
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Doctrinal Quiz Show! Where you hope for the soap.

What? You noticed my amazing new graphic? Yes, it's true! I've been having fun with my Mac, making icons, or graphics, or whatever they are called!  A feature has to have a familiar visual, right??

Okay, welcome to the Doctrinal Quiz Show, where the Grand Prize once again is a holey object (yes, yes, the soap).

Without further ado (because I hate ado), the question for today is....

What is the difference between a sacrament and a sacramental? (Bonus points for players who can name all seven sacraments and at least five sacramentals.)

The usual conditions apply: No cheating (we are Christians, people!!). This means no googling, no reading or copying others' replies before you comment, and no asking smart husbands and friends. The husbands know they can play along (and even win, right R?). Lurkers, you are welcome to join in, too! You know you want that soap. Don't pretend you don't care.



  1. Woah-I'm up late enough to be the first one this one! And hopefully will get an award for having the FIRST RIGHT answer! (maybe...)

    A Sacrament is defined in the Baltimore Catechism as an "outword sign institutued by Christ to give grace" (at least I know that's close...) A sacramental is an object that is used in the Church for the purpose of directing our attention to God and reminding ourselves of His presence (and other great holy things). It is typically religious in nature and blessed by a priest.

    The seven sacraments are: Baptism, Confirmation, (Sacraments of Initiation) Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick, (Sacraments of Healing) Holy Communion, Holy Orders, and Matrimony (I can't remember where these fit in)

    Five sacramentals include a Miraculous Medal, scapular, rosary, crucifix, and perhaps even blessed wedding rings??

  2. Off the top of my head...Sacraments are akin to Covenants in the O.T. They are rights of passage that reaffirm one's close relationship to God. Marriage, Vocations, Confirmation, Baptism, Mass, Reconciliation, Last Rites...(that's all I can think of.) Sacramentals are holy objects that have been blessed and are used for spiritual formation. They are scapulars, rosaries, palms, statues, bibles, etc. Easy on me girl, this is my first quiz show response!

  3. Leila,
    Finally one I think I can answer. A sacrament is an outward sign of an inward grace instituted by Jesus Christ to give us both actual and sanctifying grace. The seven sacraments are: Baptism, Reconciliation, Holy Communion, Confirmation, Holy Orders, Matrimony and Annointing of the Sick.
    A sacramental is a devotional object such as an icon, image of Jesus, Mary or the saints, a scapular, holy water, crucifix, rosary, etc., (is that five?) that is meant to be worn or displayed to frequently remind us of God and the graces made continuously available to us. Some sacramentals, such as holy water, directly remind us of the saving grace of a sacrament (Baptism), and can have a special purpose in addition to the devotion. For example, holy water can be used to bless the home, your children, etc., and to discourage the evil forces at work in your surroundings.


  4. Sacraments:

    Holy Orders
    Last Rites

    Holy Oil
    Holy Water
    Blessed objects....

    Scarmentals are objects, Sacraments are graces... ;)

  5. My Baltimore Catechism is coming back to me:

    A sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace. They are Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony and are necessary for salvation. I still remember that sweet picture in the BC of Mary leading children to heaven on a ladder with 7 rungs each labeled with one of the 7 sacraments

    A sacramental (I'm really reaching here for a definition) is a thing or even action used to remind us of God and the saints and serve as a conduit of grace and strengthen our faith. Not strictly necessary for salvation but certainly helpful. Sacramentals are practically infinite in number but some examples include a blessed candles, blessed salt, holy water, genuflecting, and tithing.

  6. Love the new graphic :) Great job!!

    Okay, this one I might have a better idea on, so I will give it a go!
    Seven Sacraments:
    Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconcilliation, Holy Orders, Matrimony, and Annointing of the Sick.
    As always, it seems tricky to answer the question. I believe that the Sacraments are opportunities for a Child of God to grow in grace and faith - it is about developing the ongoing relationship with God. Sacramentals are objects that are holy and bring us to a greater awareness of God and help us to grow in faith.

  7. I cheated. I had no idea how to define sacramentals, but I knew the 7 Sacraments. Question, when did they officially change "Last Rites" to "Anointing of the Sick?" It was several years ago, right?
    No soap for me.

  8. A sacrament is a visible sign of an invisible reality and they include: baptism, reconciliation, Eucharist, marriage, holy orders, anointing of the sick. Grace is directly transferred to the person as a result of these sacraments. A sacramental is an object (which has been blessed) that helps a person through reminder or prayer to draw closer to God. Example: scapulars (of a variety of colors), medals, etc.

  9. p.s. can you teach me how to make graphics on my mac? pretty, pretty please?

  10. a sacrament is a tangible sign of God's grace in the world-but without said grace explicitly tied to it- such as a sunset or beauty.

    A Sacrament is a tangible sign that Christ tied His grace to- Sacraments of INitiation include Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation
    Sacraments of Healing include Reconciliation and Annointing of the Sick. Vocational Sacraments are Holy Orders and Matrimony.

    A sacramental is what is used to show us God's grace- the water and oil in Baptism, the oil of Confirmation and Annointing, the bread and wine of the Eucharist...

