
Friday, August 27, 2010

Just Curious...

How many siblings do you have?

I have one sister, and she is 19 months older than me. We didn't really get along growing up, but now we are very good friends!

She knows about my blog, but she doesn't read it unless I force her, ha!


  1. I'm a lonely only, Leila. But my 2 brothers-in-law help fill the sibling gap. Now, if they could just find some good Catholic wives... (well, one still has a year left in college, so he can wait on that, but the other is 27 and so handsome!).

  2. One brother...same thing...18 months apart. I was a very lonely kid. Everyone thinks that's the whole reason why I'm obsessed with filling up my house. I don't think so. I'm just an innately social person. I truly enjoy people, esp. the little ones!

  3. Five older brothers and no sisters.........which explains why I am insane. haha

  4. 3. 2 sisters and a brother. We are very close in age - only 5 1/2 years separates the oldest (me) from the youngest - currently 33-27 1/2. We all get along MUCH better now than we did growing up, especially the 3 girls. My DH has 3 sisters and 3 brothers and again VERY close in age. 7 kids in 7 1/2 years! No, I am not kidding and no multiples. I love it because we are all in about the same age range and a lot of similar stages of life (both sides). In regards to the blog, some of them know about, I think one or 2 read, but they have never mentioned it. They are more likely to comment on my facebook page. That is also why I don't write a lot of controversial or too personal posts on my blog - because I don't have the anyonmity like a lot of other blogs. But that is my own issue and not something I can really take back. Why the question? Have a great weekend!

  5. I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers. It's the 3 girls first and then the 2 boys. I'm second. We girls are 15 months apart each. I didn't get along with them (they got along with each other, but I was the prissy bratty one while they were the tomboy athletic ones) until I got married. People thought we were triplets. The boys are 3 years apart. My dad said my mom promised him 6 but the doctor who delivered my youngest brother provided the most miserable delivery experience for her, so he blames this doctor for costing him his last baby!

  6. I'm one of seven...3 brothers and 3 sisters. I feel like we were closer growing up than we are now but that's mostly because, though we are all staunchly Catholic, we are also strongly opinionated and following different paths (different crosses, different reasons for having more/avoiding children). We also live 5-10 hours away from one another so lack of proximity has a lot to do with it.

    I still love 'em all dearly but distance is definitely a good thing in our case.

  7. I'm the oldest of 3 girls. We are very close in age. The middle one and I are 14 months apart...the middle one and the youngest one are 3 days short of a year apart. We did not get along at all when we were young. After I got out of high school things got better. However, in the last couple of years we have sort of drifted apart again. :( The three of us are just so very different.

    As far as my blog. As far as I know they are not aware of it. I'm always paranoid though that someone in the family will find it so I try not to divulge too much family stuff.

  8. I have just one older sister. We are 4 years apart and she totally ignored me until we were teenagers:) We were always just missing each other in schools. When I started Elem, she started Middle and so on. It was better when I started HS and she started college. She felt bad for leaving me alone with our crazy Mother I think:) Then she let me live with her and her husband when I graduated HS and Mom got really crazy:) We are prety tight now. She lives around the corner. And our Mom is still crazy.

  9. I am the middle of three, older brother, younger sister. We have 3-almost 5 years on each end. And now I'm about to have my fourth in just under five years and I wonder why some mornings I want to curl up in bed at 8:30. I have a serious case of The Screams--not mine, theirs! The screaming is making me crazy. This next one is the first boy and I'm hoping for pliable, monotone, physical aggression. Oh, I seem to have gotten off subject.

  10. one sibling, a twin. We're fraternal and I have definite ideas about the closeness of fraternal vs. identical twins. We get along well...

  11. I come from a divorced home so all my siblings are half-siblings. I have 4 brothers (the oldest one is an adopted cousin) and 3 sisters. I am in the middle from my mom and if you count my oldest brother I am the second oldest on my dad's side. There is a 5 year age gap between me and the eldest and a 17 year age gap between me and my youngest sister. We all get along fairly well now that none of us live together! Haha! But we are not really a close knit family.

  12. I have just one brother, 2 years and 7 months younger than me. I also have 2 step-sisters but we don't socialize at all. We did just become "friends" on Facebook and that was a HUGE step! My mom's youngest brothers feel like brothers to me, we are so close in age!

  13. I have just one brother, 2 years and 7 months younger than me. I also have 2 step-sisters but we don't socialize at all. We did just become "friends" on Facebook and that was a HUGE step! My mom's youngest brothers feel like brothers to me, we are so close in age!

