
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A couple of quick notes -- UPDATED with photo!

First, prayers are going out for our dear Hebrews who is having her surgery today! She had such a horrible experience recovering the last time, so please pray that this time she is spared that agony!

Next, Patiently Waiting has had her baby boy! Noah was born on his due date, weighing 8.8 pounds, measuring 19.5 inches. He is "perfect in every way"! Praise God and blessings to the family!



  1. I have been thinking about and praying for Hebrews all day! Congrats to PW!

  2. What a cute baby and I've been keeping Hebrews in my prayers all day!

  3. oh man, that picture makes my ovaries ping! Congrats to the Patiently Waiting family!

    Praying for Hebrews :)


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