    YOu have no idea how hard it was to not ask my husband, who's standing right here, if I'm on the right track.

  11. We just talked about this in faith group and I am sure I will still screw it up. Basically, sacramentals point to the sacraments. A sacramental could be a lot of things-a scapular, an item that has been blessed, a novena, holy water, a rosary...
    Sacraments are baptism, reconciliation (or first confession), first communion, confirmation, holy orders, holy matrimony, or healing of the sick (formally called last rites). But I can't articulate the definition of either's that for answering the question but not really? lol

  12. Oh, I forgot to add that indelible marks are conferred on the soul during the following sacraments: baptism, confirmation and holy orders. That's why priest's souls will look different than ours in heaven (they will have 3).

  13. You know what... I "know" this but I already know I won't say it well and will leave out some crucial detail. I will learn a lot more if I just read the answer haha. I love these quizzes, tho!

    7 Sacraments are:

    Holy Orders
    Anointing of the Sick

    Sacramental... this one is tougher:

    Holy Water
    Blessed palms
    Blessed... ashes?

  14. Sacramentals are just signs and reminders of God's grace and have no power in themselves. They require faith and proper disposition to be efficacious. Sacraments actually impart God's grace and change the person.

    The seven Sacraments are:
    Holy Orders
    Anointing of the Sick

    Sacramentals: (this is harder)
    Holy Water
    Blessed Objects

    I guess I won't get all the bonus points :(

  15. Oh crazy, I typed up a response this morning, but now I can't see it. Did you get it? (No this is not a lame excuse to try to not type out the answer, but still get a prize). Weird...and you don't even have WV, so I don't know what happened.

  16. Ok, trying not to look at everyone else's answers, lol.

    The seven sacraments are the things we do as Catholics to help us get to heaven. They include: baptism, confession, first eucharist, confirmation, holy orders, marriage, and the annointing of the sick (or as I like to call it the annoying of the sick :)).

    A sacramental is something to help us focus our thoughts on God and eternity. Examples would be a scapular, rosary, chaplets, miraculous medal, and holy cards.

    Oh I hope I did well! :)

  17. So easy (we just did this in my daughter's theology class)

    Sacraments are outward signs of inward grace, instituted by Christ for Sanctification.

    The seven sacraments are: Baptism, Communion, Penance, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick.

    Sacramentals are other ceremonies instituted by the Church for private devotion.

    Examples of sacramentals are: orans, tinctus, edens, confessus,dans, benedicens

    Would you like that list in English? public prayer,holy water, eating blessed food,the Confiteor, alms, and Papal or Episcopal blessings such as of palms, candles, etc.

    Woo-Hoo for The Baltimore Catechism and for homeschool nerd moms who have to grade those papers and give those tests!

  18. I think I get the nerd mom award, but do I get the hole=-y soap award too?

  19. Your Mac skills are killer! Love the color.

  20. How Fun!

    Can I just get bonus points? I'm drawing a blank on the difference. Although I can say that HOly Water is an example of a Sacramental (reminds of our Sacrament of Baptism) and Baptism is an example of a Sacrament. :)

    7 Sacraments:
    Holy Communion
    Holy Orders
    Last Rites (something like that)

    I can only think of HOly Water as one of the sacramentals right now! Frustrating!

  21. So... what program are you using on your mac... because I totally want to do that on my mac!!!! I don't know what I'd make... but I want to make something! ;)

    Sacraments are an outward sign of inward grace. I love that! They were instituted by Christ and are necessary for salvation and santification.

    The seven are: Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, Anointing of the Sick.

    Sacraments are sacred items that resemble the sacraments. Examples: Holy water, rosaries, statues, ashes, novenas, genuflection, statues, blessed medals, etc.

    Boring answer... but do I get an award??? :) LOVE YOU!!!

  22. A sacrament is a physical sign of grace. The 7 sacraments are:
    Baptism, Eucharist, Marriage, Holy Orders, Annointing of the Sick, Reconciliation, and Confirmation.
    I believe that a sacramental is an object that has been blessed or is infused with grace.
    I'm thinking relics, holy water, icons, monstrance, holy candles, Bible, Medals, Scapulars, Rosaries...

  23. Good stuff so far.... hope to be able to get the answer post up by tonight, but maybe tomorrow.

    As for the awesome graphic, it's soooo easy! If you have a Mac, go to the Keynote application (looks like a podium). Then, have at it! You can pick a background, then pick a font, a size of font, a color of font, etc.! Fun times!

  24. We can't ask smart husbands? Well then I am doomed!

  25. just how many of those soaps did you take with you?

    (and yes, I'm avoiding answering your questions... too hot and tired to think...)

  26. ok a sacrament is something spiritual, that was given to us by Christ, and a sacramental is an object??
    the sacraments are
    Baptism, Reconciliation, Communion, Confirmation, Holy Orders, Marriage, Anointing of the sick.
    Sacramentals, are Holy Water, Medals (of the saints, duh! :)) Statues, ect that has been blessed by a priest. I don't know 5! I think that is right, but not so sure...

  27. I can't believe I missed this! Jenny didn't tell me!


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