
Sunday, July 25, 2010

"Thinking Out Loud" Post. *...and a PS

I have nothing to write that could compare to this glorious news!  Like so many, I have waited anxiously every single day for this blessing to occur. Praise God!!

I am trying to finish up a book that I started reading weeks ago, so that I can finally start my "Books in the Bubble" feature. (I am all into features!) It's a book I read years ago, and it had a profound effect on me. I rarely read a book twice (heck, these days I rarely read a book once!), so that is saying something. If I weren't so addicted to all your blogs, maybe I could spend some spare time reading! Sheesh! You guys should try to be less interesting, fun and inspirational!

Busy doing all sorts of stuff for my vocation, too. That is for my prayer buddy. Offering it up, baby. You can't imagine how many times I have forced myself to do the right thing in a given situation (where I could easily have chosen the lazy part) simply by telling myself, "Do it for your prayer buddy!" I always get a sense of renewed energy and joy after that.  :)

Quiz, just for fun: How do you pronounce my name (Leila)? 

If you already know the answer, you can't participate!! Also, no holey soap prize for this one, sorry! But I will publicly honor those who get it right. 

Okay, back to my book, and I wish you all a very happy NFP Awareness Week!

PS: I have not heard back from Christa, Sophie, "The Master" or even Kristen for that matter. I am ready to continue the dialogue whenever they are.


  1. Okay I am nervously answering first... In my head I say Lee-la... :) But that is because I know someone else with your name spelling and that is how she pronounces it. :)

  2. Well, I call you Lee-la in my head. That "i" in there is tricky though so now I'm not so sure.

  3. I never thought about it, I would say lay-la!

  4. I would say "Lee-la," based upon the "when two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking" rule.

  5. I know so I can't answer, but before I did know I was pronouncing it all wrong. It is funny that you bring this up b/c I was on the phone with Barbie last week and we talked about how to pronounce it.

  6. I'm going to jump on the Lay-la bandwagon...

  7. Gosh, I've always said "lay-lu" with a long "a" and short "u". It never even occured to me that it might be wrong!

  8. I always thought lee la, but following the i before e yada yada OR WHEN SOUNDED AS A AS IN NEIGHBOR AND WEIGH, maybe it IS lay la.

  9. I guess I can't answer this one cause we've talked on the phone!

  10. However, I wonder if I could do the same thing with Madeleine on my blog.... some people have gotten it wrong ;)

  11. I think and pronounce in Spanish lol, so I have to go with lay ee lah???

  12. I say Lee-la in my head as well. I won't have even though about other pronunciation so I'm very curious now.

  13. Darn. I already know! No prize for me... :)

  14. Lee-la? I love both that and lie-la, but I guess I made an assumption it was lee-la. sidenote, I really want to name a girl lee-la or lie-la(but I already have names for this baby so just dreaming ahead, lol!)

  15. I've always thought it to be Ly-la (long i sound in first syllable). I'm so curious. Hurry up and tell us! :)

  16. My guess is Lay-la, like the Clapton song (which is Mr JB's favourite song, btw).

  17. I would have thought Lie-La before, but I heard Shannon say it over the phone once and thought "oops-I've been saying it wrong!"


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