. Having the medals helps me remember the prayers for their intercessions. If I lose something - I call one of my friends to talk to St. Anthony - he listens to her!

  16. Great topic suggestion, guys! Thank you!! I will hopefully get working on them in the next few weeks. klh57, thanks for the link for Ru!

    Didn't get through much of the clothing today, but it was a good start! :)

  17. That's okay Leila - I'm power - cleaning my house (organizing,doing laundry, etc.) - lots and lots to go! And now, my youngest has decided we should strip the wallpaper in one room and paint before her sister moves back in (for one week - before she leaves for her year of volunteer work!). Plus we are going to have a houseful of guests for the 4th....


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