
Sunday, July 4, 2010

I was a boy once, too! *UPDATED*

So, you all had a good laugh over Ann's post about when she was a boy, eh? Then this should make you fall off your seats! Yes, that is me at 4 years old, in my preschool picture (circa 1971). Proof, for sure, that I was once a boy! The son my dad never had. Nice hair, don't you think? I'm glad that I was later able to get in touch with my feminine side. (By the way... that boy shirt? It's actually a dress.)

*Update: I just showed this post to my fifteen-year-old daughter. She asked me, "Is that Dad?" When I told her who it was, she cracked up and said, "You look like a boy!" Exactly.


  1. Wow. I know I still haven't found my picture to post it yet, but there's no competition. You win. I'm glad you made over to the girly side!

  2. Agree. You win this one! In fact, I think you could win a national competition!! :)

  3. I swear this looks like A. So cute! So funny!

  4. A-dorable! I just want to squeeze the four year old male version of you.

  5. Too funny! It goes to show you that you really do need to see the whole picture to get the story straight...with that "boy" like shirt actually being a dress. You were very cute...boyish or not. Cute!

  6. Very cute! And I can totally see you in your kids!

  7. VERY cute :).

  8. Oh my heavens how hilariously cute leila! I love your sons comment too funny thanks for sharing :)

  9. Leila Braveheart. I'm impressed.

  10. You are adorable! That's really funny that your daughter thought it was a picture of your husband.

  11. oh wow. Your parents committed child abuse here! :) very very funny!

  12. you do win! I thought I looked like a boy with my seventies clothes and dorothy hammil, but nope-hands down you win. lol.

  13. Ha ha ha!! This cracks me up!
    (especially the "is that Dad" question from your daughter!!!

    And how can that shirt be a dress??? ha ha ha!

  14. Lololol... oh my... um, cute. :) My little sis was a "boy" too.

  15. Yes, definitely child abuse!! And as to how it can be a dress... I don't know what the designer was thinking! But there is a blue skirt attached to the lovely top part. Nice!

    I'm glad I win! I wish there were a cash prize, because I'd be rich!

    (Kaitlin, ha!)

  16. OMG Leila! You look like Alexander! LOL Wow, so you were right...


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