
Monday, February 7, 2011

Comic relief, featuring my son!

I can never seem to stay away from controversy for too long, so before I dive back into it, I thought I'd provide some comic relief. This short video has made me laugh all day. (Granted, it is my 17-year-old son and his friends who star in this small masterpiece, so that could be why I think it's so hilarious!)

If you are from Arizona, you will appreciate this piece. For everyone else, it's a chance for Arizonans to finally dispel the many stereotypes about our beloved state and way of life. ;)

For the next three minutes and forty-three seconds, please enjoy
Tales of the Cacti...

*Most of the material was improvised by the kids, all high school seniors. A special shout out to Lizzie Whitfield, producer, director and cinematographer. Lizzie is not seen in the film, but she is the genius behind it. 


  1. "...most importantly, we have love" - awwwww! Leila, your son's wittiness about "guns" IS HILARIOUS! :)

  2. I second Celine's comment on your son's guns lines. :)

    As a non-Arizonan, I would like to gladly reassure you that the whole thing is in fact quite funny and not just your personal investment causing you to laugh :) From basically the moment when they showed the "mall" onward, I was giggling. :)

  3. I'M STILL LAUGHING! And enjoyed seeing "the desert" as the world is black-and-white here is Ohio right now.

  4. I loved how she said "Aloha! And Welcome to sunny Arizona!" lol Very impressive work! :) Thanks for putting a smile on my face!

  5. Ha ha, I have to admit that's what I thought before I moved out here.

  6. I'm the opposite of "suburban mom" - I never really thought of Arizona as a "country" type place like that... ;) New Mexico? Yes. haha. but not Arizona. No idea why :) Nebraska...I could see these kids "characters" fitting in about 5 miles from where I'm sitting right now. hahahaha
    Loved this video, thanks for sharing. Those kids are pretty good!!!!

  7. That was funny, the acting and filming were impressive. Wow! Haha, two year old with a gun collection. 56 degrees and they were shivering!

  8. It's a hoax. These people were imported from Kentucky. Stop lyin', girl!

  9. Lol, Lisa, I thought the same thing. I never imagined AZ with accents and outfits like that! :-) Or guns. I guess I just imagined outdoorsy types and cacti. :) But hilarious anyway... what creative teens!

  10. "I'll be out when I'm out, woman! I'm going to go get me some DINNER!"

    Can't. Stop. Laughing.

  11. I love freezing in 56 degree weather! So funny! ;)


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