
Monday, April 5, 2010

Blogroll etiquette and a shameful glitch *UPDATED*

Okay, so I am such an ignorant newbie! Is there such a think as blogroll etiquette? Meaning, do I just start slapping all the blogs I love on my blogroll, or do I ask permission of each blogger? I don't want to unleash a torrent of crazies on my lovely IF blogger friends, esp. because my loud-mouth political and religious rantings may attract some not-so-friendlies. What to do? Please advise.

Also, I have a blogroll glitch. Mother of all glitches, and something that may be unprecedented (that is how good I am at screwing up easy technology!). My dear friend Lisa, computer expert extraordinaire, has informed me that one cannot simply "remake" an old dormant blog with a brand new blog and expect that Google will "crawl" it and recognize the new entity. Sooooo, it is currently impossible for anyone to put my Little Catholic Bubble on his/her blogroll, as it will come us as "Catholic Moms Matchmaking" and lead you to exactly.... nowhere.


I am trying to get that fixed, but Lisa says that the only way it will happen is to get as many people to click the new blog as possible, until Google is forced to "crawl" the link. To help in that endeavor, Lisa has brutally forced me onto Twitter, which is a concept still foreign to me (and will remain so, God willing). She assures me that all the cool kids do it (did you hear that, Ann? More peer pressure!), and so I am now at her mercy. She is controlling my tweets, not I, and she says I should be grateful because most folks would pay her big money to do the same for them. She is a pretty big shot in the Twitter/blogger/political world, but that story is for another day (she actually owes most of that glory to, ahem, me).

But I digress....

I have a super-cool post on the Church scandal almost completed, but last night I realized it is far too long. So, I will cut it in two, like wise Solomon did with the baby, and I will try not to agonize so much about grammar and clarity and brevity (regretting now that I ever told any of you that I was a writer), and I will try to remember that I only have six readers anyway.

God bless you all as we begin the Easter season!!

*UPDATE: Hooray! I just learned (thank you, Ann) that my unprecedented bloggy blunder has been fixed!! I can be added to blogrolls!! I feel like I just joined the best sorority in town! Yay!


  1. Just start adding them!!! We know you anyway! :) Let em come our way we are barren we have a lot of fight in us!!!! hahahahaah

  2. I hope someone more knowledgeable answers. If there is an etiquette to adding people, I committed a serious blogger faux paus because I didn’t ask anybody. Maybe the first person, but after that they got added without their say-so.

    I added you to my blogroll and then just changed the name. It worked and your name is right on my blog.

    I like Lisa. She's my kind of people :)

  3. Sew, you slay me, ha ha ha!!

    Ann, this is such great news about the blogroll! I am glad, also, to have permission to start adding blogs to my roll. :)

  4. I remember not wanting to advertise I was a doc student due to my poor writing skills. No one will think twice though, it seems I read for content and don't get hung up, so this is as informal as you wanna be! We love you even if you have typos, lol (and long winded-hello, have you read my posts?! lol)

  5. So glad you started a blog! I've appreciated all your comments on mine and look forward to reading your very slanted're in good company! I agree, the best sorority out there!!!

  6. Thanks for the link!!! You've sent me some considerable traffic today! Traffic is what bloggers want so asking permission to link to them is a bit like my asking you if you'd like freebies from the pastry shop. Yeah, it's like that. I have read about a species of blogger who doesn't care for "low-quality links" coming into his blog, but I have yet to actually witness one of these creatures living in the wild, so I will reserve judgment on whether or not they actually exist outside a think tank. Further, if anyone ever dares to call your blog "low quality" let me know and I know........BLOG my disgust!

    You just don't appreciate Twitter!!! **SOBBING** I'll go ahead and share with you the very technical and complicated process that only we Twitter wizards know about so that you can lock me out of your account. Ready? Step One: "Change your Password". Step Two: If you can't do step one, you have no business on Twitter anyway.

    Anyway, I am thrilled beyond mere "rejoicing" that you are blogging. I'm already planning festivities for your first anniversary.

    Note to Ann: Thank you!!! :-)

  7. P.S. I blog a lot on Kentucky politics, so if I'm not relevant enough for your blogroll, please don't feel obligated to add me there. I can take it. :-)

  8. I'm pretty sure you have more than 6 readers!! I would bet my blogroll on it. ;)

  9. I added you to my google reader and it works perfectly! I also don't understand Twitter at all...if you come to figure it out, I'd love to hear your thoughts. :)

  10. LMAO @ Jenny! Girl, you kill me! I would bet my blogroll on it! I love it! So funny! Why didn't I think of that!!!???

    Oh and you can take the word verification off too.... :) hahaha I'm the word verification nazi, I hate it! :) Lisa will be more then happy to take it off for you! She is your personal IT lady! You already have a stuff lady!!!

  11. I meant staff instead of stuff

    My word verification crimmory, I agree word verification is crimmony! ;)

  12. So Leila, how do you know you have 6 readers?

  13. Yup, I'm the staff. She pays me with accolades. ;-)

  14. Ladies, fyi, Twitter is my second biggest referrer behind Facebook. It's taken some work to build that following, though.

  15. Add away, if people don't want others to read, they would probably go private. I am so excited to read your blog posts, and Lisa - you sound awesome. I love the reference "have yet to actually witness one of these creatures in the wild"! LOL!! But, I have to admit, I don't get the Twitter thing either...oh well, I think I will stick with FB and the blog. God Bless and Happy Easter!

  16. You can definately add me, but as you've probably noticed I don't post pics of myself and/or my real name, so if you link to me just use my blog name ;) The whole world has yet to discover I am indeed a barren whore. Only our country, Canada, half of Mexico and Guam know thus far.


    OK, so now it's time for your initiation... they told you about that, right?

  17. Just add us, I always think it's flattering when I see that I'm on someone's blogroll!

  18. tcie u crack me up! hahahaha

  19. Thanks guys! And TCIE, I'm breaking out in cold sweats just thinking about my initiation!!!! Ah, but it's worth it to join your ranks. :)


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