  14. One brother, 2 years apart. We've always had a good relationship.

  15. I'm the middle child. My sister is 16 mo. older than me and we are very close. My little brother is 6 years younger than me. We fought constantly during the preteen/teen years but became very close after I left for college.
    My mom also had a miscarriage so we prayed for that sibling growing up too.

  16. i am the 2nd of a total of 7 children. My siblings are my best friends...the people I know I can completely rely on...well, for sure my sisters...and most of the time, my brothers.

    I don't know if any of my sibs read my blog. I think they do, on occasion.

  17. I have a twin sister and younger sister (3 years apart). I also have three stepsisters who I consider sisters as well and a stepbrother I admittedly don't know too well. Two of my stepsibs are only a year different in age from me and my twin so that's 4 girls all about the same age. I love having siblings (although ideally we wouldn't have the whole split family situation).

  18. I have three younger brothers. The oldest is 27 and getting married next summer, the next is 25 and is a Brother (started his own religious order with a friend now in the Archdiocese of Denver) and the youngest is about to turn 21, so he's about 9 years younger than me (turning 30 in October). I wasn't particularly close with them as kids, but we are much closer now.

    My brothers would definitely have no interest in reading an IF blog.

  19. I am the 2nd oldest of 5. My mother had 2 m/c in between, but 5 children, so I am not sure where my problems stem from!!

    We are all close, still leave within the same zip codes but my sister is my very best friend in the world and we are almost 8 years apart! She was like my baby doll growing up, then we were best friends. I was a little immature, and she was always mature so we are very similar! :)

  20. I'm the oldest of 6.

    My brother under me is 4 years younger. Then the rest of them there are 11 years and younger between us.

    The distance and age keeps us from being "close". I haven't seen them in almost 2 years, I think....

  21. I am the second of 4 girls. 3.5 years separate my older sister and me. almost 5 years separate me and my younger sister. The baby is 22 months younger than the third.


    It's so funny how we pour our hearts in our blogs, yet we don't know these basic facts about each other!

    @Barbie- yes, but would they read your What Does the Catholic CHurch Say about THIS blog??? I know you're busy...but I can't wait for the next post there! :)

    What was the question? :)

    2 younger brothers. My parents also had trouble TTC. I was 6.5 when brother #1 was born and 11 when brother #2 was born. Brother #1 and his girlfriend read the blog- never comment- Brother #2 couldn't care less @ this point. I love my brothers!!!!

  23. One brother, 5.5 years older. I'm adopted, he is not. I *hope* he doesn't read my blog, that is where I let it all hang out, LOL.

  24. I'm the youngest of 10, 6 girls & 4 boys with 14 1/2 years from oldest to youngest. We're all close but there are certainly some extra close friendships in the mix, just a matter of personality and lifestyles. And we have an absolutely incredible Mom. Dad died when I was 1 1/2 and the oldest had just turned 16. She raised us with a quiet faith and dignity that I strive to emulate. She's 85 now and still is the woman I most admire in my life.

  25. I'm the youngest of 6...opposite that Sew:) There are 4 girls and two boys. We are all pretty close as you can be living miles apart! All spread out....New York, Texas, Alabama, Georgia.

  26. I am the oldest of 3. I'm 27 (today, actually!), my sister will be 25 in Oct., and my brother turned 22 in July.
    My sister and I really didn't get along growing up because we are so different. She is melancholic and I am sanguine... so totally opposite! I was always the one that wanted to share clothes and sleep in the same room, but she never wanted to, and I got on her nerves because I talked too much. :)
    She also had a close relationship with our brother, and the two of them share the same off beat weird sense of humor. I always wanted to be a part of their inside jokes, but several of them were about me... :)
    I tended to feel like the oddball, and I have always said that if possible I would like to avoid having an odd number of kids so that everyone has a buddy.
    It's funny how things like that stick with you. :)
    However, my sister and I are much closer now, and we are friends now which I love! My brother is still in college, and we are in totally different places in life so we aren't close at this point, but I'm hoping that we can be some day.

  27. I have two brothers and three sisters. I'm third from oldest - at different times, I was closer to different siblings. When I was really young, I followed my older brother everywhere and wanted to be just like him. As I got older, my younger sister and I were closer, then when I got into high school my oldest sister and I got to know each other better. I'm close to all of my siblings but one now, my older brother - and he's cut off contact for...many reasons...which I don't agree with.
    Anyway, having siblings is the best thing ever. And the best thing my parents ever did for us.

