Saturday, August 21, 2010

Doctrinal Quiz Show! Spirituality Edition

Well, I've got yet another bar of holey soap burning a hole in my pocket. I need to unload it, so it must be time for a new episode of Doctrinal Quiz Show! This time, it's not about hard and fast doctrine, but more about the spiritual fruits of our Faith.

Here we go! 

{Cue nerve-wracking game show music, and read the following in pseudo-hushed tones...}

Traditional Catholic spirituality speaks of three stages of holiness through which a Christian must pass on his way to perfection. Name the three stages of holiness, and give a brief explanation or characteristic of each one.

Special Note to Contestants: A few months back I touched on this issue in the comments section of another blog. Any player attempting to access that information will be subject to the harshest penalties that I can mete out, which may include, but shall not be limited to, public blog humiliation, a banning of any future claim to a Grand Prize (yes, you may miss out on future bars of soap), and a non-binding requirement to place a "Scarlet C" icon on your homepage for one year as a form of mortification and penance.

What I am trying to say is.... please don't cheat?  :)

All right guys, you know you want the soap, so fight for it!!!


  1. Ok, I'll be the first to admit it...I don't know. 3 stages to holiness...yeah, I got nothing.

    But I will say that the process of change that takes place within us on the path to holiness is called "metanoia". It means constant change and is what we are all called to in our spiritual life. It's an ongoing process of conversion.

    That's all I got.

  2. Hmmm...doesn't St. Teresa of Avila talk about this? (Yes, shameless attempt to stall...). All I can think of is one stage is purification. Oh, how I wanted that holey soap. I guess it was just not to be! Is there a prize for being the 1st to respond?

  3. Oh, I see I wasn't even 1st - Second chances beat me by a minute. Oh, and this posting late at night when we are at our probably theologically the least sound due to tiredness - very tricky (well at least here in the central time zone)! Just kidding, have a great night and God Bless!

  4. Wow, you guys are quick! JBTC, don't worry... I wasn't going to mention this yet, but when I am down to my last bar of holey soap, I am going to give everyone a fair shot at it. You may just be the proud owner of the soap yet!!! Stayed tuned for that opportunity in the near future. :)

  5. OK, since it was my blog you so awesomely wrote a comment on with these words of advice, I think I may just remember this one. And furthermore, I am STOKED that I actually have a CLUE to the correct answer, being the uneducated-in-the-faith public school gal and all!!

    Alright: So, the first stage I believe is purgative(?), where there is lots of fear, depression, anger, anxiety, etc. The second stage is illuminative, where joy can be achieved. (I remember this being the stage I want to get to!!) Apparently most people can get to this stage in their lifetime, but rarely to the third stage, which is union with God. I guess that is mostly achieved by the masses in heaven, but Saints may get there while still on earth.

    And now kindly send me my soap so I can take a green shower with it.

  6. I obviously haven't even gotten to stage 1, because I don't have a clue. I remember the topic... But still nothing! No soap for me!

    Side note... I have seen the soap... Sew and I had it in our bathroom while staying with Ann at the nest! We even took our picture with it!! Hehehe. ;)

  7. Looking foward to learning about the three levels!!

  8. I'm stumped on this one! I actually just started reading Interior Castles by St. Theresa of Avila, but she has seven stages.

    Alas! I'll never get an eco-friendly shower!

  9. Since I have no idea, I'm not actually answering, but I just wanted to say it sound like TCIE has the right answer and I wanted to confirm her awesomeness. I should have know this answer because I read Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross.

  10. I think mrsblondies needs an award for saying I'm awesome.

  11. The purgative, illuminative and unitive stages.

    Is there an award for brevity? If so, I'm gonna go for it.

  12. I have absolutely no clue. They didn't cover this in my 10 years of Catholic education. But once I know the answer I'll be teaching my 3 year old, 1 year old, and -17 week old so they'll know for future quizzes. (How many bars of soap did you steal from that hotel anyway??)

  13. Wow. This one totally has me stumped. TCIE's response sounds reasonable but I look forward to learning more about this!

  14. Ugh, I got nothing. (Hangs head in shame...)
    Can't wait to hear the answer!

  15. Oh, and I was so excited to finally be fast enough to respond before the DQS is over! But I have no idea. My money's on TCIE's answer, though :)

  16. Leila! This is a shockingly hard question!!! :o ( :) ) I'm with TCIE!!!

  17. Good grief, had no idea there were three stages so imagine I am dwelling in stage negative one? Yikes!

  18. Well, I read all the comments before posting and am relieved that I am not the only one who was clueless! I just know I haven't reached the third stage!


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