
Saturday, January 22, 2011

In memory of the 50 million

50 million babies aborted in America since Roe v. Wade legalized abortion on this date in 1973.

In Blessed Mother Teresa's words:
What is taking place in America is a war against the child. And if we accept that the mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another?
Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what it wants. 
It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.


  1. :(

    I believe she also said the person who was going to discover the cure for aids or cancer was aborted.

  2. OVER 50 million.
    Thank you thank you thank you for posting in memory of all those tiny babies lost to abortion!

  3. Horrifying that we can do this to our own children and many have become numb to this.

  4. 7 years ago today I miscarried my baby...

    The only difference is that I WANTED my baby, and the 50 million were not wanted.

    It is truly a poverty that our society allows emotions to decide who will live and who will die...

  5. This breaks my heart so deeply. Saying a prayer, a rosary for the unborn, and remembering... Remembering... Remembering...

  6. So, so tragic. :( It's hard to even wrap my mind around the magnitude of this loss; there are so many. 50 million... yeah, this is not "rare".

  7. It's so heartbreaking, devastating and inhumane. Those poor, defenseless little babies.

  8. So so tragic. It breaks my heart. I will never understand how people can do this to their own children. Their own flesh and blood.

  9. Why people do not see this truth and see that this allowed killing leads to the erosion of ALL love and civility in society, I do not know.

    It is just that our selfishness has become our new and only God. A God that leads to a dead end. But, the good news is: somehow God is using Infertile Catholic Women to change this culture and to enlighten and love our ignorant brothers and sisters into the Truth.

    Perhaps it is our pierced hearts, filled with compassion, that will convert others...and it took IF for us to become fully pierced and infused with such compasssion. Because Pro-Life people have always been out there trying to tell the world about the horror of abortion.

    I think God has added an army of Mothers in Waiting and Mothers who have struggled to Have children in order to RID society of abortion once and for all!

    Just another one of my IF hunches!

  10. That last line has always been my favorite. It says it all.

  11. I was talking to my dear preist the other day about adoption and we starting discussing abortion in view of the anniversary of Roe V Wade. He said the first two ethnic gorups who abort their babies the most are 1. African American 2. Hispanic 3. Caucasian. I was shocked. I for sure thought Causasian was first. There has to be some better outreach for these women to discuss their option of adoption as a beautiful alternative.

  12. alliemich - The reason for the astronomical number of black babies being aborted is the fact that Planned Parenthood strategically locates their facilities in poor, inner-city neighborhoods. 68% of their clinics are located in black communities. Hence, the disproportionate number of black abortions. In fact, blacks make up 13% of the population and 43% of all abortions. Black women are more than 5 times as likely to get abortions as white women! SAD, SAD, statistics.

    Many prayers on this sad day.

  13. Amen Leila!!! What I would give to have one of those unwanted babies in my womb!

  14. That statistic should break the heart of anyone who has a heart. How unGodly.


  15. "...It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish."

    Such poverty... : (

    May God have mercy on us all!

  16. Serious prayer and penance this weekend, my dear Catholic Sisters! Have great hope. Jesus turned my "pro-choice" views around on a dime. He changes hearts and we help Him with our prayers and penance.

  17. In the 1990's, I was working in the media, at
    K-LITE radio. A couple of my co-workers and I went to see Blessed Mother Teresa speak at the Arizona Coliseum (State Fairgrounds). I was on the track back home to the Church and I will never forget how we were all moved that night, especially after she spoke about the evils of abortion. The hope realized that night was that a bunch of employees from the secular media cared enough to see her speak.

  18. Hi Liela! I'm sure I'm spelling your name wrong. I just happened to come across your blog by accident yesterday and then today found a comment left by you on my blog! What a coicidence! I'm not sure how you found my blog (it's not very popular) but I thought it was interesting to hear from you when I just found your website yesterday. The reason why I found this so interesting is because i was wanting to ask your advice on what I could do with my prolife rosaries I have made. People keep saying I should "use" them for prolife rallies and so on but I don't know how to get started. Would you have any ideas?

    Sorry to leave this on your comment section, but I didn't know what else to do as I don't have your email.

    Here is my email so that if you have any suggestions you can just let me know directly:

    On a personal note, I love your blog. I have avoided abortion issues because when I was younger (around 14 or so) I came upon pictures of babies who were aborted. They were very disturbing to say in the least and so by protecting myself, I have avoided it altogether but always called myself prolife. Lately I feel God calling me to come back to the "prolife side", which is what inspired me to make the rosary.

    Thanks for this blog--we really need it!!

  19. Leila, sad and beautiful. I struggle so with anger over abortion and lies, and compassion for those who believe the lies.

    Becky, I hope Leila doesn't mind if I bump in, but this group can help you with mailing rosaries to people.

    I'm also always looking for Rosary makers at my website (Rosary Project tab) if you are willing to make them and mail them to people in the US and in some pretty remote parts of the world too.

    Those are just a few ideas. Others may have more. I started like you a few years ago making Rosaries and now I can barely keep up. If you feel called, there's a reason! :-)


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