
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Doctrinal Quiz Show, Third Edition! Infallibility

Welcome back, fans! I do love hosting the DQS and I am so excited for you to play along!
Today's subject: Infallibility.
Today's tricky question:
How many Catholic doctrines have been taught infallibly?
Remember, NO cheating, googling or copying other commenters! If you are thinking of cheating, remember that Jesus is sitting next to you and He sees all.
As an extra fun incentive, I have a special Grand Prize that I will be sending the winner!! Trust me, it's a prize you all want. 
In addition to the Grand Prize, I will also be handing out the usual slate of awards.
Okay, give me your best answers!


  1. OK, I have NO IDEA. And this is where my public school education shows fiercely.

    If I had to guess and embarrass myself, I'd say... oh, geesh... 86?

  2. Well, heck, the first time I take part and I don't have a clue. I would have said what Tridentine Wife said. So...I guess I'm looking on her paper:)

    Go back to an easy one!

    And welcome back!

  3. Ok I'm thinking 2 and they're both about Mary.

  4. I think some must be infallabile, though, right?? Like that Jesus is the begotten Son and both God and Man? (Like the Council of Nicea determined.) - or is this not considered church doctrine?? I'm confused...

  5. Comming out of the woodworks with: one - the Assumption of Mary. Or was it the Immaculate Conception? No...Assumption. Final answer.

  6. I'm confused, too.

    Oh well. Better to sit here and let people think I am ignorant than open my mouth and let them know it.

    Continue on all you smart folks.

  7. There are infallible teachings and they come from doctrines. Not a clue how many there are so I'll say more than one.

    Are you laughing at these answers yet, Leila? :) It kinda feels like one of the Jay Leno skits when they go around and ask people off the streets really simple questions and no one has a clue, ha!

  8. My gut told me three...

    I do know that they all have to do with Mary and that there are a lot fewer than people think.

  9. Maybe I should have gone with two.... Stupid gut.

  10. Dh says off the top of his head, 2 that he knows of: Assumption & Immaculate Conception.
    He thinks there is an argument that JPII Apostolic Letter in 1992 on the ordination of men only to the priesthood was an Infallible statement of doctrine.

    (Heh, heh - he doesn't know why I'm asking).

  11. FYI - his answer doesn't count. Sorry if I broke the rules.

  12. Not sure what you mean by "taught infallibly", but the basics of infallibility is that the Church is infallible, and when defining doctrine for the church, the pope himself is infallible.

  13. Yeah I was confused by that, too, Sarah.
    And Hafsa, converts know more than cradle Catholics, so no break for you!!

  14. Ann -- There isn't anything saying that your DH can't get an award too! Can I get an award for wanting others to get an award.. cause you know I love awards!!

    Ok... I, believe it or not, have a few ideas on this one! They are probably a little off... but here it goes.

    First, I think it's a trick question Leila! :) You talking papal infallibility or sacred magisterium?? I'm already confused!

    Second, I think the Mary stuff is infallible... but I swear that there is a loop hole with that... like those teachings were already regarding as true BEFORE there was the document or decision or teaching that there was infallibility... say late 1800s/vatican 1 maybe??? Hmmm... I know we talked about this at a Frassati thing once... just can't remember all of it!

    Third, I think there is one that says... whatever is on this blog (from the official catholic blog folks) is infallible. It's a new one.. just came out! :) He he!

  15. I agree that the pope only speaks infallibly on certain rare occaisions and that there are lot fewer infallible teachings than people expect. I assume the doctrine wording isn't a trick to the question, though I couldn't define doctrine. Maybe I should have googled that before I started. I am going with four, though it is really just a guess.

  16. Here I go, my first time on the DQS..

    the Church is infallible and the Pope can speak Infallibly, I dont' know that there are a set number of infallible teachings but I do know that when the Church has an infallible teaching that can never change. I'm pretty sure it has to be backed up by Scripture and probably tradition etc.

    But as for how many, I'm stumped.

  17. ALL of them! I think this question is like the "waka waka waka" joke my dad loves to say every time we pass a cemetery: "How many dead people are buried in that cemetery?" Answer: "All of them."

  18. Um, I meant to say Adrienne's answer! She's right.

    I haven't googled it but see the ah ha in the question now! I was always bad a word games.Bad Rhiannon!

  19. Ok...being the newbie Catholic (or not quite...still have 3 days :) ) I'm going to go out on a limb and say 1. DH and I were discussing this a few weeks back (he's been trying to teach me a lot!). If I remember correctly it's the Assumption. The Immaculate Conception was declared before papal infallibility was declared by the Vatican.

