
Friday, January 28, 2011

The Bubble is blessed!!!!

I recently asked my wonderful priest (and friend), Fr. Vietor, if he could somehow bless this blog. He graciously agreed, and look what I just received!

Dear Leila,

January 28, 2011

Thank you for asking for a blessing on Little Catholic Bubble. Your blog is a “Center of Social Communication,” linking people together through the technology of the internet. And while there is no one physical place that may be blessed, there is still the physical and human reality of the connection that is established between the people who read and post on your blog. I have Little Catholic Bubble open right now on my computer as I say this prayer of blessing:

Lord God Almighty, we humbly praise you, for you enlighten and inspire those who by probing the powers implanted in creation develop the work of your hands in wonderful ways. Look with favor on your servants who use the technology discovered by long research. Enable them to communicate truth, to foster love, to uphold justice and right, and to provide enjoyment. Let them promote and support that peace between peoples which Christ the Lord brought from heaven, for he lives and reigns with you for ever and ever. Amen.

Please feel free to copy and post this message on Little Catholic Bubble as you may see fit.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Rev. Oliver R. Vietor

Praise God! Thank you, Fr. Vietor!


  1. Love this! And him! Much thanks to both of you!

  2. That is so great! I feel blessed by this blessing! Is this the first ever blog blessing? :)

  3. Adrienne, I don't know! Anyone else know of a blessed blog or blog blessings? I was so blown away by how perfect it is! :)

  4. A blessing to be sure!!! We are all blessed by the bubble!!!

  5. That is beautiful! Thank you Fr. Vietor. I think one more good practice for spiritual safety is to (like I do) hang a rosary on the computer.
    It is a war folks.

  6. Love this! and comes at a great moment, just a few days after the Pope called Catholics to use social media even more for talking about the Truth which you do beautifully.

  7. That's awesome! I like to think that mine is now blessed since I'm on your blogroll! Thank you Fr. Vietor!

  8. This is so great and TIMELY for me, too! Leila, I was thinking of your 'bubble' today in line at the DMV! (That has GOT to be the first time you've heard that, eh?)

    It was time to renew my license so I took a book with me - "Infinite Bandwith: Encountering Christ in the Media." I've just started but it's a neat book - a professor at the Franciscan U in Steubenville, Ohio studied all Church documents on social media and collated what he calls their seven recurring "keys."

    But anyway, the part I read today that made me think of The Bubble was from JPII's apostolic letter "The Rapid Development," and I'd like to share this text with you. (I got the whole quote at the Vatican site -

    Do not be afraid of new technologies! These rank “among the marvelous things” – inter mirifica – which God has placed at our disposal to discover, to use and to make known the truth, also the truth about our dignity and about our destiny as his children, heirs of his eternal Kingdom.

    Do not be afraid of being opposed by the world! Jesus has assured us, “I have conquered the world!” (Jn 16:33)

    Do not be afraid even of your own weakness and inadequacy! The Divine Master has said, “I am with you always, until the end of the world” (Mt 28:20). Communicate the message of Christ’s hope, grace and love, keeping always alive, in this passing world, the eternal perspective of heaven, a perspective which no communications medium can ever directly communicate, “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him” (1Cor 2:9).

    To Mary, who gave us the Word of life, and who kept his unchanging words in her heart, do I entrust the journey of the Church in today’s world. May the Blessed Virgin help us to communicate by every means the beauty and joy of life in Christ our Savior.

    Isn't that beautiful? When I read the blessing you posted, I was just amazed. =) I hope you and know how appreciated your blog is. It can't be easy, so thank you!

    Cathy BB

  9. Cathy, that is AWESOME!!! I can't thank you enough for sharing that!!! :) :)

  10. So cool! And the new photo is lovely!

  11. Melanie, thank you! Jen at Conversion Diary is an expert on this blog thing, and she told me I'm supposed to have a picture "above the fold".... so there you have it. :)

  12. Yay, praise be to God, and AMEN! ^_^

  13. How wonderful to have the blog blessed.

  14. This is the coolest thing! I never would have thought to have my blog blessed! Great idea! (and gorgeous pic!)

  15. That's great! And I love your pic!

  16. Blessed is the bubble.... ;) Love it!

    awwww look how cute you are! ;)

  17. what a wonderful blessing you have been given and we are blessed to have you! :)

  18. i love this :) and you can probably never go wrong with jen's advice! her blog is pretty amazing. i have no idea how you mothers have the time!!


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