
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Inspired night!! And, my first blogger meet-up!!

What a great night! 

Dean and I were one of several couples to co-host the Bioethics Defense Fund's annual event. As usual, we were beyond inspired! 

Our dear friends Nik and Dorinda are attorneys who travel the country (and world) speaking at law schools (and now medical schools), educating the students about about the full range of life issues, from a legal perspective. (The vast majority of law students have never even heard of the Natural Law, pro-life perspective.)

They also are in the trenches, drafting legislation and shaping law on abortion, human cloning, egg harvesting, euthanasia, etc. I wish I could do justice to what they do and where they go, but trust me, it's beyond impressive, very effective and worthy of every ounce of support they can get. They are virtually the only attorneys in the nation doing this work full-time, and their impact is huge! 

Check out their site. They are true professionals, tireless warriors, and they operate on a shoestring.

Their presentation was ushered in by the most amazing video, which gave me chills. You should watch! It's only a couple minutes long. My friend Corey and his team produced it through his company, StormWind Studios. (Yes, we have an amazing Catholic community here in Phoenix!) Check it out:

And, if that weren't enough, this year's honorees were EWTN's Mother Angelica (who, of course, could not be in attendance) and Raymond Arroyo! Here is Raymond, graciously posing with me, Dean and our little guy.

And just when I thought things could not get any better, I met a blogger at the event!! You know her as the frequent (and excellent) commenter, JoAnna! My first blogger meet-up!! And, as fate would have it, dear Danya (HE Adopted Me First) was on hand as well, so we got a blogger picture to show you all! The tall beauty with us there on the left is LaToya, a brilliant young woman (and on-fire convert) who is soon to start her own blog (hint, hint, LaToya!). She has a lot to say, and I want to hear it. 

Oh, and she's single, too. Yes, I had permission to say that! ;)

LaToya, Leila, unhappy Matthew, JoAnna, Danya!**
(No, JoAnna and I don't have small black beads for eyes, but I guess that's better than the redeye that was there before I fixed it??)

Basically, it was pretty much the best night ever!  :)

**Alishia (a Catholic Phoenix blogger, along with JoAnna), how did we not get you in this picture???


  1. your little one looks and acts just like Dean....:-)

    great seeing you all. wonderful event.

  2. That video was INCREDIBLE! So amazing! Sounds like it was a wonderful evening!
    Also, so funny you were in my dream last night! I was in my car, and I saw you driving in your car getting ready to pull out of a driveway or something. I flagged you down, and we were talking through our rolled down windows all about how we couldn't believe we met like that! haha and then I woke up. :) Too funny!

  3. Love the video! Love the pics! Hot Mommas!

    Dang, Wish I could have been there!

  4. Danya I'm coming to raid your closet! Oh, well I might not fit in them... ;) But I'm coming anyway! L your too skinny, you need to eat! ;)

  5. I see what Matthew wants in that last picture! hahaha!!

  6. PS I loved the video. I think Ken should come to your next event too. He's a pro life attorney!

  7. Wow! :) That night sounds wonderful! I love Raymond Arroyo! :) And you all are just gorgeous!

  8. You are too kind. :)

    It was truly an amazing event, and it was so fun to meet Leila and Danya! Girls, we must get together for a playdate one of these days.

  9. Thank you so much for drawing my attention to the Bioethics Defense Fund website! I have barely skimmed the surface of it and can't wait to pass it on... and make a holiday contribution!!

  10. I don't remember which links I followed to make it to this blog, but I really enjoy it! That is an *incredible* video, and I'd not heard for the Bioethics Defense Fund.

  11. Leila, can i get your email address? abigail(dot)b(dot)benjamin@gmail


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