
Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm Back!

So glad to be back!! I can't wait to catch up on the blogs and start commenting again! I have missed you guys!

Before we left on our trip to California, I prayed that God would spare us from an earthquake. Within hours of arriving, we were in an earthquake, ha ha! Half of the extended family ran for the door frames, and the other half (including me) didn't even notice it! Crazy!!

So, I have about twenty new post ideas buzzing around my brain. One will be coming tonight, I hope. I think you will enjoy it. :) I also plan another great post to respond to a very kind and thoughtful liberal who decided to take me on and answer my questions (see the "While we're at it..." post). So, thanks for your patience. I now must go start in on some major mounds of laundry....


  1. Yipeeeee!!!!!!! Welcome home!! We missed you!

  2. Oh I can't even imagine the laundry you have! Do you have two washer and dryers? So glad to have you back!!!!

  3. Just started following your blog, and it was hard not having you around. I want to live in the Little Catholic Bubble, too.

    So glad you are baaaackkk.

  4. We're so happy to have you back!

    You're more of a woman than I am. I spend my first few days back getting readjusted and doing laundry :)

  5. Yay! I missed you! :) Glad you are back and had a good trip!

  6. Glad to have u back! :)

  7. Woohoo! So glad you're back! :)

  8. Glad you are back, life was empty without you!

  9. I'm glad you are back. I wrote my faith story for you at last. It's really long. I'm really sorry.


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