
Monday, April 19, 2010


To embryos everywhere: Four reasons you might be aborted.

My favorite line: "Unlike embryos, money can't be created in a Petri dish."


  1. Shoot! I can't access the link. Is it just me? I think it said link could not be found or something like that.

  2. Ok, the link worked this time. But after reading that I'm sick to my stomach. I had (and still have) asthma and I don't think I caused my family "severe distress"! My son has a peanut allergy - if they were able to detect it would that grounds to abort? Scary scary stuff. We are becoming such a "sterile" society that it's frightening. Luckily we'll all be made perfect in heaven! Too bad these geneticists may not make it there!

  3. SC, I know!! You are so right.

    And the part that made me sick was the hair color thing. I have two little redheaded boys! What else could they have been talking about.... "some are bullied due to hair color and commit suicide." I wanted to punch someone when I read that! You should see these two little JOYS of my LIFE! And they bring joy to everyone else, too! The thought that people might be aborting redheads?? Makes me ill!!!

  4. Can I cry now? ;( Those are four reasons too many...

  5. I am speechless after reading that sad but true essay. Speechless.

  6. So sad. I have a redheaded sister (and mother, and aunts, and grandparents) and that part stood out to me, too.

  7. It's very difficult for me to read things like this. It's horrifying.

  8. I'd like to submit a prayer request. Can you ladies pray for the Bishop of Covington? The two Right to Life groups here have endorsed opposing candidates and in the Diocese of Covington it's causing a bit of an uproar. I trust the bishop implicitly on this, but just ask for prayer for him as I'm sure this is a difficulty for him. Thank you.


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