  20. Well, since I can't goole anything and I'm not completely sure on the definitions of the 4th and 8th words in the question, I'm off to read the other answers and see if I can't learn something!

  21. mom, do you even know this without looking it up?

  22. Sidenote: Leila... Saying Jesus is sitting right next to us... Catholic guilt at its best! Hehehe!

  23. I have no idea!!! But I can't help but add my two cents ;)

    Is the grand prize a sample of the soap that is "green" with the big hole in the middle??? hahaha

    By the way, I feel completely uneducated now, thanks :)

  24. Sigh...

    No Frank Sheed reference.
    No Scripture verse coming to mind.


    GOSH this is hard!!

    I'm going to say five which seems WAYYYYYY too low, but it seems to me there are five dogmas (is that a word?) and all are about Mary.

    Of course there are many other things that aren't Dogma such as the creed and the Eucharist and that's not even considering all of the encyclicals and moral laws. But I"ll stick with 5.

  25. Just read everyone elses's comments and I"m glad I"m not alone!

  26. Oh, wow, I hope I didn't make this too confusing! Apparently I may have... But I am fishing for something, and I think it will be clear with the answer. I actually am really enjoying the answers so far! (And Cecily, ha ha ha!)

  27. Can I refine my answer? 3 total, 1 assumed, and 1 possible coming soon. That's how I got 5. :) (Yes, I cheated! Hey! I knew 5- just now how it was broken down!!)

  28. 2, immaculate conception and the assumption, both about Mary. This doesn't come from me, but from my husband!

  29. How am I the last to answer this time? Because you posted in the afternoon. LADY!!!! DANG IT! I don't get my "first to comment" award this time. That's the only award I EVER get on these things!

    8 is my final answer.

  30. My answer can't count because I skimmed to many of the answers getting to the comment box. But skimming isn't really reading right? I guess all of them. I also went and asked my husband . He said 1 but didn't know which one.

  31. My first time to try!!! I guess 5 ?

  32. I'd say that all doctrines that have been taught by the Church are infallible since the Magisterium when teaching as such is infallible as is the Pope when he teaches ex catherdra (specifically teaching infallibly) and both are protected from teaching error in regard to faith and morals. There may only be 4 or 5 doctrines that have been specifically designated as infallible by being said by the Pope as such.

  33. Two:

    1) Immaculate Conception
    2) The Assumption (I think)

    And if I'm not mistake (I was just researching this for a friend the other week) I believe these two teachings were almost exactly 100 years apart. (1854'ish and 1954'ish?)

  34. I'm a newbie to the faith, so don't be harsh (ha!).

    All doctrines are considered infallible. As I understand it, doctrine cannot be changed and must be believed by all in the Catholic faith. I have no idea how many doctrines there are though.

  35. Horrible first answer. Haha! Is there even a list of all infallible doctrines? I don't think there is, so this is a trick question. I believe there has to be certain terminology used for them to be considered infallible. But, the teachings related to Mary noted above are infallible along with the teachings on abortion & intentional killing of humans, as well as men in the priesthood. There are probably several others, but you would have to do through and read all of the documents either by councils or the Pope to determine what those are.

  36. All right, Leila! Tell us what you're looking for! I can't take it anymore!!

  37. Lauren, ha ha! Okay, I will.... Just hang on a while longer.... I have my response almost done, but I am working on the Bubble Awards! :)

  38. Leila, sweetie, my darling dear one, you've got a lot of nerve telling us all not to cheat when you're cheating by asking a tricky question! The tricky sticky thing is that we are to accept as doctrine even some things that are not considered to have been infallibly taught. Now send me my Grand Prize, but first, Ten Hail Marys for cheating. ;-)

  39. Whoo hoo!!! I'm on pins and needles!! ;)

  40. Ooooh I missed this one! Drat!

  41. From my dear friend, MamaBear, who had trouble posting, so emailed this to me (too late for an award, MamaBear!!):

    "OK, Leila, you had me thinking about this all day. I would fail your class for sure! Here's my answer:

    All doctrines pertaining to morality and theology as the Pope is infallible in these areas as he is *guided* by the Holy Spirit not just inspired.

    I could really use a dose of infallibility around the house. Anyone else?"

  42. Okay I'll try it since I haven't looked at the answers yet.

    Absolutely no idea the actual # but it's not that common for the pope to speak "from the Chair of Peter" (in that manner). Unless there's a recent one I am unaware of, the last time was in the 1950's. Official declarations are usually reserved to clarify a dispute as many aspects of our faith are considered true/accepted until otherwise challenged (Arian heresy comes to mind).

    So there's my non-answer lol.


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