  28. Oh, and as for my blog, they don't know about it. My mom has a problem with making waves, and she generally disagrees with most of my positions on things mostly because she doesn't like how I draw a line in the sand. She also thinks that I am close minded on a lot of things... we go around and around about this. :( Someday I may tell them about it, but at this point, I don't have the energy to answer for everything I put on my blog. :)

  29. I have three older brothers and an older sister. My mom had three in a row...and then waited another three for my closest brother and another three for me. THree of my siblings live in other states so I can't say we are all that close...except my brother who lives in FL and I have gotten close again. I love it.

    I've mentioned the blog but no one has any interest in reading it. Fine by me!

  30. I'm an only and I actually really like it. I've always been able to make my own fun and I'm never bored. It is fun to have a brother-in-law that is (three weeks!) younger and my best friend's family treats me like another kid.

  31. 1 younger brother (4 years younger). He and I are very close, though we live far apart. He's great and is going to be the peanut's godfather. I keep trying to get him to move to Chi-land.

  32. I have one brother. He's 3 1/2 years older than I am, so I'm the baby - all of my begging for Bubble awards makes sense now, right Leila?!!! My bro is great but no, he doesn't know about my blog.

  33. JBTC, I needed a light, quick post and I also love getting to know everyone better. I liked it so much, that I think I will start a new feature called "Just Curious" and ask some more stuff!!!

    Thanks, guys, I really loved learning more about you!

  34. You and your features, I love it! I have to admit that yesterday I was thinking of doing a "Pet Peeves", wait "Opportunity for Sanctification" post! hahaha! What can I say you inspired me :)

    Well, the truth of the matter is I am an only child! I always begged for a brother and sister not knowing that my Mom and stepdad did their best to make that happen. I now have to stepbrothers (younger) from my Mom's new husband but they married after I was out of college, but I love those two guys even though we are not too close. I also have two SIL's and two BIL's from my husband's family. They are all totally different and while they are close in some ways, couldn't be different in others ;) Sometimes it blows my mind how siblings act because I am just not just not used to it, but I love every minute of it! I have always wanted a houseful of kids and watching my husband's family really helps me understand what that would look like in our family!

    I am glad you asked the question - I loved learning about everyone too!

    By the way, no one in the family knows I blog. I only have one friend that reads my blog and it is because we both started our blogs at the same time and did not know it until a few months later.

    One last thought, I do have three friends who are like my sisters. I am a part of their families and known as Aunt C. I love having all those nieces and nephews!!

  35. AL, I would be honored if you used any of my features or icons on your blog! I really loved this, and I loved learning more about you, and everyone else!!

  36. This is a complicated question. I have 2 whole brothers. One is 2 1/2 years older and the other is 7 years younger. The younger one and I are VERY close. We talk daily and he named his eldest daughter after me. (I'd have named one after him, but neither of us really like his name.) The older brother goes his own way in life. We see him, but not often enough.

    I have a half sister I've never met but have spoken to a few times on the phone 9 years ago.

    I have 2 step brothers I used to be friendly with but now never see.

    So all that to say 2. I have 2 siblings.

  37. This is my first time wandering over here- I love this question! I have 2 brothers. One is 27, and one is 8. Lol! My mom had a conversion experience and came off of birth control late in life. Surprise! :-)

    Man, does God know what he is doing! What a joy my little brother is, and exactly what our family needed! This is my first time popping over here. Love the purple!

  38. I'm always so late in catching up on your posts! I'm the "middle" of four because my older brother and sister are twins. My little brother makes us an even four. You would think my mom, having four kids and constantly telling us stories about how hard it was to have 4 children in a world of 2's, would understand this desire we have to start a family, no? But alas...

  39. I'm way late on this, but I have one brother, 21 months younger. I always wanted more! My mom wanted more kids too - I kind of suspect she had some similar IF problems that I had.

  40. 5 best friends ever. 1 brother ( he was the first born in my Italian family...need I say more?)All the sisters are devout, practicing Catholics, a fact I'm proud of and my brother is ,well, he's too intelligent for a God. But I still love him (the fool).

  41. haha I guess I should have read your post!

  42. I'm the youngest of 6!... 4 girls, 2 boys, just like someone else on here (I can't remember who that was!) parents also took in a young black boy when he was 15, so I usually count him in, too! (I say "usually" because he only lived with us for a couple of years before joining the military and moving away...and I was pretty young, so I didn't know him that well! :)) I mention his race because it's so beautiful that my parents took him in when it caused such a "raucous"...especially since he had a pregnant girlfriend! I hope I'd do the same!!!...and I am so blessed to have so many siblings - aka close friends!
    I think I emailed them a long time ago to tell them that I was blogging, but then I only blogged once or twice and forgot about it for quite a while...oops! Don't think they're reading now!...
    My SIL does read, though, I just found that out Saturday night!


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